confusion | soojin

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Shuhua's episode scared me last night. I thought something had actually happened to her. She seemed alright, so I'm sure it was just a nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less.

I got out of my bed, and went downstairs to join Miyeon and Soyeon on the couch. "Anything interesting on tv?" I asked. "Eh, nothing much. Pentagon is performing, but it's nothing I haven't seen before." Soyeon laughed. I perked up at Pentagon, a familiar member inserting himself into my mind. Hui and I used to date when we were younger, but Cube made us break up in order to avoid dating scandals. He still texts me during his free time, which brings a smile to my face.

I never truly got over him, and I don't think he ever got over me fully. (a/n- i'm not sure if idle has a dating ban, but they're gonna just for the plot lol) Once this dating ban is over, we can be a couple again. It's so hard not being able to be with him in public, but we can make it work.

A few hours passed, and we were back in the practice room. Cube wanted us to perfect this choreography before we were supposed to perform it, so we've been practicing all day to make it perfect. Shuhua kept messing up some of the dance moves, and Soyeon was starting to get a little annoyed. I don't blame her, we've been practicing all day and the only one who was doing the dance wrong was Shuhua.

"Shuhua, you need to move your left foot here. Then you right foot needs to be placed in the back, and your hands should be in a clockwise motion. Why can't you do anything right?" Soyeon yelled, but took it back as soon as she said it. "Shu I'm sorry-" Soyeon started but was cut off. "It's fine. I-I need some air, I'll be back in a bit." Shuhua whispered, and walked out of the room. Everyone stood silently, we were surprised by her reaction; it was almost as if she agreed with Soyeon. "That's the last thing she needed to hear when she believes that!" Yuqi yelled, worrying us. Yuqi was never one to yell. With that, she ran out of the room to go find Shuhua.

"That's the last thing she needed to hear when she believes that!" Those words rang in my mind. What did that mean? What did she believe? Soyeon and the other members seemed to be asking themselves the same question. Whatever it was, Yuqi seemed to know. I needed to get to the bottom of this. Whatever was wrong with Shuhua, I would find out; I need to be there for her as her friend.

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