the kim dynasty | pt 2

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(the photo above is what namjin looks like in this fic lol also i made up fake names for shuhua and tzuyu's fathers since i don't know their actual names)

"How are they both so attractive?" Shuhua questioned. Shaking her head, she tried to pay attention to the conversation that Solar was having with the two club owners.

"Long story short, Yeh Zhan and Chou Zhonghe were attacked by a random man. Hwasa told us to cover this case, so we talked to these two girls, the daughters of Zhan and Zhonghe respectively. When they went to Taiwan, they found a desk with a pentagon engraved into it, the same one as your logo. We're here to ask if you may know who did it, or why that could be the case." Solar explained, and Jin looked intrigued, while Namjoon was surprised.

"While I'm well aware of the Yeh and Chou family influences, I'm almost positive that we've never worked with them at all before. I'm gonna have to go and check the business records with Namjoon before we can find anything. As far as who would do something like that, I'm not quite sure. My cousin doesn't own this club, but he owns the trademark, so perhaps he could have something to do with that? I'll ask him later if you would like?" Jin explained, and then offered, to which Solar nodded.

"Very well, you girls should go and try to enjoy yourselves for the mean time. This won't take long, but at least 20 minutes or so." Namjoon stated, and then left to go start looking through the records. Solar and Tzuyu left the room, leaving just Jin and Shuhua. Shuhua was about to get up and leave, but her phone started ringing.

"Hello? Babe?"

"Hi, Shu. How are you holding up? Are you safe? Do I need to come and kick someone's ass?"

"I'm fine, jinjin. Don't worry, I'll see you later."

"Please be careful, I don't feel like punching anyone right now."

"Yes ma'am. See you soon!"
call ended.

"Who's the lucky boy?" Jin asked, getting into Shuhua's business like he does to everyone. "I'm actually gay, I have a girlfriend." Shuhua laughed, and Jin's face lit up. "We have another one in the club! Don't tell me that Tzuyu-ssi is gay as well too?" Jin asked again. "Yup, she also has a girlfriend." Shuhua responded, and Jin squealed. "I have to introduce you to my younger brother, Taehyung! His boyfriend is a real charmer, name is Park Jimin." Jin winked jokingly, and Shuhua laughed. She felt quite comfortable with Jin, perhaps it was his open personality and acceptance that made her feel safe.

Jin then bid her goodbye, and asked her to shut the door when she left. Shuhua walked out of the room, landing back in the same spot that she was in earlier. The door at the end of the hall looked so appealing. "I shouldn't do this, should I?" Shuhua asked herself; this probably wasn't a good idea. "Fuck it. I'm already in a club, which I never thought I would be here." Shuhua made a decision, and walked towards the door. It had the same pentagon on it, this time it wasn't golden, but blue. "I knew I wasn't just seeing things!" Shuhua thought.

The door was shut, except for a sliver, which was open. Shuhua hesitantly opened the door, looking behind her to make sure no one caught her. She walked into the room, which looked very similar to Jin's office. She stepped into the office, shutting the door lightly behind her.

"Is there anyone here? I think you might be able to help me." Shuhua called out, but no one answered. She looked around the office, eventually getting to the desk. She picked up some files, trying to read the writing, which was in korean. "They definitely don't have anything to do with the branch in Taiwan." Shuhua concluded. She kept reading the paper, and was shocked when her name came home numerous times, as well as her father's.

Yeh Shuhua >>> daughter of Yeh Zhan

As I've known her over these past couple of months, she continues to irritate me. I've been as nice as I can be towards her, for the sake of the others, but my patience is running thin. She'll pay for trying to steal what's mine, and it won't be pretty.

"What the hell?" Shuhua thought, who could this be? Stole what's his? As far she's concerned, she doesn't own anything that someone else previously had. She was racking her brain trying to come up with someone that could possibly fit the bill. She knew that some people didn't like her, but who would hate her enough to hurt her father, as well as Tzuyu's?

She quickly slipped out of the office before someone caught her, and went to go find Tzuyu, who was talking to someone that Shuhua recognized, Jennie Kim. Tzuyu saw Shuhua and called her over, much to her dismay; she didn't like talking in korean unless she had to. "You must be Shuhua, right? From (g)idle? Jennie Kim, pleased to meet you." Jennie confidently extended her hand for Shuhua to shake, who hesitantly took it.

"Yeh Shuhua, nice to meet you Jennie-ssi." Shuhua respectfully bowed, and Jennie laughed. "Just call me Jennie, please. The formalities bother me." Jennie asked, and Shuhua felt a burden lifted off of her chest. "I was just talking to Jennie about her training experiences before BlackPink." Tzuyu motioned to Shuhua, who just nodded. "You know Miyeon, right?" Shuhua asked, she suddenly remembered that the two trained together before Miyeon transferred to CUBE. "Yes, tell her I said hi, will you?" Jennie asked, and Shuhua smiled.

Their rather short conversation got interrupted by Moonbyul tapping on Tzuyu's shoulder, motioning that they were ready to discuss with Namjoon and Jin again. They bid goodbye to Jennie, and followed Moonbyul back inside the office.

"Long time no see!" Jin laughed, and no one smiled except for Namjoon and Shuhua. Tzuyu just sat down with a blank stare, while Solar and Moonbyul were too used to Jin's jokes to laugh. "Ahem, tough crowd. Anyways, we didn't find anything business related. However, we looked through personal contacts, and weirdly enough, our club phone seemed to have called a number by the name of "Cheng Xiao" a couple of times. I'm not sure if that helps at all, but that's all we found. We're sorry we couldn't help you guys as much as we would have liked to." Jin explained, as Namjoon nodded.

Tzuyu and Shuhua locked eyes with each other, they knew Cheng Xiao personally from when they went to the company. Shuhua personally thanked Jin and Namjoon for all of their help, and even asked Jin for his number so they could be friends. Of course, Jin willingly gave it, and asked if they could meet for coffee sometime. Tzuyu ended up having to drag Shuhua out of the club to stop her from keeping them there all night.

Back at the station, Tzuyu and Shuhua sat down in some chairs in Solar's office. They decided that they would tell Solar about how they met Cheng Xiao, but that they weren't sure how she tied into the whole thing. After explaining the situation, they walked out of her office and into the lobby, where Sana and Soojin were waiting for them.

"Hey Men in Black, how did it go?" Sana laughed, while Tzuyu rolled her eyes. "I'll answer since she too busy rolling her eyes. It went alright, although I hate the club even more than I did before." Shuhua sighed, and Soojin laughed at her comment. "Well, we should get going, it's pretty late. Nice to see you guys!" Soojin stated, and the four parted ways.

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