uh oh

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Today marked the 2 week date since she came back from Taiwan. She missed the other members, and they missed her, so for that reason, she was happy to be back in Korea. Although, her feelings of uneasiness came back just as soon as she landed in Korea. She wasn't sure if she had bad luck tied to this place, or if the thought of Korea automatically reminded her of Soojin, and of her heart breaking.

They were filming an "I Talk", and Shuhua was tempted to go bother Soojin, but ultimately held herself back. She decided to appear with Miyeon instead, as she knew the fans loved that ship as well.

"So everyone, we're here shooting some stuff for our promotion!" Shuhua squealed, with Miyeon laughing next to her. "Yes, our little Shuhua is very excited. We hope you guys will like this video that we're shooting, as we're working very hard on it!" Miyeon added, while Shuhua just transported into her own world per usual.

Shuhua looked over towards Soojin, who seemed to be smiling while looking at her phone. "I wonder who she's talking to?" Shuhua questioned herself.

After a long filming day, the girls were finally able to go home. "Whew! Finally! My legs are gonna fall off." Minnie joked, earning a slap from Yuqi. "Stop over exaggerating!" Yuqi deadpanned. Soojin cleared her throat, making everyone stop in their tracks. Soojin normally wasn't one to start a conversation; she was pretty shy compared to Yuqi, Minnie, and Shuhua. "I have something to tell you guys, can we sit down please?" Soojin asked softly.

The girls were seated at their dining table, all of them waiting for Soojin to speak. "So to sum it up, Hui and I have started to talk again, and we've decided to date. I know the ban isn't up yet, but our CEO told us that it's ok, as long as we don't go anywhere in public together. So what do you guys think?" Soojin explained.

Two out of the 6 girls went silent. The other four were bombarding Soojin with "congrats!" and "I knew it!", while Yuqi was really concerned with how Shuhua was doing after this news. The girl had a poker face; it was almost as if you couldn't even see the utmost hidden piece of sadness behind her cold demeanor. Shuhua felt her heart break into a million pieces, 10 times over. She saw this coming, but she didn't know it would hurt that much.

She hid her emotions, for the sake of Soojin. "Congratulations, unnie." Shuhua exclaimed; it looked so real that even Yuqi was phased for a second. Yuqi needed to get the girl out of the house; she knew Shuhua would break down any second now, she was a ticking time bomb. "How about I go and get you some snacks to celebrate? Shuhua, come with me please?" Yuqi softly asked. "Yes, of course." Shuhua replied, catching on rather quickly.

"Girls, I don't think that's a good idea." Soyeon whispered to two of them. "Please, unnie." Shuhua murmured, causing Soyeon to eventually agree. "Fine, but please come back at a reasonable time." Soyeon scolded. "Yessir!" Yuqi joked, and ran out of the door with Shuhua before Soyeon could yell at them.

Shuhua felt numb. Almost as if she wanted to cry, but just didn't have the power to do so. She was so angry at herself, why did she let this happen? Why was it so hard for her to not love Soojin? She couldn't breathe, her world was spinning. She started to get dizzy and nauseous, and soon enough, she couldn't see straight anymore. Shuhua could only hear Yuqi's muffled voice before she passed out hard onto the concrete.

"Shit! Shuhua!" Yuqi screamed. She needed to do something, the girl just passed out. She quickly called an ambulance, and waited for them to get there. She jumped into the ambulance, while seeing Shuhua unconscious, and laying on a stretcher. Yuqi felt horrible; could she have stopped this? With her head in her hands, they left for the hospital.

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