meet your fate?

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ok i'm gonna go on a mini rant of sorts but i was watching the mishu vlive that happened a couple of days ago (still waiting for subs cube!) and the part where shuhua stood up for soojin was so sweet to me. shuhua just oozes confidence and self-worth, and i think that's an amazing example for all of us fans, as well as she was defending soojin which made me HSIROFOFTN lol

The members of (g)idle couldn't believe it. It was almost ironic, the relationship that Shuhua seemed to have with the police was uncanny. First they took her against her will for questioning, and now she's arrested? It almost seemed like a fever dream; that all of this chaos was the product of some weird nightmare, and they would wake up tomorrow with the normal circumstances.

Only, it wasn't a dream. It happened for the second time, and Soojin was beyond furious. "This is the worst possible timing ever! What did my baby do to them to deserve this?" Soojin thought to herself, a frown formulating on her face. It felt unfair, to her, to the rest of the members, and especially unfair to Shuhua. The poor girl has been through so much, and this is how she's repaid?

Yuqi could only stare at the door, while Shuhua was long gone. She didn't even have the power to formulate words; she was too in shock to do so. Having known Shuhua for the longest time out of all the members, she felt as certain pang of guilt wash over her. Maybe if she had helped her more; realized how she was feeling sooner, or objected when the police took her away for the 2nd time, then they wouldn't be in this situation. "What kind of best-friend am I?" Yuqi sighed, everything around her was just white noise.

Minnie, who was observing Yuqi, (for research, of course) reached out her hand for the younger to take. Hesitantly, Yuqi grabbed her hand. The two didn't let go for hours, at least not until Yuqi was ready to let go.

Shuhua was back at the police station. "I literally live here." She thought, the amount of times she had been here in the past couple of weeks was ridiculous. The officer still had his hold on her arms, she couldn't move or do anything. He swung the door open, revealing a very surprised Solar and Moonbyul. "They probably think I lied to them, don't they?" Shuhua sighed, she had no power. Not unless she wanted a bigger fine for arguing with the officer who arrested her.

He threw her into a room, and locked the door. The room was dark and had one small window, with certain carvings on the walls. "A dreamcatcher? Interesting." Shuhua thought, and grabbed the stray nail laid by the design to start craving her own designs; after all, she would probably be here for a while. She decided to draw a YS + SS on the wall, she wasn't thinking about anything else except for Soojin right now.

She thought about how hurt her girlfriend must be, and she wondered if Soojin actually believed that Shuhua would do that to Hui. After all, Soojin had known him longer, and dated him first. That thought wouldn't leave her head. "What if she finds out that I'm not good enough for her? She's probably better off with him." Shuhua huffed, and dropped the nail, leaning her head back on the carving. This was all too much for her.

A half an hour or so passed by, and the door swung open, revealing a brown haired man. "He looks kind of like a bunny." Shuhua noticed. He extended a hand out to her, and without a care, Shuhua took it. She followed him out of the room, and back into the familiar room that Solar brought her to in the first place.

"I'm assuming you must have a ton of questions?" The man asked, to which Shuhua scoffed. "I got dragged out of my own house at 3 in the morning, got told that I apparently attempted to murder someone, and now I'm here. Of course I have questions!" Shuhua spat, she was beyond sick of this already. She just wanted to go home to her girlfriend, and her friends.

"Listen, I understand your attitude. I'm here to help you, anyway. The name is Jeon Jungkook, but you can just call me Jungkook for short. I don't do honorifics; I like to familiarize myself with my clients, since that's the best way to help them get out of this annoying mess. I'm your lawyer, so you can hate me but ultimately I'm gonna help you get out of here, so hopefully we could possibly be friends?" Jungkook started, and Shuhua just nodded. After all, she really wasn't happy about this.

"From the file here, it tells me that you were involved in the case of your father, as well as Mr. Chou. These new claims are being made by Hui, from the group Pentagon. Are you familiar with him?" Jungkook asked, and Shuhua nodded again. "Do you mind explaining your history with him before we go any further? Maybe these claims will make sense after I hear it." He asked again, and Shuhua complied.

"To sum things up, Hui is the ex-boyfriend of my current girlfriend, Seo Soojin. I'm not exactly sure how they met, but they had some history and began to date again. During this time, I had a huge thing for Soojin, and she always invited him over for dinner, which is how I got to know him. One day, I went to the store to get food, and he tripped me in the rain on my way back. Then, he threatened to hurt her unless I distanced myself from her, and then proceeded to punch my stomach and hold my arms down, which left bruises." Shuhua started, and Jungkook interjected, "What an asshole!"

Shuhua laughed, and continued. "So I did what he said, for the sake of Soojin, who I was hopelessly in love with. My friend, Miyeon, ended up finding out about the whole thing through my diary. Soojin invited him to dinner again later that night. Miyeon started yelling at him, knowing how he practically abused me, and then he yelled back at her. Soojin eventually found out, and he told her I loved her, which she didn't know. I ran out of the house, stayed with my friend for two weeks, and now I'm dating Soojin. I haven't heard from him in a while." Shuhua finished, and Jungkook had his head scrunched in concentration.

"First off, this guy is an asshole. The good thing is, he could be charged for abuse, and threatening someone's life. You also have your diary, which could be used as a primary source against him. He already has a ton of plot holes in his plan." Jungkook smiled. "Maybe I have a chance after all." Shuhua thought, a smirk painting itself on her face.

"He claimed that you stabbed him. The police did a run down on the knife that was used, and your fingerprints came up." Jungkook explained, and held up the bag with the knife in it to show Shuhua. "That's my kitchen knife. I was cutting up peppers for dinner when Soyeon told us that we were going out for lunch. I left the knife on the counter, and when we came back, it was gone. I assumed that Soyeon put it away, but now I'm thinking that somehow he acquired the knife, and is now using my fingerprints to frame me." Shuhua responded.

"You were with your friends when all of this happened right?" Jungkook asked again, and Shuhua nodded. "Very well. We have some things to work on, but this guy seems like an actual idiot. He could have at least put some more work into framing you. Let's call it a day for today, and we'll talk again later. It was very nice to meet you Shuhua, and hopefully we can put this asshole of a person in jail." Jungkook smiled, and Shuhua smiled back.

She was hoping that this would all be put to rest.

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