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Shuhua, with the help of Miyeon and Yuqi, had started to take things day by day. Her pain of loving Soojin, her doubtfulness towards herself, started to hurt less. She could take the pain one hundred times in a row, and she would, if it meant that Soojin was happy. Oh, the things you do for the person you love.

Soojin has become accustomed to Shuhua avoiding her. It almost seems normal, even though it still hurts. Her boyfriend was coming over for dinner tonight; she had more important things to think about than Shuhua right now.

Today was a packed day for (g)idle. They had a variety show appearance, and a music show appearance. Normally, Shuhua would sit next to Soojin, but with Hui's threat and her love for Soojin in itself, she distanced herself once again. The annual picture they take after the music show performance also changed place. Shuhua could no longer be seen next to Soojin in any recent photos.

Even in the midst of things, Soojin was ever so oblivious. Miyeon and Yuqi almost wanted to slap her; it was so obvious that Shuhua was in pain, and that she was missing something. But Miyeon and Yuqi couldn't go much farther than they already were. It was Shuhua's decision and only hers to either deal with the pain, or to tell Soojin the truth. They both knew she wouldn't do that.

Shuhua's eating habits had been getting better as well. Miyeon knew everything, and Shuhua knew that she read her diary. Where else would she get the information? Shuhua eventually told Yuqi the whole truth, but was hesitant until Miyeon practically forced it out of her. She either told Yuqi, or Miyeon would make her eat strawberry cake; she wouldn't take that chance.

Considering the amount of growth Shuhua has made in the past couple of days, the members were happy that she seemed to be going in the right direction. That was, until Soojin decided to do something stupid. Really really stupid.

Ring! Ring! The doorbell rang. Minnie was confused, it was dinner time. What could someone want at this hour? "I'll get it!" Soojin chirped. Soojin smiled, and opened the door. "Come in, babe!" Soojin exclaimed, and Hui returned a large smile.

"I invited him over for dinner, I hope that's all right." Soojin said to Minnie, who could only stand awkwardly. Truthfully, she couldn't stand Hui, but she wouldn't ever tell Soojin that. Soyeon and Yuqi walked into the room, and Yuqi stopped in her tracks. "Shit. Shuhua is gonna flip!" Yuqi thought. Soyeon tugged on her arm, silently asking if everything was alright, and she just nodded. Things were about to go down.

Shuhua and Miyeon were versing each other in Mario Kart, the loser had to pay for lunch tomorrow. "Come on! I'm broke." Miyeon sighed; Shuhua won the fifth race in a row. Shuhua stood up triumphantly. "Good game." Shuhua mocked, while extending out a hand to help Miyeon up from the couch. "Don't get too full of yourself. You clearly haven't played me in Rocket League yet." Miyeon retorted, and Shuhua just laughed. Her unnie was crazy.

Miyeon heard commotion from downstairs, so her and Shuhua exited Miyeon's room, and started to head down the steps. They reached the last step, all they had to do was turn around. Soojin called for them to come into the dining room, dinner was ready. Shuhua and Miyeon waltzed into the dining room, but not before stopping dead in their tracks. There he was, Soojin's boyfriend. The same man who assaulted her, who tripped her, destroyed any ounce of hope she had, and who left marks on her that still haven't vanished.

Miyeon pushes Shuhua behind her, and started at Hui, who kept wearing his signature smirk. "Nice to see you two again." Hui mocked, but it went over the heads of the other three. "Don't come near her. If you do, we will have a problem." Miyeon spat, causing Soyeon to stand up. "Miyeon. That's not how you talk to a guest!" Soyeon tried to scold her. "He's not our guest. Not after what he did." Miyeon fired back, basically screaming, while Shuhua was trembling from behind her.

Flashes of being held down by him kept resurfacing in her mind. His words, his hands, basically everything about him, couldn't and wouldn't leave Shuhua's mind. "What is going on here? Miyeon, stop yelling at my boyfriend!" Soojin was starting to get angry; Miyeon was being an asshole. "Soojin, please open your eyes. Please! You don't know what he did to Shuhua!" Miyeon yelled; she was very protective of the maknae. "Miyeon's right." Yuqi whispered, catching the attention of Minnie and Soyeon who were completely lost.

"Miyeon unnie, please let him go. He was right anyway." Shuhua whispered, afraid of what might happen to everyone in the room. "No. He's not getting away with this." Miyeon wouldn't budge. This guy was a grade A asshole, and Miyeon wouldn't let him stay in her house now that she knew the truth.

"This isn't fair to Soojin. You're lying to her, and trying to paint me like the bad guy, when in reality Shuhua is the bad guy here!" Hui spat. Soojin couldn't believe what was happening. Her boyfriend and her bestfriends were brawling, and she didn't even know the reason. "What the fuck is happening?" Soojin thought. She looked around; Minnie and Soyeon were equally as confused, Yuqi was mad, but she kept it in pretty well. Miyeon was furious, and Shuhua looked like she was about to cry.

"Can someone please explain this to me?" Soojin roared. She was mad; no one was telling her anything. Miyeon looked at Shuhua, who had no choice to nod in approval. "Your boyfriend here, tripped Shuhua, and left bruises on her arms and her stomach. He abused her, and you're still with him!" Miyeon grunted, with Shuhua's small hands holding onto her wrist. "Is this true, Hui?" Soojin spoke softly, she could feel her heart breaking.

"Yes, but Shuhua deserves it. She's disgusting, and I didn't want her around you. She'll infect you with her disease!" Hui retorted. "What disease?" Minnie asked; she was trying to keep herself at bay. "Shuhua loves you, Soojin. You don't think there's a reason why she's obsessed with you? Just because you're her role model? Of course not! She's head over heels in love with you! She's disgusting! She deserves to go to hell, like all of those sinners do. You shouldn't be around someone like her!" Hui roared.

The pieces clicked, the puzzle was complete. It all made sense now. Why Shuhua passed out when Soojin told her the news, or why Hui attacked her, and why she completely cut off all contact and started wearing long shirts. It all made sense now. Shuhua was in love with Soojin, and Soojin could only stand there in shock.

The door was open, and with one step, Shuhua was gone.

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