social butterfly

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After a long wait, the members of Twice and (g)idle were able to hang out normally, without the court cases and sadness that accompanied their previous attempts. Shuhua had invited all of the girls over to the idle dorm, and now 15 girls were sitting in the living room.

Tzuyu, Sana, Shuhua, and Soojin were chatting up a storm, while Momo, Dahyun, Yuqi, Minnie, Jeongyeon, and Soyeon were playing card games. Mina, Miyeon, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, and Jihyo were battling each other in Mario Kart, they were extremely competitive.

Shuhua looked around, quite happy with the situation. "And Yuqi thinks she's the social one?" Shuhua thought, after all, these were her friends. Miyeon and Nayeon were pushing each other around, while screaming super loudly. It looked like a zoo, but that was expected of them. They were all total crackheads.

Shuhua's phone rang 3 times, and she excused herself into another room to answer the call.

Seokjinie 🤩 is calling...

"Bitch! What's up sis?!"

"Hello to you too, Jin."

"Are you free tomorrow night? The 7 of us are all gonna be together, and I really want you to meet the rest of us!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm free. Am I coming over or something?"

"No,  I'll pick you up. I have a funny surprise for you!"

"Oh god. I swear to god, Jin. If you buy me a parrot or something, I'm cancelling you."

"I'm not buying you a parrot. Not yet at least. Relax! I have to go now, Namjoon is crying from watching Lion King and I need to go comfort him. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye Jinie."

call ended.

"I hope he didn't buy me a parrot or some shit like that." Shuhua thought, Soyeon would end up having to take care of it anyway. She shook her head, and returned to the room with a big smile. Jin was so effortlessly funny.

She sat back down, and Soojin wrapped her arm around Shuhua shoulder. "Who called you just now?" Soojin asked, her possessiveness was uncanny. "Relax, it's just Jin. I think he may have bought me a parrot." Shuhua laughed, and Tzuyu smirked. "Dahyun is setting up the maknae line karaoke. Are you in or are you in?" Tzuyu asked, rather demanded, and Shuhua flew out of her chair.

Leaving karaoke to the youngest girls was never a good idea. Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Yuqi, and Shuhua were all shouting and jumping up and down while trying to sing along to the song, specifically Usher's "yeah". The older girls were sitting behind them, rolling their eyes at how stupid their younger sisters were, but nevertheless they loved them so much.

(The next day)

Jin had texted Shuhua that he was picking her up at 7:30 pm, and told her to wear something nice. She didn't know where they were going, but Jin said it would be fun, and Shuhua trusted him; he knew how to have a good time.

Soojin wasn't a big fan, although she didn't mind Jin, she didn't trust the other guys not to make a move on her girlfriend. Shuhua was captivating, no one in their right mind wouldn't stare at her. She wanted Shuhua to have fun and she trusted that the girl wouldn't do anything, so she ultimately let it happen. She couldn't control what her girlfriend did anyways.

Shuhua was getting her heels on, and Soojin couldn't stop staring at her. Shuhua looked so badass. Soojin wouldn't lie and say that she didn't want to take the girl up to her room then and there. She was wearing an all black outfit, with a lace part in the middle, and a matte black choker. (Her outfit is in the photo in the beginning)

Shuhua turned around to Soojin eyeing her up and down; the girl was so damn obvious. "You look amazing." Soojin whispered, looking at the other girl like she was her prey. Shuhua's submissive nature threatening to leave her body, and she was so close to letting Soojin carry her up to her room, but she knew Jin really wanted her to meet his friends, so she fought against it.

"Save that for later." Shuhua winked, and Jin honked the horn. "Thank god. I wouldn't have lasted much longer." Shuhua thought, Jin was her saving grace. Soojin accompanied her outside, where Jin was standing in front of a bright pink limo, which had the words "Stan (g)idle, stan talent!" painted all over. Shuhua's eyes were about to pop out of her head; Jin was so crazy.

Soojin was dying laughing, and even took pictures to show the other members. "Maybe Jin isn't so bad." She thought, she could get used to him if he was always this funny. She grabbed Shuhua, and gave her a short kiss before telling her to have fun, and Shuhua joined Jin in the limo.

"Are you insane?" Shuhua laughed, she couldn't even catch her breath. Jin shrugged, the message on the car needed to be heard. "Anyways, we're going to my club! The boys are already there, and so are some familiar faces that you might know. We're gonna have a great time!" Jin smiled, and Shuhua shook her head in her seat. "I can't believe this is actually my friend."

Shuhua and Jin walked into the club, and everyone started to wave to Jin. "Damn, everyone knows him, huh?" Shuhua thought. Jin lead her to the VIP section, where 6 other boys were waiting for her. Jin and Shuhua sat down, and the boys followed suit.

"This is Shuhua, my queen. Shuhua, these are my friends and my brother. I think you'll like them!" Jin introduced them to each other, and Shuhua started to have individual conversations with a couple of them, as she knew Namjoon and Jungkook already. Yoongi and Hoseok were good company, and suited each other very well. Lastly, she met Taehyung (Jin's brother) and Park Jimin, Taehyung's boyfriend. "Damn he is a charmer. Jin wasn't kidding." Shuhua thought. The boys were fun.

The 8 of them went to the dance floor. Shuhua ordered a light alcoholic beverage; she experimented a little with drinking with Dahyun and Chaeyoung before hand, so she wasn't really phased. Soojin would kill her if she knew that she drank.

A figure tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around to see someone familiar. "Jennie?!" Shuhua exclaimed, and Jennie smiled and reached out for a hug, which Shuhua complied. "Hey Shuhua! What are you doing here?" Jennie asked, clearly a little tipsy.

"I'm here with Jin." Shuhua answered, and Jennie just nodded. She dragged Shuhua over to another table, for her to see three other girls sitting with her.

"Holy shit. I'm meeting the other members of Blackpink." Shuhua thought, she was a fan. "Guys, this is Shuhua, from (g)idle. She's one of us." Jennie introduced, and the three girls waved with smiles on their faces. "Nice to meet you! I'm Chaeyoung!" Rosé started, and got cut off by Lisa. "I'm Lisa. I'm friendly with Minnie, one of your members." Lisa said, and Shuhua nodded in realization. "I'm Jisoo, nice to meet you, Shuhua." Jisoo lastly introduced herself.

"Why is everyone so nice?" Shuhua thought, she was having a great time. This night had been a nice one for her; she was able to let loose and have a good time, despite all of the stress in her life. She met some nice people, danced, and had fun. Things were looking great for Shuhua. She was finally getting the happy ending she deserved.

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