where are you

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3rd person POV

Yuqi ran out of the practice room, trying to find her bestfriend. "If only Soyeon wasn't so damn impulsive!" She thought, angry at Soyeon but understanding since she knew the leader didn't mean it like that. Yuqi was worried, it was late, and she didn't want the younger girl walking by herself at such a dangerous time. She was freaking out, Shuhua could be anywhere. She heard sniffling in the distance, and she ran towards the sound.

There she was. Shuhua wasn't one to cry often, so Yuqi still wasn't used to seeing the poor girl like this. She approached Shuhua, and whispered a quick, "I'm here." in mandarin. Shuhua engulfed Yuqi into a strong hug, letting all of her sad feelings go. Yuqi knew that Shuhua was the type of person to keep all of her feelings to herself, not to worry anyone, no matter how hurt she was actually feeling.

"I'm not going to force you to talk. However, I know the kind of person you are; that you'll hide your feelings to make sure no one is worried about you. I want to help you Shu, it's not a bad thing to let your guard down." Yuqi whispered in Shuhua's ear. "Now, can you please tell me what's going on?"

"Ok." Shuhua let out a small whimper. "These feelings of isolation and sadness have seemed to overwhelm me. Cube knows, and I know, that I shouldn't have debuted in this group. My voice sucks, I can't dance, and I'm too loud. I'm a burden to everyone here. Idle would be better as a 5 member group. Just ask Soyeon." Shuhua finished first, making Yuqi shed a small tear. "You're not a burden. Never. Soyeon is impossibly impulsive, and she doesn't think about what she says sometimes. Idle is meant to have 6 members, not 5. I can speak for the other members when I say that we love you." Yuqi whispered.

Shuhua wanted to believe Yuqi so badly. She knew Yuqi cared about her, but Soojin acted like she never knew her half the time, and Soyeon seemed to hate her, so it wouldn't leave her mind that the members secretly never liked her, and thought of her as a burden. She debated telling Yuqi about Soojin, but she was so afraid of what she would think. "She would think I'm disgusting; which I am." Shuhua thought.

"Is there something else on your mind?" Yuqi asked, somehow picking up on Shuhua's thoughts. "Ye-yes, but I'm afraid of how you'll view me after." Shuhua replied honestly. "If this is about Soojin, don't sweat it." Yuqi laughed. Shuhua was dumbfounded; was it that obvious? Did Soojin know? Did the other members know? Yuqi seemed to read her mind again, "I'll always love you as my sister no matter who you love. You could marry a spoon and I would still be happy for you. If you're worried, no the members don't know, and I don't plan on telling them. That's for you to do when you feel comfortable." Yuqi stated, wrapping Shuhua into another hug. "We should probably head back." Shuhua laughed, with Yuqi cracking a small smile.

At the dorm

Soyeon was freaking out. She just had to say that, didn't she? It was 11:30 pm, and the two girls weren't back yet. As the leader, she would take full blame if something happened to the two of them. She wanted to run after them, but Miyeon and Minnie told her to let them deal with it themselves; after all, they aren't kids anymore.

Her foot kept tapping the floor. Her arms were tense, and her eyes wouldn't close until Shuhua and Yuqi walked in the door, safe and sound. "Relax for a minute. You're too tense." Miyeon spoke softly. "I can't; it's my fault that this even happened." Soyeon responded back, ashamed of herself. "It's not your fault, please don't worry. Shuhua cares about you, and I'm sure she knows that you didn't actually mean that." Miyeon smiled. Miyeon always knew how to make Soyeon feel better. Soyeon took another deep breath, when two figured walked into the dorm.

"Thank god you're alright!" Soyeon exclaimed, wrapping the two youngest girls into a bone crushing hug. "We can't breathe Soyeon." Yuqi wheezed, causing Soyeon to let go, and for Shuhua to gasp for breath. Soyeon locked eyes with Shuhua. "I'm so sorry Shu, I wasn't thinking." Soyeon said, hoping the girl understood. "Don't worry, it makes sense. I'm not mad at you." Shuhua responded in a soft tone. Soyeon smiled, and the three girls joined the other three in the living room. Minnie and Soojin jumped out of their seats and tackled the two girls.

"I would kill you if you died on me!" Minnie yelled at the two, causing them to laugh. "That doesn't make sense unnie." Shuhua joked, with Yuqi giving her a fist bump. The 6 girls all sat on the couch to watch a movie together, and everything seemed fine.

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