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If you had told Shuhua that she would be able to return to Taiwan, she would have jumped for joy, but for the first time in forever, Shuhua was dreading to return back home. The news about her father shook her up, and especially since she would have to barge into his office and look through his records for the police, who she was upset with; they ruined her perfect night with Soojin.

Tzuyu wasn't so happy either, her time with Sana got cut off. The two girls were feeling the same pain. They decided that they would visit both of their houses together, so that they could get the process over with faster. Here they were, at Tzuyu's house, looming through files in her father's office.

"This is so stupid. Why would they make us leave our houses for a couple of days, only to wreck my dad's office and find nothing?" Tzuyu huffed, and Shuhua just sighed. "If we don't find anything in my dad's office, I'm gonna be pissed." Shuhua spat, bitterness rolling off of her tongue. The two continued to look through the office, until Shuhua noticed that the painting on the center of the wall looked out of place.

"Tzu, was that painting always there?" Shuhua asked; it looked off to her. "No, my dad always had our family picture there, but I haven't been in here since I was 15 years old, so maybe he changed it." Tzuyu responded. Shuhua walked over to the painting. "Looks pretty normal." She thought, but then she changed her mind quite quickly. The more she looked at it, she noticed a large gap between the middle of the painting and the wall. She grabbed the bottom right corner, and the painting swung open, revealing a safe.

"Bingo!" Shuhua smirked, and Tzuyu's eyes widened. "How the hell did you do that?" Tzuyu asked, impressed. "Eh, I just trusted my wits." Shuhua joked, and Tzuyu just rolled her eyes. "What do you think could be the combination to this?" Shuhua asked, and Tzuyu shrugged. "I'll try my birthday; this will prove whether he loved me or not." Tzuyu laughed, and preceded to put her birthday digits into the safe.

"Nice! It's open!" Shuhua laughed, happy that they found something worth while. "Wait, there's a scroll inside, should I open it?" Tzuyu asked, and Shuhua nodded her head. Tzuyu grabbed the scroll, unwrapped the ribbon, and read it aloud.

Dear Tzuyu,

I'm writing this with a limitation on time. Long story short, there's someone coming after me, as well as your good friend Shuhua's father. We aren't quite sure who they are, they go under the anonymity of H. Their "goons", as I would word them, have been trying to come after us for a while now, but I'm fearing that this time they'll get us. We have a trip planned to Korea for tomorrow, and I'm assuming that they'll follow us there. I wrote this letter to you in Taiwan, as no one would think of finding it here. H and his goons have tried to infiltrate our company building, but our security has been top notch lately, and they couldn't get in. We need the two of you to go to our company building, and into the meeting room. There, will be a desk that contains everything you need to know. Be safe my daughter.

Shuhua's breath stopped; this case of sorts just kept getting even more confusing. Now her dad knew about this? What the hell was going on? Tzuyu seemed equally as confused; the girls were just kpop idols, and now they were chasing a police case? What is this? Wattpad?

"We have to go their building apparently. This desk is supposed to contain everything we need to know, but how are we gonna find anything out if my dad doesn't even know who's following the two of them?" Tzuyu asked, and Shuhua could only ponder. She didn't know how to answer the question, she was still wrapping her head around this whole thing.

The two didn't waste any time, and headed straight to the company building. The staff recognized them immediately, they were quite famous in Taiwan, so they let them in. A woman, who Shuhua assumed was a representative walked over to the two of them, and introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Cheng Xiao, nice to meet you."

"Likewise. We need to go to the meeting room. Can you lead us there?" Tzuyu asked. "Sure thing, follow me!" Xiao chirped, leading the way towards the meeting room. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you two here? I'm aware of your pursuits as idols in Korea; I'm just curious, that's all." Xiao added, and Shuhua just laughed. "My dad asked us for a favor, that's all."

"Here we are! I'll be leaving now, but if you two need any assistance, just call the number on my card!" Xiao bid her goodbye, and handed Tzuyu the card.
"She was nice." Shuhua stayed blankly. "Yeah, could have been worse." Tzuyu lightly chuckled. 

The meeting room was huge, and there was more than one desk. "This is gonna take forever." Shuhua groaned. Tzuyu took initiative, and started digging through the desks, while Shuhua stood at the front of the room. Something seemed off to her, but she wasn't sure what. She turned for a split second, but something golden caught her eye. There was one desk they hadn't checked yet, one in the all the way back. Shuhua concentrated on it, it definitely had some golden branding now that she looked at it.

She approached the desk, and motioned for Tzuyu to come over. There were normal papers and reports on it. "There's nothing here, what the hell?" Shuhua thought. Tzuyu moved the papers off the desk, and almost dropped them once she saw something else on the desk. There was a carbon red design engraved into the desk, with a black background. A pentagon stood right in the center.

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