yes or yes?

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"We're not done yet, come on!" Soojin stood up, and grabbed Shuhua's hand. She led her to the homemade fort that Minnie and Yuqi helped make together. Minnie's "stupid" cake was sitting on a plate. Shuhua sat down first, and Soojin sat down as close to her as possible. She was practically on top of Shuhua, which was making the other girl nervous. "She's so close to me!!! Shuhua, calm down. But she's so pretty... No!" Shuhua was having an internal conflict with the devil and angel on her shoulders. Soojin just sat and admired Shuhua for a moment, she thought Shuhua was the most beautiful thing on this earth. She would never get tired of staring at her.

"Earth to Jinie!" Shuhua joked, Soojin shook her head and everything went back to normal. "Is that a cake?" Shuhua asked, she wasn't sure exactly what it was. "Yes, Minnie made it. She insisted that I leave it out for us to eat, but I'm not sure if it's edible." Soojin responded, and Shuhua laughed. "Probably isn't." She muttered.

"Shu, I need to talk to you about something important." Soojin suddenly turned serious. Shuhua was expecting this, she knew something was happening, just not what it was. She was hoping that it wasn't bad news, she's had enough of that for a while. "Uh, yeah, sure. Go ahead." Shuhua motioned for Soojin to start. "First off, can I please say what I have to say, and then I can hear your response after?" Soojin hesitantly asked, but Shuhua just nodded.

"So... I wanted to create a fun day for us today, and I really hope you enjoyed it. I had so much fun today. Now, after your departure, something changed inside me. I lost my feelings for Hui, that I don't even think I had in the first place, and I broke up with him over text the next day after you left. Shu, you make me feel things that I didn't know were possible. My heart beats so fast, my eyes widen, and a feeling of happiness overwhelms me when I'm with you, Shu." Soojin continued, and Shuhua could feel her heart beating so damn fast. She was practically begging to speak, but she wanted to hold true to Soojin, so she remained silent.

"I don't know what came over me, or rather, what took me so long to figure this out. I love you Shuhua. Will you be my girlfriend?" Soojin smiled, while Shuhua just sat there in shock. "Did I hear that right? Is this some sick prank from Yuqi? There's no way she's serious about this." Shuhua thought. "Are you serious? Like, this isn't a joke?" Shuhua questioned, she was having a hard time believing this.

"Yes, Shu. I really do love you." Soojin smiled, and Shuhua smiled back. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I've loved you for a long time." Shuhua responded, her mood was amazing. The two girls looked at each other, before Soojin made a move and pulled Shuhua close enough to her that she could feel Soojin's breath on her neck. "I love you." Soojin whispered, before closing the gap, and their lips collided.

Shuhua thought she was dreaming, this all seemed so unreal. Soon enough, she could feel her back hitting the couch, and Soojin was on top of her. Shuhua couldn't breath, she was kissing the girl of her dreams, who was on top of her! Soojin eventually pulled away, but didn't change her position. She leaned over Shuhua, admiring her. "You're so beautiful." Soojin admitted, Shuhua blushed a scarlet red. Soojin laughed, she loved having so much power over the younger girl. "Come on, the others must be dying right now." Soojin smiled, and took Shuhua's hand in hers, leading her into the kitchen, where the others were waiting.

Shuhua and Soojin held their intertwined hands up, and the rest of the girls squealed. "Yes! My ship sailed!" Minnie cheered, while Yuqi stood next to her, smiling. Minnie walked over to Soyeon and Miyeon, who were making fun of Soojin.

"You like her, huh?" Shuhua asked Yuqi, who blushed and looked away. "Come on Yuqi, don't think that I can't tell." Shuhua added, and Yuqi sighed. "Yes, but you can't tell anyone, please!" Yuqi begged, and Shuhua laughed. While still discussing in mandarin (to hide from Minnie), Yuqi asked Shuhua a rather pressing question.

"So, did you two "do" anything?" Yuqi wiggled her eyebrows, and Shuhua laughed. The two girls were pretty comfortable with each other, and they've asked each other worse things during truth or dare, so Shuhua wasn't really phased. "She kissed me!" Shuhua squealed, and so did Yuqi. Yuqi, accidentally switching back to korean, let out a really loud "jinja?!" which alarmed the other girls.

"What are you two talking about?" Minnie asked, and Yuqi's face turned a shade deeper. "Oh, we were just talking about how Yuqi—-" Shuhua started, but Yuqi elbowed her in the gut, causing her to let out a yelp. "Ahem, nothing." Shuhua corrected, that was close. Minnie and Soojin just looked at each other before laughing.

A hour later, the members had run off in pairs. Miyeon forced Soyeon to play Mario Kart with her, while Minnie and Yuqi were watching a movie in Minnie's room. Soojin and Shuhua were watching tv in the living room, when they heard a knock on the door. Shuhua got up, while telling Soojin she would answer the door, with Soojin nodding.

Two women were standing outside the door in police uniforms. One name tag said "Moonbyul", the other saying "Solar". "Are you Yeh Shuhua?" The taller woman said. "Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" Shuhua asked nervously, she wasn't sure why they asked for her. "We need you to come down to the station immediately for questioning." Solar said, grabbing Shuhua's arm. "What?! Why?!" Shuhua screamed, she was really afraid. Her screams alerted the other members, who ran into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on here? Why the hell do you have your hand on my girlfriend?" Soojin spat, glaring daggers into Solar. "We don't have time to explain right now. She has no choice but to get in the car with us, this is important." Moonbyul deadpanned. Shuhua accepted her defeat, and looked at her members. "I'll be fine, don't worry." She whispered before looking at Soojin one last time, and walking out the door with the police officers.

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