the damn pentagon

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Shuhua couldn't keep her eyes off of the pentagon; something about it just seemed so familiar. Tzuyu snapped her out of her thoughts when she scoffed, "You're telling me that I had to leave my comfortable home in Korea, go the police station, fly to Taiwan, trash my dad's office, and drive all the way here for this? Just to do some fucking geometry?!"

Shuhua just laughed at Tzuyu's comment. She was trying to figure out what the significance of this was, there was no way that Tzuyu's father would ask this of them without a reason. She traced the figure of the pentagon, trying so hard to figure out where the pentagon was from, it's almost as if she's seen it before. For a faint second, she could have sworn that she saw it glow bright blue, but it disappeared as soon as it came. The only thing on the desk was the engraved pentagon, no papers or documents. "There's nothing here, we should just get home. I miss Sana." Tzuyu huffed. "Touché." Shuhua laughed, and they exited the building.

Seoul, South Korea ~ 11:00 pm

Incoming call- Cheng Xiao

"Hello? What the hell do you want?"

"I'm sorry sir, I know this is late. I led them into the meeting room; my work is done right?"

"Yeah, whatever."

H ended the call; he couldn't tolerate her annoying voice any longer. He breathed out, this had been easier than he thought. Now he had exactly what he needed.

"Get ready for your downfall, Yeh Shuhua."

(time skip. the two girls are back in Korea)

Shuhua and Tzuyu were exhausted, they just wanted to go back home, but Moonbyul insisted on them coming into the station, probably to discuss what they had found, if anything.

"Do I really have to be here?" Shuhua deadpanned, she was NOT in the mood for this right now. "I'm gonna ignore the fact that you said that. Anyways, did you find anything?" Solar asked, it was late, and she wanted to sleep. Shuhua and Tzuyu looked at each other, they debated telling what they had found, but Tzuyu started speaking before Shuhua could even think of what to say.

"We found this desk that was engraved with a pentagon in our company building. That's it." Tzuyu cut herself off; the letter that her dad wrote was personal to her, and she wouldn't let the police get involved in her business. "A pentagon? What the hell are we gonna do with that?" Moonbyul stood there, confused. Shuhua could feel herself getting a bad headache every time the pentagon was mentioned. It was almost like her brain was trying to tell her something; trying to make her remember something, but she couldn't.

"Wait! The only pentagon I can think of right now is the symbol of the "Kim Dynasty Club." Solar explained, as Moonbyul opened her eyes in realization, and the two foreigners were highly confused. "Is that a kdrama or something?" Shuhua asked, confused. "It's a highly popular club in Seoul. Meet us back at the station tomorrow night. We're going to the club." Solar stated, making Shuhua and Tzuyu roll their eyes. They had no choice but to put up with everything; after all, they wanted everything to end as quick as possible. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning.

Shuhua dropped Tzuyu off at the Twice dorm, getting a wave as a thank you from Sana. She sighed as she drove back home. "Why is this shit so complicated? I never thought I would desire being back in the group and having no lines so much." Shuhua thought. She was sick of this, she hadn't even been able to see her father. She debated sending Soyeon to check on him for her, but she knew she was busy. "Too busy to deal with my problems." Shuhua sighed again. She parked the car, and opened the door very quietly. It was really late, about 1 am.

Shuhua kicked off of her shoes, and went to go grab a glass of water. She saw a figure in the kitchen,
waiting for her. Assuming it's Soyeon, she walked in, whispering a "hi unnie". The figure walked closer towards her. "This is too tall to be Soyeon." Shuhua told herself. "You're back, Shu." The voice spoke, and Shuhua immediately knew that voice.

"Soojin? Why are you up?" Shuhua said, concerned that her now girlfriend was staying up so late. "I couldn't sleep properly without you in my bed. I'm glad you're back. I missed you." Soojin whispered, and Shuhua felt her heart melt. She could never get enough of Soojin. "I missed you too, babe." Shuhua smiled, and Soojin snickered at the poorly used pet name. "I'm not gonna ask what happened, we'll save that for tomorrow. Right now, I need you." Soojin rasped, and Shuhua felt intimidated. "What the hell is she doing?" She thought. Soojin wasted no time, and picked Shuhua up, wrapping the younger girl's legs around her torso. "My water!" Shuhua thought.

(slight smut; skip ahead if you would like!)

With Shuhua's legs wrapped around Soojin, she carried her into her room. Soojin locked the door, and laid Shuhua down on her bed, her back hitting the mattress. Soojin hovered over her, admiring her view. "You look amazing underneath me." Soojin whispered, and Shuhua could feel goosebumps forming all over her body. Soojin removed her shirt, and started to take off Shuhua's. She stopped for a second, looking at Shuhua. She nodded her head yes.

She kissed down her jawline, and then down to her neck, leaving notable hickeys. "Guess she's covering that tomorrow." Soojin snickered to herself. All she could hear were Shuhua's quiet whimpers of approval. Once she was done, she laid herself down on the bed next to Shuhua. She definitely wanted more, but she knew the younger girl probably wasn't ready, and she was alright with waiting.

Shuhua felt like another person; this was the first time she had done anything like this. In Taiwan, she hadn't come out to anyone, so she was never able to experience anything like this. The few boyfriends she had, she didn't let them cross that point. The lights were dark, all you could see was the moonlight shining through the curtains. Soojin, who was already sleeping next to her, looked so ethereal.

"I love you, jinjin. I hope I have the courage to tell you that someday."

a/n - hi everyone! i know no one really cares ab heading from me but i figured i would do this anyways lmao. thank you for all of the reads on the story! it's so cool that even one person found my story interesting enough to read it. i like the current storyline, but some part of me feels as if it's too weird since they're "idols" in the beginning of the book. i'm also thinking of making a new fic once i'm done with this one, and i think it's either gonna be vmin, or minqi. hopefully that's something that people will enjoy. thank you again :)

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