last man standing

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Hui locked eyes with Shuhua, malicious intent dawning in his demeanor. "I'm so sick of looking at him already." Shuhua almost gagged. The two were now sitting down at their designated spots, the case was starting.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Today we're battling the case of Hui against Yeh Shuhua, for attempt of murder. Hui, your lawyer may go first, good luck." The judge stated, and Kai stood up.

"Before we start, I want to make one thing clear. Just because Yeh Shuhua may be loved from the outside; we don't truly know what kind of person she is. The prettiest ones are always the most wicked." Kai started, and Shuhua scoffed. "That could go for both of us, you jerk."

"My client Hui, has come to me with much concern regarding his traumatic experience. It's difficult to be the victim of this certain situation, but Hui handled it very well. I'm calling Lee Hoetaek up to the stand." Kai continued.

Hui stood up, a smirk overriding his features. He winked at Soojin, who looked extremely uncomfortable, and Shuhua was about to kill him right there. He sat down on the chair, and Kai started to ask him some "valuable" questions.

"So, Hoetaek. Please explain to us what actually happened that night." Kai asked, and Hui complied. "Gladly. I was watching a movie at my home, when Shuhua just came in and stabbed me with a knife. I immediately called the police right after, but she left before I could stop her." Hui answered, and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "He has so many plot holes; this case shouldn't even be happening." He thought.

"Thank you. You may sit down." Kai ushered for Hui to sit down, and instead called Shuhua up to the stand. Shuhua locked eyes with her friends, before taking a deep breath and sitting down on the chair provided. "So, Shuhua. Where were you that night?" Kai started.

"I was with my members. We were relaxing inside our house." Shuhua calmly answered, her face showing relentless boredom. "Hm, alright. Explain to me how the knife that Hui was stabbed with has your fingerprints on it." Kai spat, and the room silenced. That was a big nail in the coffin for Shuhua's current reputation.

"Soyeon unnie and Miyeon unnie were making dinner early in the morning for some reason; to plan ahead, perhaps. They had asked me to cut up some peppers, to which I complied. Then we went out for breakfast, and I left the knife on the counter. When we came back, I noticed it wasn't in that spot anymore and I just assumed Soyeon put it away, but now I know that it was used to frame me." Shuhua calmly answered, and Soojin smiled. She was so proud of her girl for handing this so well.

"Very well, you may sit down now. Ladies and gentlemen, do you really believe a story about cutting peppers? That's the best she could do? Not a chance. Why would my client go out of the way to stab himself? That causes major pain and damage; no one is crazy enough to do that. Also, Hui formerly dated Seo Soojin, Shuhua's girlfriend. She's had a resentment towards him from the beginning, he was dating the girl she loved. That resentment could easily be enough to commit such a crime as this. That's all that needs to be said; thank you." Kai finished, and Shuhua rolled her eyes for the 50th time today. "It's the other way around!" She thought. Now it was Jungkook's turn, and he stood up.

"Unlike Mr.Kim over there, I actually have decency to not yell at people when I talk to them. After working with Yeh Shuhua, I've realized that she is indeed a good person. A girl who's been through a lot of rough things, especially at such a young age. We have more than enough evidence to go against this guy, it's almost comical." Jungkook stated, and he smiled at Shuhua.

"Hui says that Shuhua stabbed him right? Well, we have 5 witnesses that were with her during that time. Not 1. 5 witnesses! I'm about to call Shuhua to the stand; can you please sit down there for me?" Jungkook asked, and Shuhua was more than happy to comply.

"Can you please explain to us everything that has happened to you that regards Lee Hoetaek?" Jungkook asked, and Shuhua started speaking. "Yes, of course. For the majority of our encounters, I knew Hui as Soojin's boyfriend. I will admit that I loved Soojin when they were together, but I promised myself that I would keep my pain to myself for the sake of Soojin. If she was happy, I could take the pain 1000 times over; and I would, just to know that she was ok." Shuhua smiled, and Soojin had tears in her eyes. Loving Shuhua was the best decision she ever made.

"I'm assuming that Hui must have known of my feelings for Soojin. One day, I was walking home from the store, and Hui tripped me. He climbed on top of me, and punched my stomach multiple times, leaving bruises, as well as holding onto my wrists, which also left bruises. He threatened to hurt Soojin and I unless I stayed away from her. So that's what I did, for her sake, until she invited him over for dinner one night. Miyeon unnie, who knew about the abuse, protected me from him, and he fully admitted to hurting me, as well as calling me disgusting, and scum. He then outed me in front of everyone, and I haven't seen him in person since." Shuhua finished, and the people of the court room had shock all over their faces.

"Now, the other side could preach that she's fabricating this, but how can she fabricate evidence?Shuhua, can you please lift up your shirt for us, so that we can see the damage done to your stomach." Jungkook asked, and Shuhua's face paled slightly. Nevertheless, she lifted up her shirt, noticeable bruising still covering her stomach. The crowd gasped, things weren't looking good for him right now.

"You say that Hui would stab himself, but the same thing goes for her. Why would she punch herself; scratch that, it's a pain (literally) to extend her arm far enough to punch her own stomach. I would also like to present Shuhua's diary, which has the truth all written inside of it. Jungkook handed the diary to the judge, who flipped through the pages until he found an important excerpt. He began to read aloud.

"The effects of Hui's damage has been haunting me still. The bruises won't fade; and neither will my self-doubt. I feel broken, violated, and filthy. The image won't leave my head, his hands beating me, his wrists holding on so tight, and my helplessness while being trapped in the rain. He told me to stay away from Soojin, maybe he's right. I'm not good enough for her, I never will be."

The judge finished his sentence, and Hui had a scowl written all over his face. Shuhua felt uncomfortable, her privacy was being heavily invaded, but she would do anything to put him in jail. The crowd was dead silent, a looming pitifulness hanging around in the air. Soojin had tears rolling down her face, Shuhua hadn't ever told her how difficult it was for her to overcome that. Yuqi felt so guilty, even if it wasn't her fault.

Jungkook had an anger in his eyes; he felt overprotective of Shuhua, more or less. He also hated people like Hui; ones who manipulate and take advantage of someone with less power for their own benefit.

"So you're telling me that she's lying? People; the truth is right there! I have one more source, and after this, we can all go celebrate while this man is rotting in jail." Jungkook spat, and called for the witness to come onto the stand.

"Cheng Xiao?" Shuhua thought.

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