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Soojin ran down the stairs to meet Shuhua who was standing in the center, with the other members circling her. Shuhua's smile didn't leave her face, instead, it just got wider when Soojin entered her peripheral view. In all honesty, she was still in pain from Soojin, but she missed the girl too much to focus on that right now.

Soojin smiled, genuinely, for the first time in two weeks. She grabbed Shuhua and pulled her into a hug, resting her head on her shoulder. Soojin felt so much relief that Shuhua was ok. That she was standing in front of her, safe and sound. Her heart beat was erratic, the touch of Shuhua seemed to be having a new effect on her. All she knew was that she didn't want to let go just yet.

Shuhua could finally breathe again. The fact that Soojin wasn't upset with her, or mad at her, really helped lift some of her nerves. She could smile right now, she could feel right now. Whether she still felt some stinging pain, it was much better than not feeling at all. For that, Shuhua felt happy for the first time in months.

Everything seemed to be ok again. The 6 members were back on the couch, watching a movie that Shuhua had previously watched with the Twice members. Nayeon wouldn't stop crying at the end of it, so Jeongyeon kept laughing at her, and Jihyo slapped Jeongyeon with her slipper. Thinking about it could only make Shuhua laugh.

Yuqi asked what was so funny, so Shuhua started explaining all of her endeavors with the Twice members. Soojin started to feel an anger of some sort, especially when Shuhua joked about Sana trying to always get with her. She wasn't sure why she was angry, Shuhua seemed happy at the Twice dorm. She also didn't know why she couldn't keep her eyes off of Shuhua when she was explaining. It was almost like she saw the girl as a whole new person.

Day by day, things started to get better for Shuhua. She could actually look at Soojin without feeling pain, her heart was healing itself. Of course, she still loved Soojin, but she had accepted that it would never happen. She took Tzuyu's advice; she let things figure itself out. She would have to treat Tzuyu to a meal the next time she saw her.

Things started to change for Soojin too. She started to see Shuhua in a different way. Shuhua suddenly became really attractive to her, Shuhua's laugh was the only thing she wanted to hear, and she felt like she could drown in Shuhua's smile. Soojin wasn't sure why she was feeling like this; after all, it was new territory. Hui had never made her feel much, so that's what Soojin assumed was normal.

One night, Shuhua started to sing and play songs on the guitar, a skill she leaned from Jeongyeon, who liked to practice guitar in her free time. Shuhua caught on rather quickly, and by now, she was fairly good at it. Soojin watched as Shuhua plucked the strings on the guitar, and heard as Shuhua's angelic voice filled up the room. Something about it made Soojin so happy; but she still couldn't figure out what.

Later that night, it was time for Soojin to go to sleep. Before that, she sat on her balcony to think for a moment. She observed the stars, the stars where Shuhua's favorite. Everything these days reminded her of the younger girl. She remembered one time when she was stargazing, and Shuhua had joined her.

Soojin was sitting on the field, looking at the stars. She felt someone lay down next to her, and she turned her head to see who it was. Shuhua was looking up at the sky, excitement and admiration crossing her features. Soojin took the time to analyze Shuhua's face; she hadn't realized how beautiful the girl actually was. She felt her heart beat faster, but she tried to ignore it. She felt Shuhua lean her head on her shoulder; it made Soojin feel relaxed. "Don't you just love the stars?" Shuhua asked, distracted by Athena Serpentis in the sky. Soojin, who was still staring at Shuhua, took a deep breath, and said, "Yes, I do."

Soojin stood up. Everything became crystal clear to her. The reason she felt so drawn to Shuhua, the reason she couldn't keep her eyes off her, the reason she felt so jealous when Twice was involved, and the reason why she would suddenly do anything to make Shuhua happy. She knew now, and she wouldn't let herself mess this up.

"I'm in love with Yeh Shuhua." Soojin admitted to herself. Rather, she realized that even though she didn't know it yet, it's always been her.

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