jealousy | M

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(This is a continuation of the last chapter. I've never properly written smut or anything so I'm sorry if this so bad but I felt as if it was fitting to add this here for anyone who wants to read it. This chapter doesn't have much to do with the actual storyline, so if you don't like these kinds of things, you can just skip it. Thank you, and hopefully this isn't horrible)

Shuhua turned around to see Soojin, who was quite angry. Shuhua hasn't ever felt nervous like this before, but the way that Soojin's eyes were screaming with lust and anger, something Shuhua hadn't ever seen before. She was certain that she was ready to do these kinds of things with Soojin, but was hesitant since she wasn't sure whether Soojin was ready. Turns out, she was the one keeping them from doing anything; not the other way around.

Yuqi saw Soojin and Shuhua staring at each other from the corner of her eye. "Finally! She's getting some! Shit, we better leave right now." Yuqi thought, and immediately dragged Minnie, Miyeon, and Soyeon out of the house, not before giving Shuhua a wink, which the other girl blushed at.

They heard the door slam, and now it was just the two of them. "He has the audacity to touch you like that. Tsk." Soojin whispered, approaching Shuhua, who was backing up, eventually hitting the wall.

Soojin corned Shuhua against the wall, and whispered in her ear, "You're mine, babygirl." Shuhua felt her breathing hitch, she was extremely turned on, although she wouldn't ever admit that our loud. She gulped, while Soojin stared right into her eyes. Soon enough, Soojin collided her lips with Shuhua's, shoving her tongue into the younger's mouth.

Shuhua let out a small whimper; that excited Soojin. She whispered, "why don't we take this upstairs?", to which Shuhua aggressively nodded. She picked up the smaller girl, and hoisted her up the stairs and into her room. Shuhua felt her back hit Soojin's bed, and Soojin was quick to start attaching her lips to Shuhua's neck, making her elicit small whimpers here and there.

Shuhua was in a state of shock and lust. She had always dreamed of this, having Soojin as her girlfriend, having the older one claim her, and now it was happening. Soojin took her shirt off, leaving Shuhua in her bra. She started to attack her neck with new and fresh purple marks, making Shuhua whimper even more.

"Don't hold back, I want to hear you." Soojin rasped, and Shuhua could have sworn that she would give it all to hear that sound again. Soojin bit even harder, and Shuhua let out a loud gasp. She started to take off her own shirt, leaving the two half naked (for now). Soon enough, she unclipped Shuhua's bra, making the other girl cover herself up. Soojin frowned, she didn't want Shuhua to be self conscious.

"Don't cover yourself, you're beautiful." Soojin whispered, and Shuhua slowly uncovered herself, allowing Soojin to take in the view of the girl underneath her. "See? You're amazing." Soojin reassured, before leaving more marks all the way across Shuhua's chest, making the girl let out sinful moans.

She unclipped her own bra, and Shuhua couldn't not stare at her. "She's a goddess. Confirmed." She thought, while Soojin was making her way down Shuhua's body, marking her territory. Shuhua moaned loudly, thank god everyone left. "Soojin!" She called out. "It's mommy for you." Soojin let out, her voice low and filled with lust.

In a blink, Soojin managed to remove both her garments and Shuhua's; the two were completely exposed. Soojin stopped for a second, she didn't want to go any further unless the younger girl was alright with it.

"Are you positive you want to do this? I can wait; don't do this just to please me." Soojin asked, concerned, and Shuhua smiled. "I'm ready. I love you." Shuhua admitted. Soojin smiled widely, "I love you too, Shu."

Soojin crouched down to where Shuhua was, and without warning, stuck her tongue inside. Shuhua jolted, she'd never experienced anything like this before. She knew that Soojin was experienced, and part of her wished it was also her first time too, but at the end of the day, she was glad that Soojin loved her even though she lacked experience. Shuhua moaned loudly, this sensation was amazing.

Soojin, after her whole endeavor, sat back up. "This is gonna hurt; I'm sorry baby." She whispered, she didn't want the younger to feel pain, but that's part of the process. Soojin stuck one of her fingers in, and Shuhua hissed. "Shit, this hurts." She thought, and gritted her teeth. Soojin left her finger there for a while, before slowly starting to move it.

Soon, the pain turned into complete pleasure. Soojin added another finger, and then another. The girl underneath her was moaning so loudly, she was definitely keeping the neighbors up. "Mommy, please! More!" Shuhua shouted, and who was Soojin to deny. She fastened her pace in and out of the girl, while Shuhua was screaming in pleasure. The girl eventually reached her release, and Soojin went to go grab a towel.

"Holy shit. That was insane." Shuhua thought, she was happy that she experienced something so amazing with the love of her life, Seo Soojin. Soojin came back, and started to help Shuhua change into something comfortable.

"How did you like it?" Soojin smiled; she wasn't sure how Shuhua felt, but she had a great experience. "I loved it, thank you for loving me." Shuhua whispered and smiled, while Soojin leaned down on the bed, motioning for Shuhua to lay in her arms. "I love you, Shu." Soojin whispered. "I love you too." Shuhua answered, and both girls fell asleep in each other's arms.

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