a new beginning

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"Who knew that so much could change in three weeks?" Shuhua asked herself that question, she had been pondering a lot lately. Hui was finally in jail, and now her life had gone back to normal, with the added bonus of now being Soojin's girlfriend. She's never felt happier in her life.

CUBE had removed her suspension, and now she was back full time. Hui's contract was terminated, and he was told to never step foot in the building ever again. That brought a smile to Shuhua's face.

The girls were going over a new choreography, when Shuhua was staring into space, relaying all of the moments she's endured to get to this point, when Yuqi tapped her on the shoulder.

"What's up? Everything alright?" Yuqi asked, eyebrows raised in curiosity. Shuhua stood still for a second, a knowing smile painting itself on her face. "Of course, just thinking again." Yuqi smiled too; she was unbelievably happy knowing that Shuhua was at her best point.

Soojin looked in the mirror, noticing her girlfriend talking to Yuqi. "How did I get so lucky?" She thought, Shuhua was truly a gem. Minnie walked over, and put her arm around Soojin. Yuqi's pouting reflection could be seen in the mirror; the girl was insanely obvious, but Minnie was ever so oblivious. It reminded Shuhua of the days before, when her and Soojin were in that same predicament.

Once the practice was over, the girls managed all of their stuff, and went home. Soojin and Shuhua were watching a movie, and the four others were too busy killing each other in Smash Bros. "You're gonna pay for this!" Miyeon screaming, could be heard in the distance from Shuhua's room.

"Can they be any louder?" Shuhua sighed, she couldn't hear the movie. "Why are you surprised?" Soojin laughed, as Shuhua was happily in her arms. A short pause lingered in the air, before Shuhua and Soojin conveniently chose to both speak at the same time. Shuhua laughed, and Soojin soon joined in. "We share the same one brain cell." Soojin commented, and Shuhua was dying laughing. Soojin always made her so happy.

"We need to get Minnie and Yuqi together." Shuhua said, and Soojin patted her shoulder. "They're the only ones left. We're together, and Soyeon is bad at hiding her relationship with Miyeon." Soojin smirked, and Shuhua laughed for the 60 time today.

"We need to get them to confess without actually telling them the truth. Why don't we lock them into a room, and we won't let them out until they confess?" Shuhua suggested, and Soojin smacked her arm. "I smacked you cause I thought that was stupid, but that's actually hilarious. Why not?" Soojin responded, and Shuhua did her victory dance with her arms. "Let's get it!" Shuhua shouted, and Soojin rolled her eyes. The two girls got off of Shuhua's bed, but not before Soojin pulled Shuhua into her lap for a quick kiss. Shuhua smiled, and pulled away.

"Thank you jinie. I love you." Shuhua said sincerely. "Anything for you, I love you more Shushu." Soojin smiled back at Shuhua, and the two girls went on their ways to grab Minnie and Yuqi.

Shuhua grabbed her favorite book, and put it on Yuqi's bed. Yuqi and Minnie shared a room, so it made the plan even easier; they just had to trap the two in their room, and let the rest play out.

"Minnie unnie! Yuqi! Get in here now!" Shuhua screamed, and Minnie and Yuqi scrambled up the stairs and into their room. "Is everything alright?" Yuqi asked, scanning Shuhua's body for any injuries. "What's the matter?" Minnie asked, her eyebrows angling in confusion. "Which one of your stole my book?" Shuhua asked, she was "angry". "We didn't steal your book, it wasn't in here before?" Yuqi questioned, and Minnie agreed.

While the two were trying to convince Shuhua that they didn't steal the book, Soojin grabbed Shuhua, and slammed the door shut. The two girls were now stuck in the room. "What the hell?" Yuqi shouted, trying to open the door but it kept making locking sounds. Yuqi started speaking in mandarin, "Shuhua! What are you doing?"

"We can't let you out until you confess to her!" Shuhua laughed. "You bitch! Once I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you. She doesn't like me back, you idiot!" Yuqi roared, while Soojin was having the time of her life, and Minnie was just sitting on Yuqi's bed. Shuhua walked away, and now Yuqi was stuck in her room with Minnie.

"What did she tell you?" Minnie asked, she was happy about being alone with Yuqi, she owed Shuhua now. Yuqi sighed, and took a deep breathe before answering, "There's something that I haven't told you, and she locked us in her so that I can tell you."

Minnie's heart started to beat faster, she was nervous now. "Is she going to tell me that she has a girlfriend or something? Does she know that I love her? Does she hate me?" Minnie thought, and Yuqi grabbed her hand and took it into her own. A large smile broke out onto Minnie's face. Yuqi was taken aback for a second, Minnie's pleasant response caught her off guard.

"Is everything alright? You can tell me anything; you know that right?" Minnie asked, concerned since Yuqi now wasn't speaking. Yuqi cleared her throat, and started to speak.

"I'm scared, unnie. I'm afraid of what you might think of me after I tell you this." Yuqi whispered, goosebumps forming on her arms; the fear was isolating. Minnie's eyes were wide, she wasn't expecting an answer like that. This was possibly the most vulnerable version of Yuqi that Minnie had ever seen; she had no idea the younger girl was capable of such things.

"I wouldn't ever judge you, Yuqi. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Please, let me help you." Minnie said back, her other hand that wasn't being held extended onto Yuqi's thigh.

"I've been feeling things lately, Minnie. Things that I never thought that I would feel; I always thought I wasn't capable of feeling them. You make me feel these things. I think I love you, Minnie. I know that you love Miyeon, but I can't keep this to myself anymore. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me anymore." Yuqi finished, her head hanging low.

Minnie burst out laughing; she wasn't expecting that at all. "Miyeon? She's with Soyeon!" Minnie laughed, and Yuqi looked up, wide eyed. "Really?!" Yuqi asked, her eyes bugging. "Yes. They're perfectly happy together." Minnie smiled.

"I also seem to have feelings for a girl too. She's super funny, loud, easy to tease, insanely cute, and she may or may not be from Beijing." Minnie smirked, and Yuqi looked into Minnie's eyes.

"You like me too? This is a dream, pinch me!" Yuqi squealed, and Minnie laughed at her cuteness. "Yes, I like you. Pinch me? Kinky. I'll do that later, don't worry princess." Minnie winked, and Yuqi's face turned into a dark shade of red.

"Now that I think about it, you've given me the opportunity to do something I've wanted to do for a long time." Minnie said, and Yuqi perked up. "Really? Like what?" Yuqi started, but got cut off when Minnie dragged her into her lap. Yuqi was now on Minnie's lap, before the older girl pulled her closer, connecting their lips.

Yuqi pulled away first, breathing steadily. "Wow!" Yuqi exclaimed, and Minnie smiled. Their intimacy got rudely interrupted when Shuhua walked into their room while blowing on a kazoo. "I knew it! Finally, damn." Shuhua teased, and Yuqi rolled her eyes. "You're acting like it didn't take you even longer to get with Soojin." Yuqi teaser back, and Shuhua just shouted at her.

"I should have done this a long time ago." Yuqi thought, everything seemed to be coming together quite nicely.

Hello everyone. First off, I wanted to issue another thank you for all of the support on this story. I'm amazed that people actually seem to like it; it was just something I wanted to do for fun and I didn't expect anyone to read it lol. I was debating on ending the story after the court case, but there are a couple of little things that I want to add into this storyline before I end it. There will be a couple of chapters left, I'm assuming. Thank you again for everything :))

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