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Shuhua woke up in Tzuyu's room, the girls had practically forced her to stay over last night. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, to go grab a water bottle. Nayeon had her head in her hands, the result of a hangover, while Jeongyeon kept snickering while talking awful pictures of her. Shuhua was glad that she didn't drink, that would have been bad.

"Good morning, Shu." Sana smiled, she was sober too. "Morning, Sana. Thanks for letting me stay over again." Shuhua laughed, and Sana just smiled even wider. "Don't sweat it, we all love having you here." Sana said truthfully, and pulled Shuhua into a hug. "Have fun today." She whispered, and Shuhua was confused, but got cut off by Dahyun running towards her, probably to show her a funny cat video again.

Everything was all set. Soojin, with the help of the other members, had everything perfectly planned out to a T. Speaking of Soojin, she was really excited, but insanely nervous. Miyeon stood in the doorway of Soojin's room, while the younger girl was pacing around back and forth, not minding to look up. "Do you need a stress ball or something?" Miyeon mocked, and Soojin threw her pillow at her.

"Not the time, Miyeon." Soojin rolled her eyes. "It's 9:30 am, you better go. You got this!" Miyeon cheered, and Soojin gave her a cheeky smile. "Thank you." Soojin responded. She finished getting ready, and took off in her car to go pick Shuhua up. "I hope this goes well." Soojin thought.

Shuhua was ready, she was planning to call Miyeon to come pick her up, but Momo came into her room before she could call her. "I just wanted to tell you that Soojin's here. She's waiting for you downstairs, have fun!" Momo smiled, and Shuhua was still absolutely clueless. "Why is everyone telling me to have fun? This isn't vacation." Shuhua thought, and then laughed at her own joke.

Shuhua walked down the stairs, to see Soojin and the rest of Twice waiting for her. "Something's up. There's no way Sana would stand still if it wasn't something important." Shuhua noted, looking over to Soojin who had the prettiest smile on her face. "Not the time to stare at her, Shuhua." She scolded herself. Now standing eye to eye with Soojin and the members of Twice, she could see all of them with bright smiles on their faces. "Did I win the lottery or something? Why are you all smiling like that?" Shuhua joked, and all of them laughed.

"Shu, are you ready to go?" Soojin asked, and offered her hand for Shuhua to grab. While holding Soojin's hand, Shuhua bid her goodbyes with a large smile; Soojin finally wasn't shying away from her. Shuhua thought it made her week. Soojin didn't let go of Shuhua's hand, and they entered the car. "I hope you know that you're stuck with me for the whole day. I hope that's alright?" Soojin said, and then asked.

"The WHOLE day?! Maybe I did win the lottery oh my god!" Shuhua internally screamed. "Yes-yeah th-that's alright." Shuhua responded softly, embarrassed of her stutter. What could she do? Soojin made her nervous. While Shuhua was blushing out of embarrassment, Soojin smiled. "I made her embarrassed. Cute." Soojin thought.

Soojin parked the car and led Shuhua into the cafe. "Wait. Is this the next cafe I wanted to try?" Shuhua asked, obviously excited. Soojin wanted to hug the girl so badly, but stopped herself. "Yes, Shu, it is. We both wanted to try it, so I figured it would be fun if we came here together." Soojin smiled, which allowed Shuhua to come back with something funny. "Like a date?" Shuhua joked, expecting Soojin to slap her arm. Instead, she reacted differently. "Yeah sure, like a date." Soojin smiled, and Shuhua's eyes widened. "Are they kicking me out of the group? Something's happening, Soojin didn't slap me this time." Shuhua pondered.

Shuhua ordered a salted caramel latte, as well as some pancakes. She had Minnie to thank for that, since Minnie kept making pancakes until Shuhua liked them. Soojin ordered a regular black coffee, and a crepe. The two ate and spoke to each other. For the first time in a while, they had a legitimate conversation. "Yeah, I visited my parents in Taiwan over the 2 week period. What did you do?" Shuhua asked; she was curious of Soojin's whereabouts. "Well, I stayed in Seoul with a friend that I hadn't seen in a while." Soojin responded. Shuhua stopped eating for a split second, she felt sort of jealous. She hated picturing Soojin staying in a house with someone else, especially for a whole two weeks.

Apparently she had spaced out, because Soojin was then waving her hand in Shuhua's face. "Shuhua! Are you ok?" Soojin asked, concerned. "Oh, uh, yeah. Just spaced out for a second there, hehe." Shuhua laughed nervously. Soojin was concerned, but brushed it off since she had the rest of the day to look forward to. Both girls finished with their meals, and Soojin took the initiative to lead Shuhua to their next spot: lazer tag.

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