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Shuhua's eyes fluttered open, and her vision slowly regained its clearness. Her body hurt, and her head killed. She could hear murmurs in the distance; she was confused as to who it was since she couldn't quite hear properly yet.

Yuqi spent the whole night sleeping in the room with Shuhua, in case she woke up during the middle of the night. "Shu, are you awake? It's me, Yuqi." She said, and that confirmed who it was for Shuhua.

"Where am I?" Shuhua asked. It turns out that she didn't remember where she was at the moment. The only thing she remembers is passing out, and then it was gone from there. "You're at the hospital. I called an ambulance after you passed out. Please don't scare me again, I need you." Yuqi teared up; all that mattered was that Shuhua was alright. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry." Shuhua whispered, not having the courage to make her voice any louder. "Hey, don't apologize. I won't let you apologize for being in danger, Shu. Please let me help you get through this." Yuqi responded, practically begging for Shuhua to let her in. "Ok. We'll talk about it later, I promise." Shuhua replied.

"She's awake guys!" Yuqi said, running outside to tell the members. It was currently 9:00 am, so they've been here for at least an hour and a half, give or take. Soyeon ran into the room, and immediately grabbed Shuhua's hand without the IV in it. "I'm so glad you're ok. I wouldn't forgive myself if something horrible happened to you." Soyeon sighed, while Shuhua shook her head. "Don't think like that, unnie. It's ultimately my fault that this happened; I'm the one who passed out in the first place." Shuhua said back. Soyeon wanted to reprimand her, but this wasn't the time nor place.

Miyeon and Minnie came in with some food for the girls, and a nurse to check on Shuhua. "We're so happy you're feeling better!" Miyeon exclaimed, with Minnie nodding in agreement. "We were so scared!" Minnie laughed. "I'm alright, thank you guys." Shuhua smiled back. She was slightly relieved that Soojin wasn't there with them, she didn't think she could handle seeing her after what happened.

The nurse walked over to Shuhua to discuss some things. "Hello, I'm Amber, your nurse. First off, I need you to explain to me exactly what happened before I can run some tests, and then we'll talk about when you can be discharged, based off of those results. On the chart, it says that you passed out, am I correct?" Amber said. Shuhua and Yuqi just nodded their heads as an answer.

"Was there any reason why you might have passed out?" Amber asked, making Shuhua pale and Yuqi quiet. The other members were still inside the room, and Soojin could come in any minute now. "Um, well, I was feeling very stressed when it happened." Shuhua managed to stutter out. Amber wasn't satisfied with that, but she caught on that maybe she didn't want anyone else to know. "Ok, that lines up. We're just gonna do some blood work, and we'll get back to you. Hang tight, you're gonna be here for at least another night or two." Amber said, making Shuhua slightly annoyed. "Why can't I just handle bad news like a normal person? I'm so dumb." Shuhua thought to herself.

Minutes later, and still no Soojin. Shuhua really tried not to care whether the girl showed up, but she couldn't deny it to herself that she was slightly offended that Soojin didn't even have the decency to show up. "Maybe she does hate me after all?" Shuhua questioned.

"I'm so sorry, the coffee took forever. I got a cup for everyone so that we can wait until Shu wakes up." Soojin said, as Shuhua heard her down the hall. "Soojin, she woke up." Soyeon responded to her, in which Soojin shoved the coffee into Soyeon's hands and ran into Shuhua's hospital room. Shuhua, meanwhile, felt her heart drop. It was quite ironic; Soojin was the reason behind all of this. "If only she knew." Shuhua thought.

"Shu! I'm so glad you're alright! I can go get you coffee if you want?" Soojin exclaimed, while grabbing Shuhua's hand and putting it into her own. Shuhua gave her a small smile in return; it was time for her to pull out her classic poker face. Yuqi watched how quickly Shuhua was able to cover her emotions. "No wonder no one else knows." Yuqi thought.

"No, unnie. I'm alright, but thanks for asking." Shuhua responded weakly, not bothering to make eye contact with Soojin. She didn't want to pass out again. Amber came back into the room after analyzing all of Shuhua's blood results. "Now that everyone's here, we can start to discuss some things." Amber started, with the other listening attentively.

"First off, it seems as if Shuhua was really stressed out and anxious, which seems to be an underlying cause of her sudden episode. I also checked her consumption, which was extremely lower than it should have been. She's going to have to stay for at least another day until she can be discharged, so that we can confirm that everything is fully ok. I'll be back soon." With that, Amber left the girls alone in the room.

They were shocked. She was stressed? She didn't eat at all? How come they never knew about this? The only one who didn't seem phased at all was Yuqi, who was just sitting silently with a blank stare; a pitiful one. Soojin picked up on this, and she wondered why that was the case. "Yuqi might know something." She thought.

Yuqi volunteered for stay with Shuhua again for the night, just to make sure she was alright. The other girls were alright with it; they would come back in the morning anyway. Soojin called everyone into the living room to ask them something. "Is anyone else picking up on this?" Soojin asked, to the confusion of Miyeon and Minnie. "What? I'm so confused." Minnie answered innocently. "No, you're not the only one. Yuqi said something to me earlier when you guys were still sleeping." Soyeon started, with Soojin motioning for her to continue.

"When I arrived at the hospital, I asked Yuqi what happened. She told me that Shuhua passed out, and when I went to ask why, she told me that it wasn't her place to tell me." Soyeon explained. "So she does know something. What could possibly be going on with the two of them? I'm worried if they think that we wouldn't understand." Soojin responded.

If only Soojin knew that she was the reason that it even happened in the first place.

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