can i stay?

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The door slammed shut, causing the five girls and Hui to look. Shuhua was gone. Yuqi tried to go after her, but Miyeon and Soyeon held her back; Shuhua most definitely needed space right now. Soojin was in a state of shock, although she wasn't disgusted or angry with Shuhua, which weirded her out since she normally would have been. Instead, she was extremely angry at Hui.

He had laid his hands on her Shuhua, he threatened her, and hurt her so badly that she kept it all to herself. Soojin could almost laugh at how the situation looked. Her boyfriend, who she let into their home numerous times, had assaulted one of the people she cared about most, and it went completely under her head.

"You need to go. Right now." Soojin barked, but Hui tried to interject. "Soojin, please. I was sharing the truth with all of you!" Hui begged. "The only truth is that you're a homophobic prick who hurt our friend really badly, and now we don't know where she is!" Minnie answered; she normally was sweet, but this called for an exception. Soyeon escorted him out, not before he attempted to make some more homophobic comments. She just ignored him, and slammed the door.

The five members of (g)idle were all in shock. Miyeon and Yuqi were worried about Shuhua, Minnie and Soyeon were angry at Hui, and Soojin was utterly confused and heartbroken. After all, Shuhua kept all of her pain to herself. The pain that Soojin's boyfriend had caused. She felt disgusted with herself, disturbed by the fact that she loved such an animal. Although, Hui's words of Shuhua's confession wouldn't leave her mind.

Soyeon looked outside the window; it was dark, and it was pouring. Yuqi was silent; it was so unlike her. Soyeon could only sigh, before wrapping an arm around the younger girl who cried into her neck. Everyone watched as Yuqi broke down; they were all a little broken in some way.

Sure, getting the least amount of lines from CUBE hurts; punches and bruises hurt too. However, nothing ever hurt Shuhua as much as this. It hurt so much that it numbed her. She almost couldn't feel anything, so when she punched the concrete until it turned red, she felt absolutely nothing. She was walking in the rain with a bloody hand, teardrops running down her face, and no feeling at all.

She wasn't sure where she would go, she had nowhere to go. The rain didn't bother her, neither did the cold weather that was threatening to freeze her. Nothing mattered at this moment, not when she couldn't feel. Her legs started to give out; she dropped onto her knees. She knew that would leave more bruises, but she couldn't care less.

There she was, on her knees in the dark, in the pouring rain, with a bleeding hand. Just how pathetic was she? She never felt this tired; every once of life that she had enjoyed had been stripped from her, she felt as if she had nothing. That she was nothing. The pain wouldn't stop, she wanted it to stop so badly. All she could ever ask for is to be ok again.

Her phone had 40 missed calls. About 9 from the 4 members of (g)idle, and one from Soojin. She shook her head, Soojin had called her. "How could she possibly want to talk to me?" Shuhua thought. Her phone kept ringing; it was annoying her. Yuqi wouldn't stop spamming her phone. She debated ignoring it, but she owed the girl a lot after all of her help.

(bold is Shuhua, italics is Yuqi)


Shuhua? Where are you? Are you alright? Are you physically hurt?

My hand is bleeding, but that isn't important right now. I feel numb, Yuqi. I punched the ground so hard, but I couldn't feel anything. Why can't I feel?!

Please tell me where you are. I have a place where you can stay for the mean time. I need you to be safe, Shu.

I'm on the corner of Trent Avenue. Yuqi, you don't have to do this.

Yes, I do. I'm not letting you deal with this alone. I called Tzuyu. She's gonna come pick you up; you're staying with her for a while until we figure this whole thing out. I have to go, the members are gonna get suspicious. Please stay safe, Shu.

Thank you, Yuqi. For everything.

You've had my back so many times. It's the least I can do.

call ended.

Shuhua was blinded by bright lights. "I bet that's Tzuyu." She thought. Tzuyu slammed her car door, and ran toward the younger girl. "Shuhua?! Are you crazy?!" Tzuyu practically screamed. Yuqi called her, desperate for a favor, and Tzuyu was happy to help. "I'm so broken, unnie." Shuhua whispered, while Tzuyu looked at her. The girl looked so vulnerable, so broken. Tzuyu could only wonder what made her like this, but she knew she would find out.

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