you're cool

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The members of Twice were certainly different than Idle members. It was almost as if you took Shuhua, gave her a different personality but still kept her crackhead nature, and multiplied her by 7, with the exception of Mina and Tzuyu. They were loud, fun, and crazy. Right up Shuhua's alley.

Nayeon was crazy. She loved herself; it reminded Shuhua of Minnie. She was also a good listener, and would help you whenever you needed it.

Jeongyeon was the classic example of a tsundere. She's slightly cold in the beginning, but super warm when you get to know her. She cares a lot about the people close to her.

Momo was loud, and only obsessed with food. Anything she said would make you laugh, any time or place.

Sana was flirtatious, but knew how to remain loyal. She was super sweet, just an all around nice person. Shuhua could see how she ended up with Tzuyu.

Jihyo was a perfect leader. She had a likeable personality, and had everyone's respect. Seeing Jihyo had made Shuhua miss Soyeon a little bit.

Mina was quiet, but loving. She cares for everyone around her, and she isn't afraid to show she cares. Everyone could use someone like Mina in her life.

Dahyun was wild; she was a great friend for Shuhua. The both of them could laugh at animal videos for hours; they got along that well. Dahyun was like the friend Shuhua never had.

Chaeyoung was unique, and not afraid to stand up for herself when needed. Shuhua admired the girl's confidence, she wished she could have as much self-worth as Chaeyoung does.

Tzuyu. Tzuyu was one of her good friends, and Shuhua wouldn't trade her for the world. Tzuyu was someone she could relate to in all aspects, and someone who was always there for her.

Shuhua knew she didn't deserve this. After explaining her situation, the nine girls treated her as if she was one of them. They were so nice, and Shuhua wasn't sure how to thank them. She had stayed at their dorm for about 2 weeks now, and she knew that she couldn't invade their space for any longer.

"Thank you for everything, guys. I wouldn't have been able to get through this rough obstacle without you. The pain is still here, but I feel much better than I did that night. I'll be back soon, and this time I'll treat you all to dinner!" Shuhua chirped, and hugged all of the members goodbye.

Yuqi was sleeping in her room. These two weeks have been hellish for her, she just wanted her friend back. Her sleep kept being interrupted, first by Soyeon coming in to check how she was feeling, then by Minnie and Miyeon blasting their music, and finally by Soojin, who offered to make her some soup. Her phone wouldn't stop buzzing, she was tempted to throw it across the room, but Soyeon would kill her.

She picked it up to see the contact: Shuhua. Yuqi perked up at that, she hadn't heard from her since the night she left. She quickly answered the phone.
(bold is shuhua, italics is yuqi)

Hello? Shuhua?

Hi yuqi. How are you?

I'm better now that you called. You sound cheerful! That's good news.

Yeah, well, the Twice members have been very kind to me. It's been nice to avoid her for a while, but I can't avoid her forever.

What are you talking about?

Do you think you could open the door for me? I miss you.

call ended.

Shuhua scoffed, "Bitch really ended the call on me wow." Yuqi ran down the stairs, alarming Soyeon who was just about to yell at her, but didn't when Yuqi unlocked the door. Shuhua stood at the door, smiling. Yuqi tackled her best friend into a hug; she missed her so much. "Yuqi, I can't breath! Please get the fuck off me." Shuhua joked, and Yuqi laughed. She was so happy to see her friend again.

Shuhua walked back into the dorm, where Soyeon was waiting for her. "I missed you, Shu." Soyeon smiled, and enveloped Shuhua into a less threatening hug. "I missed you too, unnie. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly." Shuhua apologized. "Hey, don't apologize. We all understand exactly why you did what you did." Soyeon flashed another smile.

"Why is everyone yelling? Shuhua!" Minnie yelled, surprised at seeing the maknae back in their home. "Hi Minnie unnie. I hope you've been doing well." Shuhua said honestly. "I missed having someone to make pancakes with!" Minnie cheered. Minnie always loved her pancakes. Miyeon ran into the smaller girl like a linebacker, causing the two of them to fall on the floor. "How do you just appear out of nowhere?" Shuhua joked. "It's my speciality. I'm glad you're smiling, Shu." Miyeon smiled.

The five of them stood in one group hug for a couple of minutes; no one wanted to let the youngest girl go when she had just came back. Soojin walked into the room, confused as to why everyone was just hugging each other. "What are you all doing?" Soojin asked. She stood there confused, until the group undid their hug, and she could see one familiar girl in the center.

Shuhua was back, and she was smiling. Soojin thought she could drown in her smile. She hadn't realized how much she missed the annoying girl until she was taken away from her. Soojin then realized something crucial, she didn't want to spend another day without her.

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