Chapter 20

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Thank you for the 800 reads. I still don't believe it! Though, ya'll gonna hate me for what's coming up. Enjoy.


I followed Kakashi with the group into the woods. So it's come to this. He's decided to kill us. We must've really annoyed him this time. It was nice knowing you. I had so much fun. We have to do this again. Maybe one day. I nodded. Sasuke looked at me weird. I looked at him and stuck out my tongue.

He quickly looked away. Mhm, you can't handle my awesomeness. I heard a scoff from Shizun. Jealous of how cool I am is she. Haha, sounded like Yoda. Perhaps I should talk like him once or twice to my teammates to mess with them. Or even to our enemies. I placed a fist under my chin.

We stopped at these sets of trees. Okay? Maybe he's gonna hang us. He started talking about chakra control and how we need it. I sighed. What is he saying? I watched with wide eyes as he started walking up the tree. "What are you?! Spiderman?!" They sweatdropped at me. Kakashi sighed. "You didn't pay attention did you?" "Not at all."

Sasuke tched at me. "You shouldn't be so happy about that idiot." I glared at him. "I'll be happy about whatever I want!" Kakashi waved his hand. "Now, let's not fight. I was saying how you can use chakra to help with jutsus. You also use chakra control for medical purposes as well." That got my attention. "Okay." Silence. Sakura was staring at me strangely. "What's wrong with you guys?" Kakashi shrugged. "Nothing."

I nodded and walked towards the tree. The others followed my lead. Shuzin, want to help me out? I don't know how much chakra I have. You have to send some to your feet. It's like an egg in a microwave. What the heck are you talking about? Um... you can't use too much or too little. Why didn't you start with that? I tried to explain it in a way to understand. Right! Well, lets try this! Right!

Kakashi POV

I watched as Koya looked at the tree. What is he doing? Naruto and Sasuke Were running up the trees and falling down. I couldn't find Sakura. "Hey boys!" Everyone looked up to see Sakura in the tree. How to motivate the boys though. "Nice job Sakura. Looks like she'll be hokage first. She might be better than the Uchiha's."

I couldn't think of any way to motivate Koya though. When I looked back at the tree though, he was gone. "Koya?" Sakura looked around but couldn't seem to find out where he went. The boys also looked around when I heard giggling above my head. I looked up to find him upside down on the branch above me. "So I did it?"

I was just gaping at him. How did he get above me without me noticing? How did I not sense his chakra? The others were also silent. Sasuke was glaring at him though. "Kakashi, did I do it?" I cleared my throat and went back to my book. "I guess you can go guard the bridge with Sakura. I didn't expect you to get it so fast."

I watched as the two kids walked off and looked back at the boys. They were still failing.

Koya POV

I followed Sakura as she walked towards the bridge. I sighed. This is gonna be troublesome. When we got there, Tazuna looked at us. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were supposed to be training." Sakura went on saying how we already did it or bragging about how we were better than Naruto. I sighed again.

I decided to explain better. "We finished training earlier. We were told to come guard the bridge since we had no other training. We'll make sure not to bother you." I bowed and he was staring at me. "Okay kid. I got to get back to work now." Sakura went and sat on some wood and I watched as the bridge builders worked. I wonder...

I went over to one of them who was lifting some heavy beams. He must've picked up one to many because he nearly dropped the top one. I quickly grabbed it. "Are you okay?" He looked at me and smiled. "Course I am, kid. Don't worry about this old man." He reminded me of someone. Opa!

I smiled at him. "If I don't, who will." He chuckled. "Yeah yeah. Man, you remind me of someone I once knew." I nodded. "Same goes for you. I miss them." "As do I." I followed him as he placed the beams on the end of the bridge. I placed it on top of the pile. I think he just noticed I carried a beam. "Did you pick that up yourself?" I nodded.

He grinned. "Wanna help out?" I didn't have much else to do besides it can help with my training. "Sure. Tell me what you want done and I'll get it done." He started chuckling. Yep, he's just like my Opa. Now all he needs to like is alcohol. "Great, can you move those beams to this end?" I nodded and started working. He pulled out a flask and took a swig. Yep, it's Opa.

I smiled gently and went to work. Soon though, Tazuna and Sakura left. I think they forgot I was here. I shook my head and went back to work. It was nearly nightfall before the man like Opa came up to me. "Hey kid, let's go home." I nodded. "Wait, where does Tazuna live again?" He chuckled and then shook his head.

"You're coming here tomorrow right?" I nodded. "Then, just spend the night at our place. My wife will be so happy to have a guest." I thought about it. He could easily be a pervert or just being nice. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? One, kidnapped and sold. Two, beaten almost to death then sold. Three, you could be killed. One the plus side, I won't be lost again and free dinner. True.

I nodded. "Sure. Sorry if I become a burden." He shook his head and waved his hand. "Not at all. Our son doesn't visit anymore. My wife will be excited to meet you." I smiled. "Can I know your name at least?" He slapped his head. "Sorry. I forgot. I'm Rojin Tsuyoi. My wife is Redi Tsuyoi." I nodded. I tried not to laugh at the meaning of their names.

"Great! I'm Koya Mashima." I held out my hand and he shook it. "Nice to meet ya." He started walking. "If you don't mind me asking, have we met before?" "I don't believe so." "You just seem really familiar." I nodded. "You remind me of my Opa. Though I don't think you even know what Opa means." He grinned down at me. He ruffled my head.

"My grandkids call me Opa. I know what it means kid." I tilted my head. "It's not a language used here though." He gave me a sly smile. "An old man never reveals how he knows the wonders of the worlds." Worlds? No way. "What were your grandkid's names?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Funny thing is I don't remember." I sighed. "Thanks anyway."

"Sorry kiddo." "Not your fault. I used to also call him Opa. That's all." He smiled. "Well, we're here." I looked up to see a small house. From the looks of it two bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. It had a small garden in the front. He went in front and opened the door. "Honey, I'm home. We have a guest."

An old lady that had bright red hair and blue eyes came out. I looked up at Rojin. He had brown hair and brown eyes. She stopped and stared at me. Her eyes started to sparkle. "He's so cute! What's your name dear? You can call me Oma." Rojin started chuckling. I was bright red as she continued hugging me. "Um... I'm Koya. Nice to meet you, miss." She chuckled. "You're so polite. None of that misses stuff. Just call Oma. Now, I've made dinner." She dragged me into the kitchen.

She sat me down and gave me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. "Thank you for the meal." She smiled at me as we all ate. This reminds me so much of my grandparents. I teared up. I wish I could've told them goodbye. Oma noticed. "What's wrong dear?" I shook my head. "Just reminds me of my grandparents." Oma smiled gently at me. "Where's your family dear." I dropped my spoon as my eyes widened.

"Um... can you show me to the room I can sleep in please." She seemed confused. "Of course dear. It's the second door on the left." I stood and left the table. I wasn't out of ear shot when Rojin started talking. "I don't think he's got any more family hon. From what I understand, they're gone." I didn't hear the replay. I just collapsed on the bed.

Tears started falling down. Why? Why won't they stop? Kid... I slowly closed my eyes. No nightmares tonight. I'll make sure of it. Thanks Shizun. I owe you one. Trust me kid, no you don't. Now sleep. I shut my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


Again, thank you for the 800 views. I never thought it would ever be that high. So thank you. Also, I'm sorry for what's coming up. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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