the big question

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(for these last tw chapters, I'll be doing a time jump for each so it makes more sense!)

3 years later

Shuhua and Soojin had been going strong for 3 whole years. Who would have thought? The hopeless girl falls in love with the "straight" one with a boyfriend. It almost seemed ironic.

Shuhua was alright with that, however. Having Soojin by her side had made her the happiest. Through all of the hardships, pain, and uncertainty, Soojin has always been there for Shuhua to rely on. She was grateful for Soojin, forever and always.

Shuhua wasn't the only one who was grateful. Soojin could have sworn that even just being in Shuhua's presence made her life so much more fulfilling. Shuhua was her rock; someone that she could get through anything with. She wanted to be with her forever, and what better way to do that than marrying her?

That's right! Soojin was finally ready to ask. She's been preparing for a long time, with the help of Yuqi and Minnie for a grand (ish) proposal. She had contacted all of Shuhua's friends and her family, and the only thing she needed now was Shuhua. Soojin was determined to make the girl officially hers.

Shuhua was up in her room sleeping, while the rest of the girls were downstairs.

"You have everything set, right?" Soyeon asked, while going over the plan one more time. "Yes, I've been planning this for at least 7 months." Soojin reassured Soyeon, who had a smile imprinted on her face.

The girls were proud of Soojin and Shuhua. After all, Miyeon and Soyeon were already engaged, and Minnie was waiting a little while to ask Yuqi the question. They knew how much Soojin loved Shuhua, and how much Shuhua reciprocated that.

"You've memorized the chinese, right?" Yuqi asked. Soojin had taken it upon herself to learn a little bit of chinese for the proposal, with the help of Yuqi, of course. Now she was semi-fluent; something she knew Shuhua would appreciate greatly.

"Yes, I've memorized it. Tzuyu told me that she's already there, so that means that we have about a half an hour to get over there and help set up. Thank you again guys. I love you all more than you could possibly imagine." Soojin smiled, and the girls all piled into a group hug.

6:00 pm

Shuhua jolted up from her makeshift nap. "What time is it?" She questioned, the sun was still out, but was dimming by the minute. She checked the time, it was kind of late. Beside her alarm clock, read a note.

Dear Shushu,

Hi baby! You might question why I'm writing this to you, but I promise that all of your answers will find their solutions later. I need you to put on a nice dress for me, princess. I have something special for us.

I'll see you soon. Yuqi is here to drive you over. I love you, always.

- Your love, Soosoo :)

Shuhua was so confused, but being with Soojin was confusing. The girl loved to pull whimsical stunts like this, so Shuhua wasn't surprised, rather she learned to love it. "Now I'm excited. This should be fun!" Shuhua smiled, and went to find an outfit.

She walked down the stairs, in a flowing dark blue dress. Yuqi could only smile, she was downstairs waiting for her.

"You look pretty, Shu." Yuqi smiled, she was so excited that her best friend would be getting married to the love of her life. "Thank you. Where are we going? Soojinie told me that you're supposed to take me somewhere?" Shuhua asked, trying to pry the answer out of Yuqi. "Yes, indeed. I know you; I'm not telling you anything, bitch. Get in the car!" Yuqi laughed, and Shuhua pouted. Yuqi knew her all too well.

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