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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Shuhua had been discharged from the hospital, two weeks since the biggest scare of her life, and two weeks since the thought of Soojin had almost quite literally killed her. Two weeks, and she still felt the same pain. Two weeks, and she was still heartbroken by Seo Soojin.

It got harder to bare when Soojin started inviting her boyfriend, Hui, over for dinner all the time. Shuhua had to watch them be all lovey-dovey, and it made her sick. She would excuse herself from dinner before she even ate; she kept losing her appetite. The other members were concerned, she hadn't been eating as much as she should've, but they didn't want to pry unless it got worse.

For the first night out of the week, the members ate separately, which Shuhua was grateful for. She was hungry, finally, because she didn't have to look at Soojin. There was one problem, however. She hadn't bought any food in a couple of days since she wasn't hungry, and now her price was having to go to the store right when all she wanted to do was heat up some homemade food.

"Hey, Miyeon unnie, I'm going to the store. I'll be back soon!" Shuhua chirped. "Ok, be careful and be back soon, or else I'm coming to get you." Miyeon reprimanded. "Aye Aye Captain!" Shuhua quoted, making Miyeon laugh and roll her eyes.

Shuhua, after a half an hour, finally had her food, and she was heading back home. It was starting to rain, and it was getting dark, so she tried to hurry. She was running, as a foot stepped into her point of view, and tripped her. Her hand was bleeding, but that was the least of her worries. A man was holding her down, and she couldn't move.

"Who are you? Please let me go!" Shuhua asked, raising her voice slightly. The man had a mask on; she couldn't see exactly who it was. She only knew when she heard a very familiar voice. "Hello, Shuhua. Fancy seeing you here." The man said.

"Hui? What do you want?" Shuhua asked. She was still being pinned down by the man, who by now had dragged her into the alleyway. "I'm gonna make this short and simple. I know how you see Soojin. You're so hopelessly in love with her, and I don't want her around scum like you. She doesn't love you, and she never will." Hui spat, his anger rolling off of his tongue.

"What makes you think I would listen to you? I barely know you?" Shuhua fired back, she didn't believe he had this kind of nerve. "I know your one weakness; Soojin. If you don't stay away from her, she'll pay the price for it." Hui bellowed. "How about I leave you a little reminder?" Hui maliciously laughed. He got off of Shuhua, but not before punching her mercilessly on her stomach two or three times. She bellowed in pain, this would definitely leave bruises. "See you soon Shuhua." Hui laughed.

Shuhua, with much trouble, finally was able to get up. Her arms had bruises on them from Hui's hold, and her stomach was probably a black and blue canvas. She wanted to be angry at Hui, but she honestly couldn't. She didn't blame him. "He's right. I am disgusting." Shuhua thought.

She walked home in the rain, with hidden bruises, and an absolutely broken heart. She was drenched, and no longer had an appetite. She just ignored the members calling for her, and went straight to her room. She took her shirt off, and was appalled with what she saw. "I'm hideous." Shuhua thought. It was almost painful to look at herself these days.

Her reflection seemed to show through her soul. Her bloody hand, bruised arms and stomach, and broken heart started to take over her. She didn't know how much longer she was supposed to go on.

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