Chapter 8

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Thank you for reading. Enjoy.


The next day, I could tell something was going to happen. I shrugged it off and got ready for the day. I decided against breakfast and went out before Kakashi would wake up. That's if he wakes up today. Man, he's not a good guardian. True but he is all we got. Do you have a plan for your test? I think so. You think so?

Yep. I don't trust myself enough to say yes or no. You need more confidence. I have anxiety. I know. If you need me, I'm going to be having a mental crisis. What about a gay panic? There are a lot of cute boys. I did not need to think about that. Why would you do that to me? Cause I can. You still love me. True.

I smiled as I walked into the class. There was only Sasuke in the class. I sighed. How early did I get to class? I ignored the look that Sasuke gave me. Since I was early, I decided to stretch. I wonder if I could scare Sasuke if I came walking to him in a bridge position. I want to try it now.

I slowly went into the position while Sasuke was staring at me. I started walking towards him in this position. He looked at me like I was crazy. "What are you doing?" "Stretching. I would rather be fit for the test today." "What makes you think you can pass?" I got out of the position and went on to the next stretch.

"Simple, I studied and trained." "You only had four days." "You can do a lot in a few days. You can control a country in a few days." He sighed and shook his head. I quit stretching when more people walked in. Still no Naruto. Then I heard the pinky complaining how she messed up her makeup. I stood and walked over to them.

She looked up as I walked towards her. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, but you need some makeup help?" She looked a little surprised but nodded. "I don't have a mirror with me and I wanted to impress Sasuke. I tried this new style but it didn't really look good but then I had to leave and..."

I held up my hand. "I understand. Let me see a brush." She gave one to me. "I need all the makeup you got with you." She nodded. "Is there anything you want? I can make it Halloween style if you like." "Something that would impress Sasuke." "Not really helpful."

"Something simple yet nice then?" "Thank you." I got to work. It was quite difficult with the makeup she had but I managed. (Picture above.) After I was done, the class was silent. "Is it that bad?" Kiba cleared his throat. "I just didn't expect a guy to be able to do makeup." I laughed. "It was required to learn in my clan. It wasn't that difficult. I miss doing my Halloween makeup though. I could always do something cool." I sighed.

The girls looked at me. "Can you do my makeup?" "No, he's going to do mine." "As if. He's going to do mine." "No, mine." I sighed. "How about none of yours. I was just doing Sakura's because I owe her." Everyone looked shocked. Even Sakura. One girl came up to me. "For what?" I quickly thought. "She took me shopping when I first came to the village."

"Why did she ask questions when you first came in then?" "I asked her not to make it obvious that she knows me. She did a good job or maybe it's just your low I.Q. that made it seem real." That caused slight laughter. "Whatever fag." I laughed. "Is that the best you can do? Please, it's quite pathetic."

She was now seething. "You'll never amount up to anything." "At least I can get a boy to like me for me and not for my body." "At least I'm not a daughter of a whore." I laughed. "You got me there. At least I'm not pretending to be a ninja to impress a boy that will never like me back." Sakura was looking at me. The girl noticed.

"At least I don't have a big forehead like her." Last straw. "At least she can act like herself because people actually like her. People know her name and when they see her, they always know who she is. Unlike her, no one will miss you if you went missing. So shut up and go put on some more makeup. You need a lot more if you're going to cover up your bad personality."

The class was silent. Sakura was staring at me with slight tears in her eyes. I quickly became fond of her. She reminded me of my little sister that disappeared. I will protect her. "Yeah well, I can throw a kunai." "And I can kill in a heartbeat. Don't test me bitch." She was quiet for a second. "I don't you can even land a hit..." She didn't finish as I punched her hard in the face.

"Shut up and sit down. A dog like you should obey. That's all you'll be good for." She was tearing up. "Scram." And with that she ran. I sat down next to Sakura. "Friends?" She looked at me in shock. She quickly hugged me. "Friends. We can go shopping after this." "Sounds fun." We waited on Iruka.


Thank you for reading. I know most people already have their oc on a team but I wanted it to be slightly different. Sakura won't be a total bitch in this story. At first, she wasn't my favorite character but I read too many fanfics. She's in my top 10 favorite characters for Naruto. So, I'm gonna make her better. Sorry to all those Sakura haters. 

Thank you again. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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