Chapter 1

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Thanks you for trying this book. I am letting you know right now, the first chapter sucks.


I woke up with a start. I hated that nightmare. It was always the same. I looked over at the time, 4:30. I decided I should get up for the day. I quickly took a shower and started making breakfast. It was simple and quick. Eggs. I went out the door when the time struck 5:25.

I worked at a simple cashier job down the street. It paid well so I wasn't complaining. It gave me money for bills and food. If I had extra that I didn't save, I would buy a nice outfit. Guess I should say this before it's too late, I'm a cross dresser. I don't wear it out in public because yeah. 

Anyway, I heard screaming and looked over to see a girl being pulled into an alleyway. Great, it's not even 8 and this is happening. I quickly walked into the alley where the girl was pulled into. There were 4 guys surrounding her. One had a knife and the other 3 had crowbars. 

She was on the ground crying. She looked to be about 17 or so. Long black hair and glasses. "Hey, what's going on?" They all turned to look at me. "Nothing. Now go away." I shook my head. "That's my sister. She has school to get to. Now someone tell me what's going on."

The other two looked towards the one that spoke. So he's the leader. "She ran into us and needed to be taught a lesson." I shook my head. "My sister will be taught a lesson from our mother. Now please, let my sister come here." The girl slowly stood up and took off towards me but the leader grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Last chance man." "What are you going to do? Call her mom?" I shook my head. "This." I ran towards him and did a 540 roundhouse kick to the face. He went flying backwards. Not really though. He just fell to the ground. I grabbed the girls hand and we ran. I felt something dig into my back but I ignored the pain. 

We made it to a more populated section when I finally gave out. I collapsed to the ground. The girl quickly looked at my back. "There's so much blood. Someone call an ambulance! Hurry!" I shook my head. "What's your name?" "Kiyoko Shimizu." "Nice to meet you. I'm Mishima Koya. Just call me Koya." 

She nodded as the crowd was whispering. "Now, tell the police about those boys." She nodded. I began coughing and to my surprise, I coughed up blood. "Well, that's a problem." "Stop talking and conserve your strength. They'll be here soon." 

"Nah. Just one request though." "What?" "Take care of my cat Butterscotch. She's a good kitty." She nodded. "Great." Coughing I nodded. My back hurt. "Now, I'm just gonna wake up from this dream and go to work." Kiyoko was crying. "Hey now, don't cry." I couldn't take it anymore and began coughing as hard as I could. That seemed to relieve my throat. The problem was all the blood.

"Man, I didn't try that dress on." That got Kiyoko to laugh a little. "There... is... no," cough, "Need to... worry." I was so tired. I decide to take a little nap. I let the darkness consume me.

I saw a bright light in the distance. I looked at it for the longest time. I started walking towards it but sat down halfway through. I'm too lazy to walk all the way there. I sat there for the longest time before the light disappeared. That's strange but I didn't move. 

I heard a voice. "Why didn't you go to the light." "Do you want the honest truth?" "Yes child." "Too far. If you want someone to die, move the death area closer." It was quiet for a second. "That is a normal answer. Most people say it's because they don't want to die." "Meh, I don't care if I live or die. Honestly I'm worried about Kiyoko." "She is fine." "Thank you." I heard a sigh and a bright light appeared in front of me. 

Death is better now. Instead, a person appeared in front of me. She was gorgeous. She had long green hair and blue eyes. She was pale and she was wearing a white dress. Honestly, I would go for her if I was into that. I shook my head. "Who are you?" "I'm the one who will give you a second chance." "" 

"Would you like to be male or female in the next world? Hair color? Eye color? Clan or no?" I quickly shook my head. "Hold on a second, why do I get a second chance?" "You saved a girl and died for it. Not many people can say that." "Okay, give me a second to think of answers."

She nodded. "Can I keep my name?" She nodded. "Okay. Male, green, and blue. With the clan, can I? Can they have a secret power or something?" "If you do that, they may die. Actually, your clan will die if you choose the clan path. They are evil though." "Well, let's do it."

She nodded. "Your clan's genkai will be something to do with Nature. Is that fine?" "Sure, I mean it's what you want. I could've died already. Well, I mean I am dead but you're giving me a second chance." She smiled. "That is true." I nodded. 

"Are you ready for your new life?" "One question, is there any way I could contact you? We could be good friends." "Oh, you're one of those men." "The gay kind. Yes, yes I am." She chuckled. "I was gonna say the kind who calls his girlfriends for help." "Yep." She nodded.

"I'll just be a voice in your head then. We should probably get going before my mom finds out." "Wait what?" "My mom is the goddess of reincarnation and life. I have yet to leave this place." I nodded and laughed. "Let's have fun then."

With that, it all went dark again.


Thank you for reading. I know this was not a good first chapter. Stay safe during this time. Thank you again for reading. I will answer any questions and I love suggestions. 

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