who's guilty?

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"Cheng Xiao? What the hell is she doing here?" Shuhua thought, a smile breaking onto her face. Chances are, Cheng Xiao was just about to expose Hui for good. Hui's face paled, it was clear that she had multiple things against him.

"Your name is Cheng Xiao, right?" Jungkook asked, and she nodded. "Can you please explain to us what your affiliation with Lee Hoetaek was, and what he's guilty of?" Jungkook asked, and she smiled.

"I have a job at Yeh+Chou corporations, as the manager. Hui previously threatened my family, and my children. As any mother would, I complied for my kid's safety. He's the one who made me transport the desk with the pentagon, his symbol, into the meeting room. I believe that it was the targeting point for Shuhua's father. He called me, telling me that the job, attacking the men, was finished. After that, I hadn't heard from him for a while." Xiao started, and Jungkook interjected.

"Hui had this symbol intertwined with Shuhua's father's business, right? You heard it her first ladies and gentlemen. Hui is guilty of attacking the fathers of Shuhua and Tzuyu respectively! Why would he do this, you may ask. Well, his anger and remorse towards Shuhua is what fueled the fire. He hated her so much, that targeting them people closest to her was his first move." Jungkook finished, and Kai went to interject but Jungkook stopped him.

"Please continue." Jungkook motioned, and Xiao complied. "Since I hadn't heard from him in a while, I went to his apartment, but stopped before I could go inside. He was holding a knife, and he stabbed himself in the stomach; calling the police seconds after. I knew I couldn't let him get away with this; this was a completely different game." Xiao finished, and looked at Shuhua. "I'm sorry for playing a part in your father's attack. Please forgive me." Xiao whispered, and Shuhua nodded.

"To wrap this case up. Hui is an awful person, who abused a young girl, attacked two men, and tried to cover it up by stanning himself. You people are insane if you believe him, especially after the numerous amounts of physical evidence I've shown today. I trust the jury to make the right decision; get rid of him for good." Jungkook finished speaking, but Shuhua tapped him on the shoulder. "Can I say something first?" She asked, and Jungkook nodded. She walked onto the center of the floor, and looked straight at Hui, with a deadly glare of confidence burning in her eyes.

"I sometimes still have nightmares of what you did to me. The pain you caused me isn't erasable, I guess I'll just have to live with it. You called me names, abused me, hurt me. Who has the power now, huh? I told you I was stronger than you thought, and I am. You're the one without power, and I hope you change into a better person. I won the game; I'm the last one standing!" Shuhua spat, and Hui's face was a ghostly white. She smiled, and sat next to Jungkook who had a proud smile on his face.

The jury went into another room to decide on the verdict, while Jungkook turned to Shuhua with a proud smile. "You did so well out there!" He cheered, and Shuhua smiled back, she was immensely proud of herself for finally getting rid of her self-doubt. "I couldn't have done it without your help. We should get drinks sometime, I'll introduce you to my friend Seokjin." Shuhua suggested. "Kim Seokjin?! That's my friend, and yes, cheers to being the bestest of friends." Jungkook smiled.

Shuhua looked over to her friends that had glowing smiles on their faces. Twice had met her at her lowest point, and now she was a confident woman, the character development was insane. They were so proud of her.

The members of Idle all had tears flowing down their faces. From everything that Shuhua's been through, she turned into this amazing woman, one that they wouldn't trade for anything. Soojin's smile wouldn't leave her face, she was so immensely proud of her girlfriend.

The jury came back, and the judge had a smile on his face. He began to speak, tapping the microphone to make sure it was on. "I believe that we've learned a lot from today's gathering. The power of friendship, family, and support can really make or break your case. With a smile on my face, and joy, I can say that Lee Hoetaek is indeed guilty of abuse towards Yeh Shuhua, as well as the abuse of Mr. Yeh and Mr. Chou. The court is dismissed!" The judge smiled, and Shuhua never felt happier.

Hui glared at Shuhua, who smiled at him while he was dragged away with handcuffs on. Shuhua's friends had gone outside to wait for her, and now it was just her and Jungkook.

"Thank you for everything." Shuhua said honestly. Jungkook smiled in return. "Of course, this case was important to me, and I'm so glad that we won." Shuhua felt free, liberated. Her stupid smile wouldn't leave her face, it was so relieving knowing that she could now go back to the way things were before.

Jungkook and Shuhua exchanged numbers, and he left, leaving Shuhua alone in the court room. A knock on the door could be heard. "Come in." Shuhua said, she wasn't sure who it was. Soojin walked in with a proud smile.

"You did so well, baby!" Soojin cheered, and grabbed Shuhua, who was now sitting on her lap. "Thank you; I'm so glad this is over. The trauma isn't gonna go away overnight, but I can rest knowing that he can't hurt anyone anymore." Shuhua smiled. Soojin couldn't stop staring at Shuhua, her new found confidence was extremely attractive.

Soojin pulled Shuhua in for a short kiss, her emotions of gratitude and appreciation overflowing. The two girls were so happy, and were ready to continue their lives together without all of this extra bullshit. The two, hand in hand, exited the room, to find all of their friends waiting for them.

"You did amazing Shu!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, jumping up and down. "You're such a bad bitch now!" Dahyun added, and the three of them started to jump in a circle. "I want to join!" Yuqi shouted, and the four of them just kept jumping around like idiots. Tzuyu smiled, "I'm so proud of her."

Time passed, and it was nighttime again. The 6 girls were watching the newest episode of Outer Banks, a new netflix show. Shuhua was snuggling up against Soojin, who had her hands around the younger girl's waist. Minnie leaned her head on Yuqi's shoulder, and Shuhua smirked, while Yuqi just glared at her with wide eyes. Nothing could be better than this. Shuhua's phone rang, and she went to go take a call.

"Congrats on your case! We're going out soon, I'm forcing you."

"Thank you jin, that means a ton. Yes, we'll have so much fun!"

"Jungkook told me that you two are pretty close now. We'll have to go out as 8 of us. I still want you to meet my brother and my other friends!"

"Of course!"

"Namjoon says congrats as well, he misses you!"

"I miss him too. I have to go now, Soojin is staring at me. I'll see you soon!"

"Yes queen get some action!"

call ended.

Soojin smiled at Shuhua, who was laughing on the phone with Jin. "I'm glad she's so happy. She deserves more than the world itself." Soojin sighed, she was willing to do whatever it takes to make this young girl as happy as she should be.

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