it's go time!

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After texting the Twice group chat, which took 14 years since the members wouldn't stop fighting with each other, Soojin finally reached an agreement with them on the day that they would take Shuhua out. That day just so happened to be today, and Soojin was slightly freaking out.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Breathe Soojin, it's fine... She likes you? Right?" Soojin thought; she was losing her mind just a little. She felt Miyeon's hand reach her shoulder, while Miyeon gave her a small smile. "She'll love it, don't worry. Come on, we have to plan! Minnie made you a cake!" Miyeon laughed, and pulled Soojin into the living room, where Minnie was indeed waiting with a cake.

"You're kidding, right?" Soojin joked, making Minnie pout. "I drew Minnie Mouse in the middle using icing! Yuqi said it was fun!" Minnie exclaimed, while Yuqi just shook her head no behind her. Soojin laughed, her friends were always there for her, although they were kind of weird.

Soyeon walked into the room wearing a referee uniform, and a whistle on her neck. She was holding a clipboard, and her hair was combed back into a ponytail. "She looks like the 55 year old soccer dad that used to watch my soccer games." Soojin thought and shook the thought off. Soyeon and 55 years wasn't a great combination.

"Ok everyone! Listen up!" Soyeon blew the whistle, and Yuqi ripped the thread off of her neck. "Since Yuqi is a brat, I don't have my whistle anymore, but I  do have a clipboard of everything we have to do!" Soyeon chirped, and everyone rolled their eyes. "What actually matters here is the plan I made. First, I was thinking that Shuhua and I would first go to this new cafe that opened down the road not too long ago. After, I'll take her to an arcade and some lazer tag since she loves that stuff, and finally, we'll come home to a homemade fort where we can eat Minnie's stupid cake and watch a movie!" Soojin suggested, and Minnie pouted. "My cake isn't stupid!" Minnie huffed, and Yuqi laughed at her.

"Sounds good, Soojin! We're all proud of you for this." Miyeon said honestly, and Soojin smiled. "It took me so long to realize, so I want to give her the best day ever." Soojin admitted and the girls all screamed, making her blush. "Tsundere of the century!" Yuqi joked, and Soojin slapped her arm. "Ow! You bitch! That hurt!" Yuqi yelped, and Soyeon yelled at her for her disrespect.

Twice dorm

"No offense but, why am I here?" Shuhua asked, she hadn't been told why she was requested at the Twice dorm. "We miss our baby!" Nayeon cooed, and tried to kiss Shuhua's cheek. "Truthfully, since Nayeon unnie is wacky, the rest of the girls including myself really missed having you around here." Tzuyu said. "That's so kind. How long do you want me to stay over?" Shuhua asked, curiosity taking over her. "Well Yuqi called me and told me that you should stay the night because 'she didn't want to see your ugly face'." Tzuyu quoted with her fingers. "Bitch! She's uglier than me since I'm the visual of the group! Take that Yuqi!" Shuhua thought, she would totally yell at Yuqi the next chance she got.

Shuhua and Jeongyeon were practicing a guitar duet, while the other members watched them from another room. "I'm so happy that Soojin finally realized her feelings. Shuhua was so upset." Jihyo said to Mina, who nodded in agreement. "My ship is sailing! I'm so excited!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, and Mina giggled. "I just hope that she doesn't get hurt." Dahyun admitted, and Sana patted her shoulder. "Soojin won't live after we're done with her if she hurts our baby Shu." Sana reassured.

Shuhua thought her ears would blow up from spending a night when they had annual karaoke. Momo and Nayeon were super drunk, and the two of them were screaming into the mic. Jeongyeon and Dahyun had their faces in their palms, their girlfriends were insane. Sana and Tzuyu were too busy making out, a sight Shuhua wasn't expecting. Mina and Chaeyoung were just cuddled up on the couch, enjoying one another's company. The only one who wasn't preoccupied with something was Jihyo, who was too busy looking out of the balcony. Shuhua needed some air, so she decided to join her.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Shuhua joked, as she walked out onto the balcony to join Jihyo. "Eh, not much. Just dealing with some stuff." Jihyo slouched, she was slightly tipsy, but sober enough to hold a conversation. "Mind telling me what? Maybe I can help." Shuhua asked, she didn't want Jihyo to always hold her burdens like Soyeon did. "I have feelings for someone I shouldn't like." Jihyo admitted, and Shuhua laughed. "Me too, Ji." She responded.

"I love Wendy, but she already has Sooyoung." Jihyo sighed, and Shuhua put her hand on Jihyo's shoulder. "From my experience, it will happen if it's supposed to. A good friend told me that you should let time figure itself out. If it's meant to be, it will happen." Shuhua smiled, and so did Jihyo. "Thank you Shuhua. Your friend is very smart." Jihyo laughed, and Shuhua couldn't contain her giggle. "Tzuyu must be a genius then." She laughed, and Jihyo's eyes widened in shock. "Actually, I take that back." Jihyo joked, and Shuhua laughed once again.

Soojin had just finished setting up the fort with Yuqi, while the rest of the members had gone up to bed. "Thank you for your help with the fort, Yuqi." Soojin said, to which Yuqi smiled. "Anytime. Good luck tomorrow, you got this! She really likes you jinie, you'll be fine." Yuqi reassured Soojin. Yuqi went up to bed and left Soojin alone.

She really hoped that tomorrow went well, it was probably the most important day of her life. She really liked Shuhua, and wanted it to last. She just hoped that she didn't disappoint her.

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