i'm sorry

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Tzuyu has driven to the station herself, so she gave Shuhua a ride home. "Can you pick me up tomorrow? The members want to see you one last time before we go." Tzuyu asked and Shuhua smiled. "Sure. I miss them." Shuhua admitted, and Tzuyu laughed. "Well then, see you tomorrow. Congrats on Soojin, Yuqi told me." Tzuyu laughed, and Shuhua's face turned red. She just gave Tzuyu a quick thumbs up, and ran into the house.

It was 11:pm, they had been at the station for a good 3 hours. Shuhua opened the door with her key, and shut the door quietly. She didn't notice that all of the members were standing right in front of her until she turned around. "Oh, hi guys." Shuhua causally said, trying not to make things awkward, although it made things worse ironically.

"What the hell happened?!" Soyeon asked, concerned. Shuhua was acting like she went to the mall, not the police station! "You guys are gonna have to sit for this." Shuhua suddenly turned pale, and the members were suddenly even more concerned. They all took a seat on the couch, except for Shuhua, who was still too antsy to sit right now, not with what happened.

"To sum it up, my father and Tzuyu's father have always been good friends, that I can remember. Now they're business partners, and they've created a successful business in Taiwan, and apparently it's shifting over to Korea, a lot like Tzuyu and I. While we've been idols, they've been working together as partners. A man attacked both her father and mine, leaving them in critical condition. The police ordered for Tzuyu and I to go to Taiwan tomorrow morning. I would say no but, I can't disobey if it means helping my family." Shuhua whispered, she was more affected by it than she let off.

Shuhua looked at all of the members, but stopped when she locked eyes with Soojin. She could see that the older girl was upset with the news, especially since they had just made things official. Soojin walked up to Shuhua and hugged her from the back. "Don't worry about me, please. We'll be alright here." Soojin whispered into Shuhua's ear, immediately calming her.

"Is there anything I can do?" Yuqi asked Shuhua. "Please make sure nothing bad happens to Soojin. If my father can get attacked, who knows if someone would go after my girlfriend. Also, protect yourself too, everyone can see how much you mean to me." Shuhua said sincerely, and Yuqi hugged her. "Of course, Shu. Be careful please." Yuqi concluded, the only member that would see Shuhua after they all went to bed was Soojin. "You too. Ask Minnie on a date!" Shuhua chirped, and Yuqi lightly slapped her arm.

The other members bid goodnight and told Shuhua they would miss her, and to call them every couple of days. Of course Shuhua agreed, and now she was laying in her bed with the love of her life. Shuhua was laying on Soojin's chest, as she stared at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep?" Soojin asked, her voice groggy. "Yeah, but it's alright. Go back to sleep, love." Shuhua mumbled, and Soojin blushed from the pet name. "You don't have to face things alone anymore, Shu. I'm here for you." Soojin whispered, while caressing Shuhua's face with her hand.  Shuhua sighed, and then started to speak.

"I'm afraid. I can't even go see my dad to check how he's doing, and this is all in the middle of our idol careers. Why should I have to leave you? Right when we finally make things official! Why should I have to leave the other members? This isn't fair!" Shuhua huffed, and Soojin intertwined their hands. "Don't worry about us, please. This is clearly important, or else the police wouldn't have gotten involved. I have your back the whole time, please don't worry about me or us. We'll be alright, and yeah we'll miss you but we can hold it down here. It's not fair to you at all." Soojin responded, snuggling into her girlfriend.

Shuhua let Soojin's words linger in her head. "She's probably right, but this isn't fair to her." Shuhua thought. She looked over to her girlfriend who was already asleep.

"我爱你, Soojin." Shuhua whispered, and went to sleep. (wo-ai-ni / i love you)

Shuhua woke up, it was 5:00 am. Soojin was still sleeping, so she wrote her a quick note and slipped out of the bed to pack up all of her things and get ready. Soon enough, she was ready, and all packed for a couple of days in Taiwan. Now it was 5:30 am, and Shuhua wrote the rest of the members a quick note that she left on the kitchen counter. She quietly put her shoes on, and flew out the door to go pick up Tzuyu.

It didn't matter what time it was, the Twice dorm was always loud. "How do they function like this?" Shuhua asked her, that was the million dollar question. She knocked on the door a couple of times, and Chaeyoung answered it. "Shu! Come in, please." Chaeyoung opened the door for Shuhua, who graciously stepped inside the dorm.

Mina was on the couch reading a book, while Sana, Dahyun, and Momo were versing each other in a game of cards. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo were making breakfast, while Tzuyu was finishing getting ready. Mina bid Shuhua good morning, while Sana tackled her in the kitchen. "Shushu's here!" Sana yelled, and Momo and Dahyun all walked over and tackled the girl into separate hugs.

"Leave the poor girl alone!" Jihyo asked, and then gave Shuhua some pancakes. "Eat up, Nayeon and Jeongyeon helped me cook just for you and Tzu this morning." Jihyo added, while Nayeon and Jeongyeon wiggled their eyebrows. "Thank you unnies, I appreciate it!" Shuhua smiled, as she munched on the delicious pancakes. Tzuyu walked down the stairs with her suitcase, and smiled when she saw Shuhua.

"Wow, you kept your promise. I'm quite surprised." Tzuyu teased, and Shuhua could have sworn that the Twice members don't have any concept of time at all. "We have to get going, Tzu. It's 6:00 am, we have to be there at 7 sharp." Shuhua pouted, and Tzuyu rolled her eyes at the situation. She grabbed her suitcase, said goodbye to the members and kissed Sana really quickly, before she followed Shuhua out of the door and into the car.

"Well, here goes nothing." Shuhua sighed, and Tzuyu braced herself, starting their ride to the airport.

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