we need a plan

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Seo Soojin finally admitted it to herself. She was in love with Yeh Shuhua, the girl who always annoyed, always flirted with her, and the girl who always made time for her. Soojin felt liberated, it was almost like the feeling when you finally finish the final exams for the year, or when you put a ton of hard work into something, and it goes really well. Soojin felt relieved.

Out of all of the mistakes, faults, and failures she's been through, she wouldn't let this go away. She needed to act on it; she would never forgive herself if she didn't. She just needed a plan, and she knew exactly who to ask for help.

The 4 members of (g)idle were sitting at the table, while Soojin was standing. Soojin asked Soyeon to send Shuhua out to the store to buy her some time, while she told the members her plan.

"Last night, after trial and tribulation, I finally figured out my feelings for Shuhua." Soojin sighed. "Well?" Yuqi asked enthusiastically. "I love her. I'm ashamed it took me this long to figure it out." Soojin admitted, and Yuqi flew out of her chair. "Yes! Miyeon owes me 50 bucks! Fuck yeah!" Yuqi cheered. "What? 50 bucks?" Soojin questioned. "Yuqi and I bet on how long it would take you to fall in love with Shuhua when she came back. I said it would take 3 weeks while Yuqi said a week at most. Obviously she won." Miyeon rolled her eyes, and gave Yuqi her well deserved money.

"Ok, this isn't about money. Soojin finally put on some glasses!" Minnie laughed, with Soyeon joining in. "Are you guys done?" Soojin rolled her eyes, and they all shut up. "I need you guys to help me set up a surprise date for Shuhua. I'll take her out, have some fun, and eventually ask her to be my girlfriend at the end. How does that sound?" Soojin asked, and Minnie squealed. "That sounds adorable! I'm so glad you aren't stupid anymore!" Miyeon joked, and Soojin slapped her arm.

"Yuqi, can you give me Tzuyu's number?" Soojin asked, to which Yuqi sent her a quick text with Tzuyu's number in it. "Thank you guys, for your support. I'm glad I've finally realized my feelings; I just hope it isn't too late." Soojin admitted, and the 5 girls all pulled each other into a large group hug. Shuhua walked inside the house with groceries in her hand, clearly confused to why 5 girls were randomly hugging in her living room. "Are they having a moment or something?" Shuhua thought, and just shrugged them off and went into her room.

"Perfect. Now I can plan this without her seeing." Soojin thought, and took out her phone.

we all love shuhua
nayeon, jeongyeon, momo, sana, jihyo, mina, dahyun, chaeyoung, tzuyu, and soojin

so i asked tzuyu to set this gc up. i'm soojin, one of the members of idle. i wanted to ask you guys for a big favor

i'm assuming it has something to do with the title

omg this is about shuhua omg

i finally realized my feelings for her, and i want to take her out on a date


lmao shu is gonna flip wow


momo seriously we just met her wow

sorry soojin, they have no shame

she's not lying. also if u hurt my baby i will kill you jk unless...

hah... anyways i wanted to ask you guys if you could take her out later this week for a day so i can have time to set up? i can't risk having her be home when i set it up

yes of course. we all love shu

she's like the better taiwanese version of tzuyu

eh that's valid

are u kidding me

we're all free soojin! just let us know when and we'll deliver

yes and i'll finally beat shuhua in mario kart. mina always wins and it's not fair :(

sucks for u

thank you guys again!

of course, soojin. shu loves you, please don't hurt her

jeong and i will chase you through the ends of the earth if you hurt her so u better watch it

mc rail should have been nicer ab that but it's true don't fuck up lol

Soojin laughed, no wonder Shuhua liked the Twice girls. She was really happy, her plan was coming together nicely. She just hoped that it went well, and nothing came in between it.

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