good luck

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i don't know much about law, so i'm sorry if the information is incorrect, cause it probably is lol

The court case was finally here. Shuhua and Jungkook had been working day in and day out to put this case to rest; the both of them had become decently close during that time period, kind of like Shuhua's relationship with Jin. Now, the two were discussing their last points in the conference room, an hour or so before the case.

"We're going after him with charges of abuse and home invasion. Copying fingerprints and framing can also acquire serious charges. We got this. His plot is totally fabricated; it's missing some things. Just be yourself, and tell your truth. That will be enough, I hope." Jungkook smiled, he had gained a respect for Shuhua. The girl had been through a ton, especially at a young age.

Shuhua nodded, trying her best to listen, but her nerves kept getting the best of her. "What if they believe him instead? What if I'll never see the members again?" Shuhua gulped; that was her worst nightmare. She shook her head, snapping out of it. She still had to talk to her friends before the case, she couldn't show them how nervous she was.

The members of Idle and Twice were waiting outside the room with Jungkook and Shuhua in it. Tzuyu knew her friend very well; Shuhua wouldn't ever do such a thing. Shuhua took a deep breath, and exited the room, only to almost have a heart attack from Nayeon tackling her into a hug.

"Shushu!" Nayeon squealed, and Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes. "Get off of her, she's probably nervous." Jeongyeon stated blankly, and Nayeon removed her hold with a pout. "How are you Shu?" Sana whispered, a hint of sadness magnified in her vocal tone. Shuhua just sighed, she wasn't about to lie to the people who knew her best.

"I've known you for a long time, Shu. I know that you're a great person, and I truly believe that everyone in that room will agree with that." Tzuyu smiled, and Shuhua's face lit up. "Thank you, Tzu. That means a lot coming from you." Shuhua responded, a smile breaking into her face.

Twice gave Shuhua their words of encouragement, and then went to go grab seats in the court room. Next up, was Shuhua's family. The girls who've been with her through thick and thin; the girls that she would wholeheartedly risk her life for.

"You've got this, Shu. We believe you in!" Minnie cheered, her positivity was refreshing during this hard time. "Go and show that asshole what's up!" Yuqi added, and Minnie smiled. Shuhua laughed at the both of them. "I at least hope they get together if I won't ever see them again." Shuhua thought.

"You've always been so confident and strong, Shu. Use that when you get in there. We know what kind of person you are; show everyone else the badass that you are." Soyeon smiled, and Shuhua laughed. "When you win this, I expect a rematch in Mario Kart." Miyeon joked, and Shuhua laughed. Miyeon always knew how to cheer her up.

The four girls went to go get seats as well, leaving Soojin and Shuhua alone. Shuhua was undoubtedly nervous, but ultimately felt defeated. If she couldn't win this, Hui would have been a better match for Soojin. She felt as if she wasn't good enough for her; like the older deserved better than her. There was still a part of her that told herself that she was pathetic.

Soojin picked up on a stigma surrounding Shuhua. "Baby, what's wrong?" Soojin asked, but Shuhua's head was pointed towards the floor. Soojin lightly grabbed her jaw, and positioned her face to look Soojin in the eyes. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Soojin added, concern etching in her dark orbs. Shuhua sighed, she wasn't sure if this was a good time to vocalize her concerns; nevertheless she told Soojin what was bothering her.

"Am I good enough for you?" Shuhua asked, her voice breaking slightly. "Of course! Why would you say otherwise?" Soojin asked, her heart hurt for her girlfriend. "He's better for you. I'm pathetic. You need a man, not some young girl who can't even sing properly." Shuhua hesitantly admitted. Soojin's mouth was hung open for a second, she was shocked that Shuhua even thought that about herself. "How can she not see that she's perfect to me?" Soojin thought.

"Listen. I choose you because I love you. I love you, and I only love you, never him. I don't need a man, nor do I want one. I'm perfectly happy with you, Shu. You're not pathetic, you're beautiful, and I will go to the ends of this earth every second of every day to make you see that." Shuhua whispered, the younger girl now in her arms.

Shuhua pulled away from the hug, not before giving Soojin a chaste kiss. "Thank you jinie, for everything." Shuhua smiled, and Soojin returned it brightly. "Good luck out there, I'll be cheering you on, always." Soojin finished, and left to go join the others.

Shuhua stood still for a second, not before Jungkook tapped her on the shoulder. "We're ready. You've got this, put this piece of shit in his place!" Jungkook laughed, and Shuhua smiled. Jungkook walked into the court room; it went dead silent. Shuhua followed him with her head held high. "I'm not letting him go so easily. It's my time to shine." Shuhua smirked, and followed Jungkook down the aisle.

She saw familiar faces, ones of Twice, who have been nothing but great friends and supporters of her. They smiled at her, Sana flashing a thumbs up. Next, she passed her family, Idle. The girls that meant more than she could comprehend to her. Lastly, she passed Soojin, who winked at her, making the convict blush slightly. She sat down at her designated table, and waited for Hui to come in.

He walked in with Kai, another well known lawyer. "Shit, he has some great resources." Shuhua thought. Jungkook tapped her on the shoulder. "He even looks like a dick!" He whispered, and Shuhua almost died laughing. That wouldn't have looked good for her case, so she kept it in.

"Let the games begin, Hui. I'll be the last one standing."

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