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Shuhua woke up, and felt a warmth embracing her. She turned around to look at Soojin, who was still sleeping. She smiled, before realizing what exactly led to this point. "Oh my god. I slept with her omg this isn't real." Shuhua mentally freaked out; she was having a hard time absorbing all of the previous events. From being abused by Soojin's ex boyfriend, to having Soojin as her girlfriend, and now sleeping with her? She felt like she was in a goddamn lifetime movie.

She slowly slipped out of Soojin's arms, already wearing a shirt and some sweatpants that Soojin helped her change into the night before. She went to walk, but felt an extreme surge of pain. "You've got to be kidding me. She has no mercy, wow." Shuhua thought, and limped down to the kitchen. The only other person that was up was Yuqi, who couldn't keep that stupid smirk off of her face. Shuhua badly wanted to slap her.

"Here's some advil, you might need it." Yuqi snickered, she was having way too much fun with it. "Shut up, I'm sure you'll be having the same problem once you reach that base." Shuhua rolled her eyes, and Yuqi burst out laughing. "You idiot. I've already reached that stage." Yuqi stated nonchalantly, while Shuhua spit her water out.

"You what?! With who? Minnie?!" Shuhua screamed, while Yuqi's eyes widened. "No! Not Minnie!" Yuqi retorted, clearly embarrassed. "With who then? I NEED to know this!" Shuhua asked eagerly, she wouldn't let this opportunity go. "Lucas." Yuqi whispered, and Shuhua's mouth opened wide in shock. "Isn't he gay?! And so are you!" Shuhua responded, and Yuqi just laughed.

"We both slept with each other, that's how we found out we were both gay." Yuqi explained, and realization dawned on Shuhua. "Whatever you do, don't tell Minnie unnie, please. She wouldn't be happy about that." Yuqi begged.

"Tell me what?" Minnie walked up to Yuqi, who's face paled into a ghost white, while Shuhua was trying so hard not to laugh. Yuqi looked over at Shuhua to signal her to help her, but the youngest one was too busy laughing to speak anytime soon. "Ah, no-nothing. Ju-just that I-" Yuqi started, but Minnie laughed, cutting her off. "Don't worry, I'll find out soon enough." She whispered in Yuqi's ear.

Shuhua left the living room immediately, looking for something else to do, other than watching Minnie and Yuqi simultaneously flirt with each other. She walked into the kitchen, where Soyeon and Miyeon were preparing dinner for later. "Why are you making dinner at 9:00 in the morning?" Shuhua asked, clearly weirded out.

"Well, Soyeonie suggested that we should get started on it quickly, and I agreed." Miyeon answered, staring at Soyeon. Shuhua shook her head, "Too much is happening right now." She thought.

"Why don't you help me cut some of these peppers? Soyeon asked, and Shuhua just nodded. "Better than watching them flirt." Shuhua shuddered. She began to cut the peppers with a knife, but got distracted when she saw the bushes rustle. "Must be the wind." She thought. Miyeon and Soyeon finished preparing the dinner, when Soojin came downstairs. She had an undeniable smile on her face, the cause being Yeh Shuhua.

"Good morning, babe." Soojin walked up to Shuhua and gave her a back hug, while Shuhua was still cutting the peppers. "Good morning, jinie." She said back, the effects of last night replaying in her head. "We're going out for breakfast! Last one in the car pays!" Miyeon yelled, and everyone ran out.

"Shit! I guess I'll finish these later. I don't want to pay today." Shuhua thought, and ran out of the dorm, leaving the knife on the counter.

"Finally. I can get out of these annoying ass bushes!" H thought, he was getting impatient. Once the van with the girls left, he quickly picked the lock on the door. The door opened, and he made his way into the dorm. He rushed to the kitchen, not before putting on gloves and a mask. He reached the counter; the knife was still there.

"Perfect." He thought, and grabbed the knife with the gloves, sliding it into a plastic bag. "Time to meet your downfall, Yeh Shuhua." H laughed, and dashed out of the house before anyone caught him.

Shuhua and the girls arrived home from the brunch. Minnie ended up paying, much to Shuhua's excitement. The girls just had a chill day, especially since Shuhua was still in pain and didn't want to do anything. She thought it was a little weird how the knife wasn't on the counter anymore. "Maybe Soyeon put it away?" She thought, not reading too much into it.

Nightfall came, and Shuhua was playing Mario Kart with Miyeon and Yuqi. Shuhua was in 1st place, while Miyeon took 2nd, and Yuqi took 3rd. Mario Kart was considered a competitive sport in the Idle dorm.

"Hey guys." Shuhua started, making the two girls pause the game and put down their controllers. "Yeah Shu?" Yuqi responded. "Thank you, for everything. For helping me through the really rough time in my life, and for being with me for the highs and lows. I'm not sure what I would do without you." Shuhua teared up, and the two girls embraced her in a hug. "We love you Shu, thank you for always being there for us." Miyeon responded, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "You mean more to us than you know." Yuqi whispered.

Shuhua laid down in her bed, with Soojin sleeping next to her. She didn't think it could be any better than this. She was finally at peace with everything that happened; she was with the girl of her dreams, she had a multitude of great friends, and she was fully happy. She wasn't sure if her brain was tricking her, but she somehow knew this wouldn't last. Something was going to go wrong. She just didn't know when.

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