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A/N: First off, I would like to thank everyone of all of the support on this story. I could have never imagined that anyone would actually take the time out of their day to read my story, let alone read it consistently.

I'm happy with the way that this story turned out, and I'm glad that I could write something that people liked. As far as this book goes, I was debating on writing a sequel for it, but I have a Minqi book idea instead that I want to write, so a possible sequel would probably have to wait.

I'm thinking that the new book would be a classic highschool au! as i've always wanted to write one of those, and I love Minqi. I think I'll possibly make a seulrene book, and a vmin book as well too since we're on quarantine and I have all the time in the world. I also have a TWICE michaeng book already, called "icon", so if you like TWICE, you could check that out if you wanted.

Anyways, that's all for now. Thank you again for all of the support and reads on this book! Enjoy the epilogue :)))

7 years later

Following all of the marriages of the idle members, the group disbanded after their contracts ended; now that they were married and wanted to do more with their lives.

While the girls kept in touch, they hadn't seen each other in person for years. They were all doing different things in different places.

Soyeon and Miyeon stayed in South Korea with their families, and Soyeon stayed in CUBE as a producer, while Miyeon stayed as a vocal trainer and coach. The two lived in a nice apartment in Seoul, and were on the way to having kids.

Minnie and Yuqi moved to China, as Yuqi was offered a permanent acting role in one of the most popular shows. Minnie worked in Thailand as well, going back and forth from China to Thailand as an actress and spokesperson for Thai brands. The two weren't concerned about children right now, as they were still chasing their careers, and making time for each other.

Lastly, Soojin and Shuhua were currently residing in Taiwan. Since Soojin had learned a little bit of Mandarin, Shuhua suggested moving to Taiwan for a change of scenery. Sana and Tzuyu were already there, as Twice disbanded a couple of years before them, with most of the members still living in Korea, and some back in Japan, so they would automatically have friends there.

Soojin was all for moving to Taiwan, especially since Shuhua hadn't lived there in a while, and she knew the younger was slightly homesick. Soon enough, Soojin became fluent in mandarin, and the two moved to Taiwan. Now, Shuhua was a partial CEO of her father's business, alongside Tzuyu. Soojin and Sana formed their own dance studio, which was doing remarkably well.

Recently, Shuhua had received a text from Jennie, who she kept in touch with after moving.

hey shu! how are you?

i'm good! how are u?

i'm great! i actually wanted to text you to let you know that lisa and I are finally getting married, and that I want to invite you and the rest of the members to the wedding!

that's amazing! we'll definitely be there. :)

great! i'll see you soon!

"Babe!" Shuhua called, and Soojin walked over to her. "What? Everything alright?" Soojin asked, and Shuhua just handed her phone over.

"She's getting married?! Finally!" Soojin cheered; Jennie had liked Lisa for the longest time, and now the two girls were finally tying the knot. Best of all, Jennie had told her that the other members would be invited, so they would see their friends in person for the first time in 4 years.

Shuhua looked different; she looked older, and definitely more mature. Running a powerful business could change a little part of you. Soojin looked still beautiful as ever, and the two girls could not be happier. After all, they had a surprise coming.

2 months later

Shuhua, Soojin, Tzuyu, and Sana all headed to the airport together; they were all invited. The wedding was in two days, so they needed to travel back to Korea, find a hotel, and get situated in less than a day for the wedding. The rehearsal dinner was tomorrow night, so they didn't have much time to waste.

The girls still got stepped occasionally to take some pictures, as they were quite famous in Taiwan; Tzuyu and Shuhua being extremely popular came with slight baggage. Nevertheless, they got on the airplane successfully, and made their way to Korea.

Walking through the streets of Korea, Soojin remembered how much she misses it. Even though she loves Taiwan, Korea is her home and it always will be. The girls managed to contact Lisa, who told them what hotel to stay in. Everyone who was invited was staying in the same hotel.

They walked down the hallway, trying to find their room, when Shuhua accidentally bumped into someone. Using her korean that she still remembered, she apologized, before hearing a laugh. She looked up, to see a very familiar face.

"Yuqi?! It's been so long!" Shuhua cheered, and Yuqi pulled the girl in for a much needed hug. "How have you been? I've missed my best friend!" Yuqi asked; it really has been a while. "I've been well. I've watched some of your movies, as well as Minnie's. The two of you are amazing!" Shuhua smiled, and Yuqi laughed.

Yuqi then reunited with Soojin, and pulled the two of them towards her room. "I have someone I would like the two of you to see." Yuqi smirked, and Shuhua just rolled her eyes. Believe it or not, she really missed her best friend.

Yuqi opened the door, and Shuhua and Soojin walked in. They heard a voice in the distance, presumably Minnie. "Babe? Did you get the chips?" Minnie asked, Yuqi was sent out to go get Minnie's dinner. "You're probably disappointed that I'm not your babe, huh?" Soojin huffed, and Minnie flew out of her chair.

"Soojin?! Shuhua?! Holy shit! It's been forever!" Minnie screamed, tackling the two girls into a hug while Yuqi laughed. "Hello Minnie, how've you been?" Shuhua asked, and Minnie started a conversation with her.

A knock on Yuqi's door could be heard, and Yuqi went to go get it. "We brought snacks for us to eat until Soojin and Shuhua get here!" Miyeon cheered, and Yuqi just coughed. "You're a little late." Soojin responded, and Miyeon threw the popcorn at Soyeon and ran up to Soojin.

"You look amazing! It's been so long!" Miyeon yelped, and started catching up with Soojin.

Eventually, all of the girls discussed where they've ended up, and they were all proud of one another. Despite not being physically together anymore, they've managed to keep their strong bond intact.

Soojin clinked her glass, giving Shuhua proposal flashbacks. "We have an announcement to make!" Soojin cheered, and Shuhua caught on rather quickly.

"We're pregnant!" Shuhua chirped, and Miyeon and Yuqi started screaming. "Holy shit! This baby is gonna be so damn attractive!" Yuqi yelped, and Miyeon started doing crackhead dance moves, while the other girls just laughed. Shuhua soon joined them, and everything felt at ease again.

It was almost as if they never left. Through all of the hardships, physical separation, and lack of communication, the girls were all still so close.

They knew, that throughout their lives, they would always have each other.


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