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It had been a week since Shuhua and Tzuyu visited the Kim Dynasty Club, and they haven't gotten anywhere from the case yet. Solar and Moonbyul were waiting for an important event, one that would catapult the case. They just needed patience, and Shuhua's patience was running thin.

Luckily, she had been able to spend time with Soojin and the rest of girls at home, while the police were working on finding a lead. She still had Jin's number from a week ago, and the two seemed to be hitting it off. Jin was understanding, and very funny, which Shuhua enjoyed. He also helped her occasionally with her korean, and acted as the older brother that she never had. Within only a week of knowing each other, the two grew close at a fast rate. They would call and text all the time, and they were already in the midst of planning a date to hangout, where Shuhua could meet his brother.

Soojin didn't like this, however. She wasn't sure about Jin; she didn't trust him. Or maybe it was because she was burning with jealousy, but she wouldn't admit that. Shuhua had told her that she met him at the club, so she was aware of who he was. Soojin didn't like to think she was possessive over Shuhua, but in reality, she hated it when the girl would hug or touch someone else. She trusted Shuhua, but she couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous.

The 6 girls were on the couch yet again, while Minnie begged the rest of them to watch a movie she found on Netflix. Soyeon rolled her eyes, but nevertheless put the movie on. Minnie cheered and smiled like an idiot, while Yuqi was in a trance from looking at her. Shuhua secretly smirked, while being in Soojin's arms. Her phone began to go off, while Miyeon, who was immersed in the movie, waved to her to go outside of the living room to answer it. Shuhua excused herself, and Soojin got up with her.

Incoming call from Seokjinie 🤩

"Hey bitch! What's up?"

"Hello Jin. How are you?"

"I'm doing alright, but I called because I have news."

"News? About what?"

"The case. Can I come over? This is better to discuss in person."

"Yes of course. I'll send you my address. See you soon."

"See you soon loser!"
call ended.

Soojin pouted. She only heard Shuhua's end of the conversation, but she was certain that he was about to come over. A pang of jealousy started to hit her, and she kept getting mad at herself for feeling this way. "Why am I so jealous? Shuhua's allowed to have a friend for god sake!" Soojin reprimanded herself. Shaking her head, she approached her girlfriend who just ended her call.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Soojin asked softly, while taking Shuhua's hands in hers. "Jin's coming over; he said he needs to discuss something with me." Shuhua said back; she was worried about what he could have possibly found out about the case. "Hey, it's alright, Shu. Don't freak out, just wait to hear what he has to say first." Soojin suggested, it was clear who the older one of the two was in the relationship. "Thank you, jinjin. You're the best!" Shuhua chirped, and Soojin's smile widened. She really loved Shuhua.

A couple of minutes later, a knock could be heard on the door. Shuhua went to get it, but not before hearing groans from Minnie and Miyeon about the movie being interrupted. "This is important! Please stop complaining!" Shuhua shouted back, and then went to open the door, with Soojin standing behind her.

"Shu!" Jin exclaimed, running into Shuhua, and giving her a tight hug. "Jin, I can't breathe!" Shuhua wheezed, and Jin quickly put her down. "Sorry! You're just too cute!" Jin cheered, and Soojin's mood completely went sour. "Did he just hug my girlfriend, and call her cute?" Soojin thought, she was trying to restrain herself for Shuhua; the girl would be mad at her if she were to hypothetically push Jin out of a window.

"Is there anywhere we can sit? This might take a while." Jin asked, and Shuhua shrugged. "The living room would probably work." Shuhua suggested, and Jin smiled. "Oh, I haven't introduced everyone yet!" Shuhua cheered, and Jin laughed. The other members had already shut off the movie, and started to walk to where the front door was, where Jin, Shuhua and Soojin were standing. "Jin, meet Miyeon, Minnie, Soyeon, Yuqi, and Soojin, my girlfriend." Shuhua pointed at each of the members consecutively. After hearing the last part, Jin flashed a knowing smile. "So she's the one who called?" Jin asked, and Shuhua laughed, nodding.

Shuhua and Jin went into the living room, while Soojin watched them from outside. "You're gonna kill him if you keep staring like that, you know." Minnie said, while Soojin just sighed. "It sucks. I can't help but be mad at him for some reason." Soojin admitted, and Minnie smiled. "I know. Yuqi's good friends with Lucas, who's gay, and I still tend to get jealous." Minnie responded, and Soojin's eyes widened. "Have you asked her out yet?" Soojin asked, and Minnie's face turned a reddish shade. "Not yet." Minnie quietly spoke, and Soojin laughed. "When this is all over, I'm making you ask her out!" Soojin laughed.

Jin and Shuhua were inside the living room, when Jin cleared his throat, meaning that he was about to start explaining.

"So after you guys left, Namjoon and I did some more digging. While we were right that we didn't have any business to do with your company, it seems as if my cousin, Hoeteak, did have some business with someone else in your company. I'm thinking that it could be Cheng Xiao, the one that kept popping up on our call logs. Do you know anyone by the name of Cheng Xiao?" Jin asked, and Shuhua's suspicions were confirmed. "I knew she was too good to be true." Shuhua thought.

"When the police ordered us to Taiwan, we came across Cheng Xiao, who led us into the meeting room in the first place. Jin, you're right! She was the one who led us into the room to begin with, which is where the whole desk fiasco started." Shuhua realized, this just added a whole new set of cards to the case.

"I figured that I would come over and tell you, it could have been important, and I'm assuming it is. I have to go back home now, though. Namjoon made dumplings!" Jin cheered, and Shuhua just laughed. "Thank you for your help, Jin." Shuhua said truthfully. Jin smiled, and pulled Shuhua into his embrace. "I hope things work out for you. I better get out of here, before your girlfriend decides to throw me out herself." Jin laughed, and Shuhua looked over at Soojin's who's glare could kill.

"I'll see you soon, Jin. I still have to meet Taehyung!" Shuhua added, and Jin gave her a fist bump before walking out of the dorm. Shuhua turned around to face Soojin, who was standing behind her, clearly angry.

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