Chapter 4

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Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.


Kakashi POV

I stared at the Hokage. "You can't be serious. I can't just take her in. I'm not good with children." He sighed. "He needs someone to stay with. I thought you would be the best person that would open him up. He's not really good with people from what I could tell. He was always hated."

I was confused. "The child is a boy?" He nodded. "His name is Koya Mishima." "Wait, I thought they were dead." "They were. We all thought they were all dead. He then shows up. He doesn't remember how he survives past 7. He said he woke up when he was older in a forest. He says someone helped him escape."

"Who though?" "I don't know. He said something freed him and he took off to the forest. He said he passed out and woke up older. It is quite strange." "Why let him into the village?" "I asked for his wish and he said that he wants to find out who killed his clan and for someone to teach him about his kekkei genkai." "He has the Kekkei Genkai?" 

"He said he wanted someone to teach him about the vines. What other clan uses vines?" I nodded. So this child is special. "He will need someone to teach him justus." I sighed knowing that meant me. I bowed. "Yes sir." As I walked out, I saw someone on the ground next to the door. 

It was Koya and I think he was sleeping. I sighed as I lifted him onto my back. It was quiet on the way back to my house. A lot of people were staring but that might be due to the child on my back. This kid might cause a lot of trouble for me. 

Timeskip brought to you by that orange book

Koya's Pov

I was laying on something soft. Strange, I remember being at the office tower place. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a room that I don't know. I sat up and pushed away the covers. It looked about 3 in the afternoon. I slowly sat up and looked around the room.

I was in a room that had boxes. There was a dresser in one corner and a mirror above it. There looked to be a closet. The bed I was in had grey covers. It looked like a room that was in the middle of being converted to a storage room. I got up and walked out of the room. I was still in the white dress sadly. I really needed a shower and a change of clothes.

It was silent when I walked out into the hallway. There were four doors. I opened the room that was to the right to this room. Inside was a room full of dog beds. Which I found strange since I hear nor see any dogs. I went to the next one across the hall. It looked to be a bedroom but I quickly closed it again. It had to be Kakashi and I didn't want to invade his privacy.

The last one was a bathroom. It was a simple house. I walked into the living room and there was Kakashi, sitting on the couch, reading a book. He looked up when I walked in. "Look who's up." "Sorry to ask this but do you have any extra clothes? If I need to go shopping then I will." "Shopping is probably required. We can go."

I nodded as we walked out. People were staring as I walked down the street with Kakashi. Probably because I was new and he had strange hair. We walked into the first clothing store. It was small but it had some good clothes. "Go get some clothes. I'll wait right here." I nodded and walked around the store.

I grabbed some pants and shirts. I looked over and saw an amazing dress. I just wanted to try it on. I looked back over at Kakashi and he was reading. I sneakily added it to the small, I mean small, pile of clothes I had. I really didn't want to use his money. I had three shirts and three pants and now a dress. Hopefully I can sneak it in without Kakashi noticing. It's not like I don't want people to know that I like to wear dresses and stuff, it's just that I don't want to face the ridicule. 

Anyway, I grabbed the last bit of clothes I needed and went over to him. "I got all I need." He nodded and went to the front. I placed the pile on the counter and the cashier noticed the dress. I began slightly panicking that he would look disgusted but instead, he hid it from Kakashi. I sighed in relief as he sent me a wink and a smile.

I gave him a nod. This man saved my life. "Why don't you two look at clearance real fast." Kakashi looked at him in suspension but I nodded. I knew he was trying to help me. "Yeah, let's go." I grabbed his arm and pulled him over. The guy quickly put the dress in a bag. I walked back over.

Kakashi was now looking at both of us in suspension. I just smiled at him. The cashier was a little nervous. "What's wrong? Don't you trust me?" "Honestly, no." Ouch.

He's a ray of sunshine. 

'I know.' 

I sighed. "We should get going soon." He looked somewhat reluctant. The cashier finished up the bagging and Kakashi paid for it. I still feel bad. As we were leaving, the cashier yelled, "Kid! Next time you come, I have some suggestions!" I smiled. "I'll hold you to that!" I walked out.

"Did you know him?" "Nope, but I feel like we would be great friends." "How can you tell?" "Gut feeling?" He sighed and went back to reading his book. "Is the room where I woke up where I would be staying?" He nodded. Okay great, he doesn't talk much.

I wonder what he's reading?

'I dunno.'

I'm saying something pervy.

'Please don't jinx me anymore. You were right the first time.'

Meh, too bad. I say something pervy.

'Of course you do. You can't make my life easy, can you?'

What's the fun in that?

'Me keeping my sanity is fun.'

Is it though? Is it really?


Pay attention. They asked you a question.

'I'm blaming you.' There was no replay. I looked over at Kakashi. "What did you say?" He sighed. "I asked if you were ready for school tomorrow? Is there any jutsus you need?" I tilted my head. "What's a jutsu?" He stared at me. "Do you really not know?" "I wouldn't be asking if I knew. Are there any library's? I'll just go there and read some books."

He sighed. "You settle in and I'll go get the books." "If you say so. I'll know all I need by tomorrow if I get the proper books." "I'll get you some books." He disappeared with a poof of smoke. "I really need to learn that." I started putting stuff away.


Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please ask away. That's all, have a nice day. 

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