Chapter 7

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I looked at him and smirked. "Ready?" He just tched. I sighed. "No wonder you remind me of duckbutt." He glared and ran at me. Guy was yelling at him that he never said go. We both ignored him. He tried to do a high kick but I leaned back like they do in Matrix. He seemed irritated that he didn't hit me first go.

Stupid. It will take a lot more than that. Once he landed again, I tried a 540 roundhouse kick. He jumped back to dodge. He then yelled something like gentle fist. I didn't understand when he ran at me. I freaked out and did a Kubi Kudaki. His eyes widened as I grabbed him. He made an oof sound when I realized what I had done.

I jumped back from him. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that. You ran at me and I panicked. Sorry." He slowly stood back up and rubbed his neck. Guy and Lee ran at me. "What was that?! You were so youthful!" "Beautiful Green Lily, marry me."

I laughed. "It's called Kubi Kudaki. It's useful for many situations." I turned to Lee. "I don't think I can marry you. You wish to marry a female. I am a male. Sorry." That made them all falter. Tenten ran up to me. "You're a male?!" She had me be the shoulders and was shaking me. I tried to speak but bit my tongue. I tried to nod but nothing.

I think Neji felt bad for me and grabbed Tenten. "If you stopped shaking him, maybe he would answer." She looked at me and cried out, "I'm sorry!" I waved her off. "It's fine. I am a male." Tenten looked like she was in a midlife crisis. "How are you so cute then?!" "I don't know." Lee was being quiet and I looked over at him.

It was like he was in an emo corner. He had this depression aura. I was worried. "Lee, are you okay?" He nodded and Tenten giggled. "Are you that sad? Just marry him anyway. It shouldn't matter male or female." I looked over at her with wide eyes. "W...wait! I just met you guys! I can't marry a man I just met!" Neji was trying hard not to smile. Guy was doing his weird laughter.

Lee was back up "Yes! I will win your affection!" I was not bright red. "Can we not?!" Tenten was laughing now. I was still a cherry. "This is not normal for children! We're not in my clan anymore!" Lee tilted his head. "You're in a clan?" "Um... I was." Neji seemed to understand. Tenten was slower and Lee didn't get it. "What?" Neji slapped him upside the head. "It means that he is like that Uchiha kid. He's the last of them."

Lee made an oh face. I smiled. "I'm sorry." "It's fine. I didn't like them anyway. But, because of the murder, everything falls onto me. It's annoying. The paperwork I'll have to do." I sighed and had a depressing aura. It was troublesome.

Guy handed me a paper. "What's this?" "Your level is good.This is the routine." I did an air fist. "YES!" This will be awesome. I can't wait to start. I bowed in thanks. "I must get going. I have a test to study for tomorrow. I need to get going." They all realized how young I was. "You're in the academy?!" Tenten was shaking my shoulders again. I tried to nod. Nothing. Couldn't talk either. I just waited.

Lee was the one to get her off me next. "You must be youthful." I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness. "Yeah and tomorrow I have a test. I must be off." With that, I ran. I really didn't want to be shook again. I didn't want to have a headache. I had a test to study for.


Sorry for the short chapter. Thank you for reading. I suck at writing fight scenes. Sorry. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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