the kim dynasty | pt 1

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The curtains were open, and the light was blinding. Soojin woke up first, taking all of her surroundings in and rubbing her eyes. She turned over to her right, where the love of her life was still sleeping. Last night's events crept into her head, and she couldn't help but blush a little. She could see purple marks covering Shuhua's neck, as well as her collarbone. Soojin smirked; she did that.

Shuhua woke up to Yuqi barging in her room. "Get up you asshole!" Yuqi screamed, making Shuhua groan. "Shut up, will you?! I'm waking up!" Shuhua threw her pillow at Yuqi, who quickly dodged it. Shuhua groaned again, and then pushed herself off the bed to go find a shirt. Yuqi stood in front of her, her mouth wide open with shock, trying not to laugh.

"Why is she acting like this? It's not like she hasn't seen me in a bra before... wait. Holy shit!" Shuhua realized, before she rushed to put a shirt on. Yuqi was still dying laughing; she couldn't breathe. Shuhua was highly embarrassed, she didn't plan on telling Yuqi just yet. "Damn girl, you got some action. Never knew you were a bottom!" Yuqi mocked, and Shuhua rolled her eyes. Yuqi wasn't speaking in korean, so she wasn't nervous about the other girls hearing.

"Well, are you gonna laugh or help me cover this shit up?" Shuhua retorted, making Yuqi crack up. Nevertheless, she still grabbed her foundation from her makeup bag and helped Shuhua cover up her hickies. "Just so you know, I won't have any mercy when I see you walk out of Minnie's room with the same problem." Shuhua mocked, and Yuqi blushed. "Have you asked her out yet?" Shuhua asked, she was expecting for Yuqi to do something about it, after all, that was the kind of person she was.

"No-not yet." Yuqi stuttered, and mentally cursed herself for doing so. "Once this police shit is over, I'm gonna force you to ask her out!" Shuhua chirped, and Yuqi just sighed. "As if that would ever happen. She loves Miyeon." Yuqi thought. "If you say so, your highness." Yuqi joked, earning a slap on the shoulder from Shuhua. "Come on, I heard Miyeon unnie made waffles!" Shuhua cheered, and Yuqi followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Minnie smiled, and Shuhua thought she was going to spit out her nonexistent coffee from Yuqi's red face. "Mo-morning, unnie." Yuqi stuttered, and Shuhua kept that small smirk on her face. Yuqi walked up to Shuhua and whispered in her ear, "Don't try me bitch. I'm not supposed to know about those on your neck, huh? I could go up to Soojin and tell her." Yuqi laughed, loving this.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Soyeon asked, while Miyeon was too busy focusing on her cooking. "Nothing, unnie! I was just telling her how glad I am to have her back!" Yuqi smiled, while Shuhua glared at her. Soojin choose to sit next to Shuhua, while Minnie ran to sit next to Yuqi. Soyeon and Miyeon already planned on sitting next to each other, so they weren't phased. Soojin kept her hand on Shuhua's thigh all through out breakfast; the girl was internally panicking. "How am I supposed to eat when Soojin's hand is on my damn thigh?" Shuhua muttered.

"Are you alright, honey?" Soojin smirked at Shuhua, who was trying her best to avoid her gaze. "I'm fantastic." Shuhua managed to get out. Soojin smiled, she loved how much control she had over the younger girl. Shuhua cleared her throat, she needed to tell Soyeon what the plan was for tonight.

"Tzuyu and I are planning to go to a club tonight, unnie. That's alright, right?" Shuhua asked Soyeon; she was in charge as the leader of the group. "What club? Are you sure? That might be dangerous." Soyeon replied, she really didn't want to see the girl get hurt again, especially if she had control over it this time. "I wanted to ask for your permission, but ultimately I don't have a choice." Shuhua sank into her seat, she would have rather stayed home with the members.

"And why is that?" Soyeon questioned. "The police are forcing me to. It has something to do with my father's case, and what we found in Taiwan." Shuhua shrugged, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to tell the members what she had found. "It's probably better off if they don't know. At least they can't be held accountable like me." Shuhua concluded to herself. Soyeon thought for a moment, but ultimately had no choice to let the girl go. She just had to trust that she wouldn't get hurt.

Shuhua and Tzuyu were in the backseats of Moonbyul's car. The two cops were going undercover, as the club wouldn't allow them in if they had their uniforms on. Shuhua and Tzuyu just wanted to get this over with; they would have rather been at home with their loved ones.

Solar led the way, and the three followed her into the club. It smelled like alcohol, and Shuhua could see some people shooting up in the corner of her eye. "Remind me why I'm here again?" She sighed, she didn't like clubs at all. She continued to follow Solar, until she reached a door. "I'm somewhat friendly with the owner of this club, so just follow my lead." Solar explained while the two taiwanese girls nodded. She opened the door, which lead into a long hall. The door at the end of the hall seemed to be calling to Shuhua, she felt a desire to open it, but got cut off when Tzuyu grabbed her arm and dragged her into the first door on the left with Solar.

"Hey, do you have a minute?" Solar asked the man, who had his back turned. He turned around, and Shuhua was positive she would have dated him if she wasn't gay. He was tall, with pale, fair skin, and dark brown hair. He was extremely good looking.

"Solar! You made it!" The man said, and went in to hug her. "I keep my promises, Jin." Solar responded, and Jin just laughed. He noticed the two young looking girls standing next to Solar, and went to introduce himself.

"Hello, girls! I'm Kim Seokjin, otherwise just known as Jin. I own this club." Jin cheered. "He's so positive, wow." Shuhua was shocked, his appearance makes him look slightly intimidating. "So Solar, is there any reason why you requested to see me? Or do you just want to catch up?" Jin asked, cracking a joke like he normally does. "We're here to discuss some things. Can we sit?" Solar asked, to which Jin motioned for the three of them to sit.

"I should probably get Namjoon for this." Jin suggested, and left to get his boyfriend. Solar, Tzuyu, and Shuhua sat in silence until Jin skipped back into
the room with his boyfriend, Namjoon. "Hello, Solar. I hope all is well. You said you wanted to discuss something?" Namjoon started.

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