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With one hand on Shuhua's arm, Solar walked out of the door with her, and Moonbyul followed after, shutting the door lightly. Soojin was furious; she had just finally achieved her wish of calling Shuhua hers, and now she had just been taken away, for no reason.

Soyeon, Miyeon, and Minnie were upset, and honestly scared. Their maknae had just been taken away by the police for questioning, and the three of them had no reason why. It was another burden on Soyeon, as they would have to tell CUBE entertainment that Shuhua was on a mandatory recess. Not wanting to delay the process any longer, Soyeon ran into her bedroom to go call her boss.

Yuqi was solemn, she wished that she could have stopped this. "So this is why I was feeling apprehensive." Yuqi concluded. She was really upset, although she wasn't trying to show it. Her best-friend had been through so much; this wasn't fair to her. Minnie walked over to Yuqi and put her arm around her. "Everything will be alright." She whispered, while Yuqi leaned into her arms.

Shuhua was at the back of the police car, while Moonbyul and Solar were in the front. "We're sorry for scaring you like that, this couldn't wait though." Moonbyul looked at Shuhua through the mirror. "We'll explain when we get to the station, but we figured that we would tell you this as soon as possible." Solar added, and Shuhua just nodded. "Can I ever catch a damn break?" Shuhua sighed, everything that made her happy always got ruined by something else.

Her phone kept buzzing, and she finally grabbed it out of her pocket. The messages on her notifications concerned her. Why were they talking about a statement from CUBE?

Hello all fans of (g)idle, and Yeh Shuhua. This is CUBE entertainment with an important message. We have decided that Shuhua will undergo an absence from the next 5 promotions due to personal reasons. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and she will be back soon!

Shuhua had her mouth wide open in shock. "A suspension? Seriously?" She thought; this wasn't uncommon for CUBE, they kicked out her inspiration and friend Hyuna because a relationship. She also knew that CUBE secretly didn't like her, and if this were Soyeon or any of the other members, it would have been a different situation.

"Hey kid, we're here." Solar tapped her shoulder, and helped her out of the car door. She followed Moonbyul and Solar into the police station, keeping her poker face intact. She didn't want them to know how afraid she secretly was. They led her into a room, with a one way mirror, and a dim light. It looked exactly like in the movies.

"We're gonna ask you a few basic questions, and then we'll get started, alright?" Solar asked, and Shuhua just nodded. "Your name is Yeh Shuhua, you're a member of the popular group (g)idle, and you're from Taiwan, is that correct?" Moonbyul asked, and Shuhua nodded again.

"Now that we got past the easy stuff, we're about to tell you some news that might be a game changer. Are you ready for that?" Solar asked softly, and Shuhua just nodded again. Truthfully, she probably wasn't ready, but she couldn't wait anymore.

"In this industry, everyone knows about your father, who owns Yeh Corporations. The other day, he was in Korea, and he was attacked by a man. He couldn't figure out who it was, but right now he's in really bad shape. We sent him to the hospital right away, and then came to get you." Moonbyul finished, and Shuhua's faced paled with shock.

"My father got attacked? Is he alright? Why would someone attack him?" Shuhua questioned herself, she was utterly confused. "We brought you here to see if you could help us. Do you have any idea why someone would attack him?" Solar asked, hoping for an answer.

Shuhua deflated in her seat; she wasn't sure how she could help them here. "No, I'm sorry, but I'm willing to do everything I can to help figure this out." Shuhua said. She wasn't kidding, she would do anything to help her father and to return to Soojin as quickly as possible.

"Very well. Byul, can you bring the other girl in?" Solar asked her girlfriend, who just gave her a small nod and went to get this "other girl". Shuhua had so many questions, but she wasn't sure where to start. Her father had just been attacked by a random man, and now she was in the police station? When would she be able to see her father? Was he ok? Shuhua's mind was running 100mph, and she couldn't keep up.

Moonbyul walked back into the room with someone extremely familiar. "Tzuyu? What the hell is she doing here?!" Shuhua thought, with wide eyes, and Tzuyu seemed to have the same reaction towards Shuhua, both girls had no idea why they were here.

"I'm assuming you two know each other?" Moonbyul commented and received a yes from both Tzuyu and Shuhua. "We're both the only taiwanese trainees in our quadrant, so we became friends rather quickly, and our father's have always been friendly." Tzuyu admitted, and Shuhua nodded in agreement.

"That makes sense, actually. The same thing happened to the both of your fathers. We want to send the two of you to Taiwan as soon as possible, maybe you could find out something useful there. Korea won't do us any good, we need to get to the heart of both businesses." Solar explained.

"Why do we have to leave? I still have promotions to do." Tzuyu asked, she wasn't excused from promotions like Shuhua was just yet. "We have a feeling that whoever attacked your parents wants something to do with the business. Both of your fathers are partners, so that would explain why someone would attack the both of them. As for your promotions, we talked to JYP, and he'll be issuing an official statement soon." Solar answered.

"That's all we need to talk about for now. We'll meet you two girls at the airport tomorrow at 7:00 am sharp. Don't be late." Moonbyul coldly answered, while Solar just awkwardly smiled and left. The two girls could barely get up in shock. What the hell was
happening? And what did it have to do with them?

a/n- hi everyone. i just wanted to thank you for all of the support on this story. i never thought that people would read and enjoy it, rather it was just something for me to do for fun. i'm sorry for the awful chapter, but i thought this sort of storyline would be interesting, although it kind of veers away from the original "idol" storyline. thank you again for everything :)

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