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Flashes of blue, red and gold filled Shuhua's dreams. She was first taken to where she saw the desk, the looming outlined red/blue pentagon engraved in the hard wood of the desk. Her dreams flashed, and it changed to the setting of the Kim Dynasty Club. There it was again, the pentagon. This time, it was outlined in full blue, no change in color. The pentagon wouldn't leave Shuhua's mind, what did this mean? Who would do such a thing as to ruin her life like this? Hurting her dad? Her conversation with Jin popped into her mind, the man had a familiar name, something like Hoetaek?

The scene changed once again, but this time it slowed down. Shuhua was back where most of her problems started, on the ground in the pouring rain, being abused by none other than Hui. Punch after punch, she could feel her eyes starting to give out. All of the sudden, Shuhua noticed something. Something EXTREMELY important. There it was again, the pentagon, this time, a blue outlined pentagon tattooed on Hui's wrist.

Shuhua woke up, blinking her eyes madly. "This makes so much sense, why he would attack her father, why he would write those things that she found in the office." Shuhua thought. She was too busy trying to catch her breath to know that she woke Soojin up.

"Baby? Are you alright? Why are you breathing so heavily?" Soojin asked, with her eyes half open. "I need to wake Soyeon up, we need to go to the police station right now!" Shuhua panted, alarming Soojin, who was now worried. "The police?! Why?!" Soojin asked, extremely concerned.

Soyeon and Miyeon were sleeping in the same bed. No one knew about their "thing" but they would tel everyone when they were ready. Soyeon's eyes fluttered open, she could hear a loud banging on the door. Soyeon's movements woke Miyeon up, who groaned. "Babe, go back to bed." Miyeon asked, and went to lay back down but Soyeon stopped her. "Do you hear that? It's like muffled voices." Soyeon asked, and the two stopped talking to hear more banging and voices.

Soyeon grabbed her bat, and went downstairs, with Miyeon behind her. She opened the door up, bat in hand, to see policemen at the doorstep. Soyeon screamed, "Get down here!" into the dorm, and soon enough, all of the members crawled like zombies, and now they were facing the door.

"Where's Yeh Shuhua?" The voice boomed, and Shuhua stepped forward. "That would be me sir. Listen, I need to tell you some-" Shuhua started, but got cut off by the man grabbing her wrists and hoisting them behind her back. "Let her go! Don't touch my girlfriend!" Soojin barked, but the cop didn't listen to her.

"Yeh Shuhua, you're under arrest for charges of brutality and the attempted murder of Hui." The policeman said, and the room went silent.

"Is this guy crazy?" Shuhua thought, this was getting ridiculous. "Are you serious? He's the one who should be going to jail! Not me!" Shuhua yelled at the police officer, who put the handcuffs on her back. Of course, the man didn't listen. Shuhua realized it then; she had no power anymore. It was over for her, she might as well as accept it. Soojin noticed this change, and she locked eyes with Shuhua, boring into the younger's broken ones.

"I guess I deserve this. For someone as disgusting and vile as myself." Shuhua whispered, before being taken away by the guard; she didn't know when she would the members again. For Shuhua's sake, they couldn't fight back. They just watched their sun be taken away by eternal darkness, possibly for good.

earlier that night
Hui's home - 12:30 am

Hui looked at the knife in the bag. "I have to do it now." He thought. He put on some gloves, and grabbed the knife. Rolling up his shirt, he positioned the knife at his stomach. "1, 2, 3" He counted, and then plunged the knife deep into his stomach.

"Fuck! That shit hurts. This better be worth it." Hui thought, and immediately grabbed the phone to call the ambulance. He told them that he was stabbed, and then threw the gloves into the nearest garbage can.

He waited until the police showed up, and began his "sob story". "Please help me! I was just watching a movie on my phone when I got stabbed! Help!" Hui cried, and the police automatically put him on the ambulance and drove him to the hospital.

Once he got stitches for his gaping wound, the police called him in to tell them what happened. He started off the story, saying that he was watching a video on his phone, when a girl walked into his house and stabbed him with a knife. That girl, specifically, was Yeh Shuhua.

"How can you prove this?" The policeman asked, and boy did Hui have a trick up his sleeve. "If you don't believe me, check the fingerprints of the knife. DNA doesn't lie." Hui retorted, and the cops began to test the knife for fingerprints. With a little bit of searching, the results came up.

They were indeed Yeh Shuhua's fingerprints. She was guilty.

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