please don't kill me

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Yuqi and Shuhua just arrived at the hospital, and the doctors didn't waste any time with transporting Shuhua into a separate room. The nurse tapped Yuqi on the shoulder. "I'm sorry miss, but you can't go beyond this point." The nurse apologized, and Yuqi just gave her a quick nod. Yuqi was star struck. She blamed herself for this. "If only I took better care of her." Yuqi thought. It was now 1 am, and she knew that Soyeon was probably freaking out; they left at 11:30 pm.

calling Soyeon ...

hello? Yuqi where are you?!

Hi unnie. Please don't kill me after I tell you this!

Tell me what? You two better come home right now. It's really late, and I'm worried.

Um, we won't be coming home anytime soon. Shuhua and I are in the hospital...


Just come as soon as possible. Don't bring anyone else, please.

I'm on my way. Be careful, please.

call ended.

Soyeon almost threw her phone across the room. The other members were asleep, and Soyeon was still awake waiting for Yuqi and Shuhua when she got the call. She quickly wrote a note saying that she would be back soon, and that everything was ok. She raced to put her shoes on, sped out of the door, and jumped into her car to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Soyeon felt relieved when she saw Yuqi in one piece, but where was Shuhua? "Thank god you're alright! Where's Shuhua?" Soyeon asked, really nervous that something bad happened. "You're gonna have to sit down for this one, unnie." Yuqi said, turning dead serious.

"Shuhua and I were on the way to the store when she passed out. It's not my business to share why, but she didn't suffer major damage that I know of.  They took her into a separate room, and I've just been waiting here. Unnie, I feel horrible. I could have done something." Yuqi's voice broke, and she cried into Soyeon's arms. "Yuqi, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself. I just hope Shuhua is fine." Soyeon consoled her.

It was now 7 am, and the girls all woke up to Soyeon's note. "I wonder where she went?" Miyeon asked. "Probably to go get food or something." Minnie answered. Soojin went to go wake up the two youngest girls, but she realized they weren't there. "Guys, where are Yuqi and Shuhua?" Soojin asked, rather confused. "They didn't come home last night?" Miyeon asked. Realization set in; they never came home last night.

Soojin frantically tried to call Yuqi and Shuhua, but to no avail. "They won't answer!" Soojin said, now freaking out. "Calm down, let's try Soyeon." Minnie reasoned. They called Soyeon, and finally got an answer.

Soojin? Why are you calling me?

Have you seen Shuhua and Yuqi? They never came home last night!

About that... meet me at the hospital. We have some things to discuss.

The hospital?! Why?! What happened?!

It has something to do with Shuhua, I'll explain later, but hurry please!

call ended.

"She's at the hospital! We have to leave right now!" Soojin yelled, and the three girls booked it out of the dorm and right to the hospital.

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