Chapter 31

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Thank you for reading. An explanation is due with Koya. Someone finally annoyed me enough for that. Enjoy.


I hid inside my apartment. I've heard people knocking but I couldn't face them. I almost lost control again. I can't even look at them. Nee patted my leg as I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them. There was knocking at my door again. "Koya, are you in there?" Sasuke. I stayed quiet and moved closer to the couch. Nee looked at the door and at me. "Nee?" "Sh." "Koya, I know you're in there. Come out." Nope not moving. "Koya!" Just leave me alone. Please.

After some time he left. I sighed in relief. I slowly got into the kitchen and started looking for food. There was barely anything. I turned towards Nee. "Looks like I need to go shopping but I really don't want to." Nee seemed to frown at me. "Nee." I sighed and hung my head. "I can't do people right now Nee. Even thinking about it makes me nauseous." I heard another knock on my door. Shoot. I crouched by the counter. I think it was Gaara. I sensed the slight bloodlust that always surrounds him. He knocked but I didn't go. I held Nee so he wouldn't go either.

Nee squimered. "No Nee." He looked up at me with sad eyes. "Fine, be home before dark okay?" Nee nodded. I set him down and he took off to the door. I had installed a small door so Nee could leave whenever he wanted. Usually he just asks me and I say yes or no. I heard his small door open. "Nee? Is Koya there?" "Nee!" Traitor. "Can I see him?" "Nee." "Why not?" "Nee." Thank you Nee. I never thought of using sleeping as an excuse.

"I need you to open the door, Nee. When's the last time he ate? Slept?" "Nee." Good job Nee. Don't tell him anything. "Nee!" Shit. I raced into my bedroom. I heard the main door open. Why Nee? I heard Gaara talking. "Where is he Nee?" I heard walking into the kitchen. The plants were informed of what's happening. Gaara and Nee were surprised to see me not in the kitchen. "Didn't you say that he was in here." "Nee." They were moving again. Closer to my room this time. I placed a hand over my mouth to help hide my breathing.

I heard his footsteps and he seemed to check each door as he passed. For once, I was thankful that my room was the last one. It gives me time to run. I walked to the window and saw the window had sand. Dang it. You're not giving me a shot here Gaara. The door knob rattled and I turned back. Nope. I quickly sat against the door. Gaara knocked. "Koya open the door." "No. Just leave Gaara." I heard a sigh and someone sat against the door. Why can't he just leave?

"Koya, come out and eat." "Not hungry." Leave me alone. I shouldn't be close to you. I don't want to hurt you. "Koya, you need to eat." "You need to leave. I might lose control." His head hit the door. "You can't hurt me Koya." I scoffed at that. "I might. Shizun kept that side of me under lock and key. But she's not around anymore. I'm losing control and I might hurt everyone." "So that's what you meant by the monster of your clan." I flinched. Ouch.

I heard him get up. So he's leaving. I felt tears fall down my face. Once a monster, always a monster. "Koya, get away from the door." I looked at the door. "Why?" "Just do it." I sighed and moved away from the door. I sat next to my bed and the door went flying into the wall. He did not just break my doors. I stood up, angry. Gaara walked in with Nee. "Are you kidding me?!" They both looked at me, shocked. "You know how much that door costs?! No! I have to save up for a while. I don't understand why they would buy expensive doors but hey."

I threw up my hands as I walked into the kitchen. I started making tea. "You know how hard it was to get this place. Not really hard so I thought it was weird. Then I found out how much the doors here cost. I didn't know they made doors that expensive. Why they would do it here is beyond me." I sighed as I added the tea bags. I looked at Gaara who was still looking at me in shock. "Tea?" He nodded. "Okay. Also, apparently, you have to pay for anything you break."

I gave him the tea. "Here you go. It also doesn't help that they are rich bastards that would totally rip you from your money. I wonder what would happen if they found out. They like me because I give them cookies. I think they'll give me time to fix it. I don't know though." He was sipping his tea and looked relaxed. "So you're good now?" I looked at him and realized what I just did. "Are you kidding me?! I didn't realize. I just make tea when I'm stressed or angry."

I thought back to my old world. I just remember Uncle Iroh from Avatar. He was the one who helped me through my childhood. I smiled at the thought of him. He's right about tea being calming. Gaara nodded. "So you like tea?" I nodded quickly. "Tea is the best way I can calm down." He nodded. "I have another question for you?" "What?" "When you got angry, your eyes turned a neon green. Why?" I flinched. "Well, um... you see, it's my clan's kekkei genkai. When we get too angry or stressed, our eyes glow."

He nodded. "What was the reason you were called a monster?" Another flinch. "There's something that our genkai would allow. It's easy for us to control nature and stuff like that. With me though..." I trailed off. I don't know if I could tell him. I couldn't even begin to describe it. "Well, with me..." I took another sip of tea. I was freaking out slightly. Gaara noticed and snapped his fingers. I shook my head and nodded. "Thanks." He nodded.

I decided to continue. "With me, the genkai decided to change. It wasn't the first time this had happened in our clan. It was the first time in the head household though." That got his attention. "You're the part of the head household?!" I nodded. "As I was saying, with the genkai, like what I had already said. It helps us control nature. When it mutants in a way, our eyes will turn a neon green instead of a forest green. Vines were also in our control with or without our genkai activated. The downside to this though is even when our genkai fully activates, we would have almost no control. There have been reports on how a mutant got a small amount of control. Just enough to kill herself." Gaara flinched at that.

"Another thing with us mutants, is that we almost like Senju." He nodded. "What do you remember about that day? And who did that man kill?" I grimenced. "That thing is called Samidare. I remember bits and pieces about that day. I escaped the village and one of my older brother followed me. He was the only one who cared about me. I went too close to a different city or village and they sent out some ninjas. They saw who I was and attacked. My brother showed up and took the hit for me. I was surprised. He told me to run." Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I couldn't run so he activated his genkai. He protected me and was stabbed in the process. The one to stab him was just a genin. He was just a freaking genin! And my brother died at his hands! My brother was a jonin! And he lost to a genin because of me!" I grabbed my cup and held it tightly. Gaara snapped his fingers again. "Drink your tea. Your eyes are glowing again." I quickly nodded. I sipped my tea and calmed down quickly. I love tea. I smiled slightly. "Thanks again." He nodded. "Do you want to continue?" "I don't think I can stop now." Gaara sipped his tea as I continued.

"After that, I ran back to the village to tell them what happened. My mother and father were angry at me. That's the day I was kicked out of the house. One day, a bunch of the ninjas from the village I went to close too sent more ninjas to kill us. Someone else I was close to was killed and I lost control. That's when everyone found out I was a mutant. That's what caused the first of the hatred. I was 6 when this started happening. I was 10 when my clan was killed. I don't know by who yet." He looked confused. "Where were you for two years?"

I shrugged. "Not a clue. I just remembered waking up near Konoha. I came here and that's the end of it." He seemed to accept it. "If we find out what happened during those two years, maybe you could find out what happened to your clan." I looked at him with wide eyes. "I've never thought about that!" He smiled at me. I smiled back. "I wonder if I could do that for the month." He shrugged. "We're leaving tomorrow so I guess I'll see in a month." He stood to leave.

"Oh. I guess I'll see you in a month." He nodded. I quickly stood and hugged him. He stood stock still. I let go and he walked away. I messed up. He opened the door and walked out. I sighed. I messed up big time. I looked at Nee. "Well, shopping time."


Thanks for reading. Anyway, is there anyone that should add as his teacher for the month? Kakashi can't be because he's training Sasuke. He also can't leave the village for he's training Sakura. Naruto is with Jiraiya. That's about it. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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