boom boom pow

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(yes. i did reference the black eyed peas. you're welcome lol)

Shuhua was surprisingly really good at lazer tag. You could look up briefly, and she would have the opponent gone in a split second. She enjoyed it too; she was dying laughing the entire time. Soojin couldn't keep her smile off of her face, seeing Shuhua happy was the best feeling of her life.

Shuhua named her gun "SS" (which stands for Seo Shuhua), and when Soojin asked why, she just shrugged. "This girl is crazy." Soojin laughed mentally. Shuhua however, was enjoying the time with Soojin. She wasn't sure what changed in the latter, but she was extremely happy that Soojin was finally paying attention to her. It made her fall for her just a little more.

Shuhua forced Soojin to go through another round of lazer tag, but this time it was glow in the dark. Shuhua smiled, this would be fun. Soojin wasn't the biggest fan of the dark, but Shuhua didn't really know that. Once they entered the big room, Soojin immediately locked her arm with Shuhua's, causing the younger girl to turn around towards her. "Are you alright, jinie?" Shuhua softly asked, and Soojin felt herself blush from the nickname. "I'm not the biggest fan of the dark." Soojin admitted, embarrassed. "Hey, just hold onto me. You'll be ok." Shuhua smirked, making Soojin blush again. She was glad this was in the dark, Shuhua wouldn't have stopped teasing her.

Shuhua kept yelling at the opponents, while Soojin kept laughing from watching Shuhua. "Eat lasers loser!" Shuhua shouted, killing another person. Soojin had her head in her hands from laughing so much, she was borderline crying. "I'll get my karma from you laughing at me." Shuhua teased, making Soojin laugh even harder. The girl was practically on the floor from laughing; Shuhua had never seen Soojin laugh this hard before. "Is this a dream? Or is today just a really strange day?" Shuhua convinced herself.

The two girls exited the lazer tag building, but not before someone stopped the two of them. "Hey, you're famous right?" The random guy said to Soojin, who just nodded. "Wait, you're Selena Gomez!" The guy jumped up and down, and Shuhua had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Soojin pretended to be Selena Gomez, and took a picture with the guy. Once he left, Shuhua couldn't keep her laugh to herself. "That was so funny, I'm gonna cry!" Shuhua said, in between laughing and catching her breath. Soojin just glared at her, and cracked a smile.

Soojin drove the two of them home, and opened the car door for Shuhua on the other side. "Thank you." Shuhua smiled, shyly. Soojin rung the doorbell twice, and Minnie, who was wearing a waitress outfit, answered the door. Soojin internally facepalmed, while Shuhua was so lost. "Welcome, you two! Come on in!" Minnie cheered, and the two girls walked back inside the dorm.

There was a table with a rose on top of it sitting in the kitchen. Minnie ushered the two girls to have a seat at the table, with Soojin and Shuhua facing each other. Shuhua wanted to laugh, to replace her confusion perhaps. She wasn't sure what was happening, but spending the day with Soojin was almost too good to be true, so she wasn't complaining. Soojin, on the other hand, was extremely nervous. The big question kept coming closer, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to ask confidently.

Miyeon and Soyeon came out, in the same outfits (it was Minnie's idea), and each served a plate of 牛肉麵, (beef noodle soup). Shuhua's face lit up, this was her favorite from back home. Yuqi walked up to them and smiled, "I hope you enjoy!"

"This my favorite from back home! Thank you for the fun day today, I really appreciated it." Shuhua smiled kindly, she really meant every word she said. Honestly for her, this was one of the best days of her life. The love of her life had just spent the whole entire day with her, she couldn't believe it. "You deserve it. It's been a while since we did something for the two of us, I hope you liked it. It's not over though, so don't end things just yet!" Soojin responded, and Shuhua got excited again.

Minnie, Miyeon, Yuqi, and Soyeon smiled while looking at the two. They were really happy that Soojin had finally realized her feelings, and that Shuhua seemed to be enjoying herself. Ever since Hui left, Soojin seemed to be happier in the long run as well, although she was greatly affected by Shuhua's absence, even if she wouldn't admit it. All they all wanted for the two was happiness. Yuqi wouldn't admit this to anyone, but she had a bad feeling about Shuhua and Soojin's situation, almost like a sixth sense that would predict that something bad would happen soon. She just hoped she wasn't right.

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