Chapter 29

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Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter.  Gaara might act a little ooc but hey, it's the way he acts to Koya. Sorry if you don't like him like this.


Inside the forest was calming. Nee and I fell right at home. I could sense where Gaara was. The question was go to him or the tower. What to do? What to do? I looked at Nee. "What do you think. Gaara or tower?" "Nee!" "You're right. Gaara it is." I took off where I felt the most bloodlust. It took me about a good 2 minutes before I could see them. Gaara stopped and Kankuro looked at him confused. "Why are we stopping?" Gaara looked back at me. "Are you coming Koya?"

Temari looked around confused. "I don't see him?" Before I could jump, Gaara gave his gourd to Temari. She took it and looked confused. I landed on Gaara's back. Temari shrieked and Kankuro jumped back. Gaara just looked back at me. "What are you doing?" "I'm tired. Imma take a nap now." I laid my head on his shoulder. I haven't been sleeping much due to nightmares but I feel safe near Gaara. I let the darkness consume me.

Third person

The sand team looked at the boy now sleeping on Gaara's back. Gaara looked at Nee who was on his other shoulder. "When's the last time he slept. Blink for how many hours since." Nee started blinking rapidly. When he stopped, Gaara nodded. "So an hour after I left, he woke up and didn't go back to sleep. That was nearly three days ago." Nee nodded. "Nightmares?" Another nod.

Gaara nodded and started walking again but with Koya on his back. Temari was giggling behind them while Kankuro just sighed. He was done with these two. Temari remembered something. "Did he get the two scrolls he needed?" They all stopped and looked at Nee. Nee nodded. "Nee!" Gaara nodded. They were stopped by another team. "Hey kid, you should be more careful when picking your opponent. You are all going to die. Starting with the greenette." Gaara glared. "I'll kill everyone we'll encounter. Leave him alone."

The rain ninjas threw up their umbrellas. He did the Tiger sign. "Sprinkling Needles!" The umbrellas started to throw out needles and it went straight for Gaara and Koya. A wall of sand protected the two. The rain ninjas looked shocked. "Is that it?" The ninja did another tiger sign while muttering, "That can't be..." More needles were blocked by sand. "Rain of needles eh?" His glare got more intense. "Then I'll make it rain blood." He held out a hand at them. "Sand coffin!" Sand wrapped around all three of the ninjas. He moved his hand to the right and the sand lifted into the air. "Desert Funeral." He closed his fist. It promptly killed them.

Temari picked up the fallen scroll. She looked back at the group and smiled. "It's the one we needed." Gaara nodded and went back to walking. Kankuro was confused. "Isn't mother wanting more blood." "No. We want to get to the tower." Kankuro nodded. This was a first. They heard a soft whimper and they looked to Koya to see his eyes clenched and seeming to start to freak out. Gaara lifted him back up as he was slipping and Koya went still.

Temari had a knowing smirk. Kankuro had a small smile. They walked to the tower in silence. When they got there, Temari looked through Koya's backpack. She pulled out his two scrolls and Kankuro got theirs. They both opened it and two people showed up. One was the sand sensei and the other one was a man with silver defying hair. Everyone looked at each other. "What am I doing here?" It was the silver haired one.

"Nee!" Kakashi looked over at Gaara and saw Koya. "Koya?" Gaara took a step back. "Who are you?" "I'm his sensei." Gaara nodded but didn't let Kakashi get any closer. Meanwhile the other sensei, Baki, was staring at the exchange. He leaned over at the two others. "Is he attached to the boy." Temari giggled and nodded. "I love watching them." Kankuro sighed. "It's sad watching them." Kakashi tried to grab Koya but sand stopped him.

"Back away." Kakashi sighed. "He's my student." "I don't think so." Kakashi sighed. "Can you wake him at least?" Gaara shook his head. "He hasn't slept since I left two days ago." Kakashi's eyes widened. "What?" "I won't give you Koya." Baki got the attention of Gaara. "There are rooms upstairs you could choose from. You'll spend the remaining days here. There will be food waiting in the cafeteria for when you're hungry." Gaara nodded and walked up the stairs with the other two following.

Baki turns towards Kakashi. "You should pay more attention to your students." Kakashi huffed and disappeared in a plume of smoke. Baki sighed and disappeared as well. He didn't really care, just wanted to make fun of some leaf ninjas.

Gaara set Koya on one of the beds. "So what are we going to do with him?" Gaara looked at Temari. "What do you mean?" "When we attack the leaf?" Gaara scoffed. "We'll take him with us." Kankuro choked on his water. "What?! We can't just kidnap a leaf ninja!" "Why?" Kankuro and Temari both facepalmed. "You can't take someone against their will. They might hate you for the rest of their life. Would you want Nee and Koya to hate you for the rest of your life?" Gaara shook his head. Temari smiled. Just like talking to a child. "What about if we just ask him?" Kankuro just fell to the ground.

"How about we just leave him here?" Gaara shook his head. "No. He has to come with us?" "Why?" "I... I don't know." Temari just smiled. "Figure it out before you ask then." Gaara nodded. He sat on a chair and watched as Koya slept while deep in thought. Temari and Kankuro just did whatever they liked. They had a few days to wait.


Thanks for reading. I'm sorry that's it was a short chapter. If there's any questions, I'll be happy to answer. Just be sure to ask. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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