Chapter 17

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Thank you for reading. Enjoy this chapter of Koya making fun of Momo-chan. Long chapter. +1300


We were riding the boat quietly. It was weird not hearing Naruto and Sasuke fighting and Sakura not screeching. I found it disturbing. It didn't last long though. "Woah! That bridge is huge!" "Quiet." There's the Naruto I know. He was being scolded by the boat driver.

Kakashi was questioning Tazuna about his life and stuff like that. He explained how Gato came and took over. How he was building the bridge to help his town. How he lives with his daughter and her son. Stuff like that. It was really boring and Tora was clinging to me which didn't help my mood. I sighed when Naruto began talking again and that pushed me over the edge.

"Will everyone stop talking? We're supposed to be quiet so we don't get caught. So shut up and sit quietly." Everyone stopped talking. The boat driver nodded to me and I gave him a small smile. I know how hard it is to get people to be quiet. I started petting Tora to get her to calm down. Wasn't working as well as I had hoped.

When we finally got to land, Tora ran off and away from the water. I sighed as I watched her run off. I started walking and not even 15 minutes later, Naruto threw a kunai into the bushes. I didn't hear anything but he said it was a mouse. How did he hear that? That shouldn't be possible with how loud he is. How the heck is that possible?!

I sighed and shook my head. Sakura was scolding him. I looked at Kakashi. He was looking at Naruto. I wonder if there's something more going on. We went back to walking when he threw another kunai. I was about to hit him. He pulled out a white bunny. White bunny in this heat? I heard something cutting through the air.

Both me and Kakashi both yelled, "DUCK!" I tackled Tazuna to the ground and a sword flew overhead. It slammed into the tree. I looked up to see a guy in cow print pants. I pointed to him. "Momo-chan." He glared at me. I was just telling the truth. "Well well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rouge from the village hidden in the mist." Naruto tried to run at him but Kakashi threw out his arm.

"You'll get in the way. Stay back." "But why?" "Naruto just get back. He's way out of your league. He's way out of everyone's league. I have to fight himself." He lifted his headband to show a weird eye. Sasuke sucked in a breath. Wonder what's wrong with him. Momo-chan chuckled. "Kakashi of the Sharingan. I'm honored that you will be using your Sharingan against me. Too bad that you'll have to hand over that old man."

I snickered. "Sorry Momo-chan but we can't." Tazuna looked at me. "He would probably drink you out of house and home." Everyone sweatdropped while Momo-chan chuckled. "I like you. I'll give you a choice, hand over the man and you'll live or die." I "thought" about it. "How about we keep the old man and live. And as a plus, you come with us. Gato seems like the type to go against his word."

"Sorry kid, not gonna happen." I snapped. "All well, I tried. My name's not kid, it's Koya." Kakashi was just looking at me. "Just protect Tazuna with the others." I sighed. "Do I have to~" "Yes. Now go." "Ugh...fine." Momo-chan was chuckling. "She's entertaining." I stopped and looked at him, glaring. "I am a boy! A BOY!"

Silence. Momo-chan and Tazuna both stared at me. "I thought you were a girl." "I agree with the old man." "Do you want me to take off my shirt and show you?! I was born a boy and I am a boy!" They both looked at me with a look. I looked at Kakashi. "I'm not protecting him. He can get killed for all I care." "Koya." He sounded scary. "Okay fine." I walked over to the others. Momo-chan was still chuckling.

Naruto was confused with the eye thing. Sasuke started to explain. "Sharingan, a rare power that resides in the eyes that resides in the eyes. The user of..." All I heard next was blah blah blah blah blah. I didn't really care to listen. The place is starting to get misty. Momo-chan started talking about how Kakashi has copied over a thousand justus. I looked at Sasuke.

"I told you he was stronger than us." "Not the time." "Totally is." Kakashi sighed. "Shut up Koya." "You guys are mean." I huffed but I did shut up. He moved and was standing on the water. Cool, he's Jesus. "Ninja art, Hidden Mist Jutsu." "Can you not make your moves any more known?" Naruto smacked my head. "Not the time." Woah, even Naruto's being serious. The world is ending.

The place started getting more misty. I could feel the bloodlust. I wasn't as affected as I thought I would be. It's because you've experienced death. It's hard to be afraid to die when you already did. Oh. Kakashi did some hand symbols and the mist started to go away. It was still misty but not as bad as it was.

Kakashi looked back at us. "Sasuke, I'll protect you with my life." I looked over at Sasuke, he was shaking. Strange. I heard something in the trees. I looked over to see a flash of something but then I heard Momo-chan in the other direction. "I wonder about that. It's over." He was behind us. Kakashi sent off. I was watching them when someone grabbed me.

They pulled me into the forest. I looked over to see a boy with a mask. "Who are you?" "Sh. Do you want to get me caught?" "Well, you did kinda kidnap me." "I know who you are." "I hope I know who I am too." "You're the last Mashima." I shrugged. "I doubt it." "What?" "Plot wouldn't be as good unless there wasn't another Mashima." "What plot?" "Don't worry about it."

I crossed my arms. "What do you want with me?" "I know who you should be looking for." "I guess I'm staying with you for a bit. By the way, Momo-chan is about to be killed." The person quickly took off. I used this time to consider my options. I really want to find the person. I could always say I was kidnaped which wouldn't be a lie.

I don't really want to worry them but I really have to know who killed my clan. I sighed as I saw the boy coming back with Momo-chan on their shoulders. Is there anything I could do to heal? You don't know how to do it yet. Can you teach me? Okay. It will take time though. You can't do it just quite yet. Okay. About how long? Depends on how much you work at it.

All day and into the night. About a week to two then. You won't be able to heal fatal wounds but more like bruises and broken bones. That would be helpful. Even if I can't save someone, I could help some people like him. I still need them to tell me. Trust me when I say you don't want to know what happened to your clan. Maybe it's a good idea to keep it in the dark?

I was confused. All well. I want to know. I don't want to end up hurting someone with the vines if I lose control. If I could find out what happened to my clan, I can see if I can find anyone. Okay then. We'll begin training tomorrow.

I followed the boy as he started walking. "So I'm Koya." He turned towards me. "Haku." "Nice to meet ya. Let me take an arm." He handed me an arm and I helped him carry him back to their place. I'm sorry guys but I need to know. I don't want to hurt anyone else. Wait, anyone else?


Thank you for reading. I hope you did enjoy. I really want to know if I should keep Momo-chan and Haku alive. Also, am I making Koya to op?

Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye

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