Chapter 30

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Thank you for reading. Enjoy Koya snapping.


"Come on Gaara. We have to go." Gaara looked away from me. "Gaara, Nee wants to leave too. If you want to hold Nee, you have to follow." Gaara slowly got up and walked towards the door. Temari and Kankuro gave me a nod. They couldn't get Gaara to come to the main room for the final exam. I knew Nee would be his weakness. We found Baki walking towards us.

"Follow me." "Yes sir." He sighed. "Koya, just call me Baki-sensei." "You are not my sensei though and I feel that would be rude." "Just don't call me sir." "Okay!" Gaara sighed and held out his hand to me. Nee jumped off of my shoulder and onto his palm. "Nee!" I giggled watching Nee try to get to Gaara's shoulder while we were walking. We walked into this room where the other teams were standing. I didn't know so many people passed this round. I looked over at Neji and his team to find him glaring at me. Lee was smiling and waving though.

Tenten didn't seem to see me. I smiled and waved back though. Gaara followed my gaze and his eyes hardened. Baki turned towards us. "Go get in line with your teams." I nodded as we lined up. I was alone. I looked at Gaara and held out my hand. "Nee, you're on my team. You have to be with me." Gaara seemed to almost pout as Nee climbed back onto my shoulder. I heard whispers around me. "Where's her team?" "Did she take it by herself?" And other stuff like that.

A cloud of darkness hung over my head. Temari and Kankuro were trying hard not to laugh and even Gaara was trying to keep a straight face. Jerks. It's not my fault if I apparently look like a girl. Wait a second, it is. Nevermind. All the whispers stopped when the Anko started talking. "First off, congratulations on finishing the second exam." I looked to the front to see the Hokage and 15 ninjas. I saw Anko and Ibiki. I think I saw Iruka and Guy. That's definitely Kakashi. Man, are all the people in the back senseis to these teams?

I looked around to Team 7. They were two teams down from me. They didn't look okay. Sasuke seemed in pain and Sakura had cut her long hair. She told me she was going to cut it to her lower back but not to her shoulders. What happened to make her change her mind? The Hokage started talking and I already think it was boring all of us.

"It's a custom where balance is preserved by fighting and removing life. This is the friendship of the Shinobi world. This is a fight for life with the pride of the village and one's own dream on the line." A guy had a coughing fit behind him and I winced. He didn't sound so good. "Excuse me." Cough. "Those of you who wish to drop out, please speak up now." Gaara and I looked at each other. I gave him a grin. "Ready for this?" He nodded. Temari started doing a weird fangirl thing. She was muttering about her otp and cutest ship. Can ships be cute?

I noticed that the adults looked worried and were talking about something. There was something going on. Anko started yelling at Kakashi. Now what was going on? I'm missing something yet again. Is it because I'm separating from the team? "Excuse me... I'll quit." I looked over and saw it was snake boy. I narrowed my eyes. Something's not right about him. I don't know what it could be but I wonder if it has something to do with why the others are acting so weird. "Then you may step out." "Okay." He turned to walk away. Naruto yelled after him. Let him go Naruto. Something's not right if Nee doesn't even trust him. They brought out a board thing that randomly chose names. First up was a dude named Yoroi and Sasuke. "If everyone can leave this floor and make your way up to the balconies."

I looked over at Gaara. "I'll see you later okay?" He seemed reluctant but nodded. I waved and skipped over to Lee and his team. "I knew you guys would pass." Neji glared at me. "No thanks to you." I shrugged. "I couldn't do this alone you know. I was also low on energy so I did the only thing that I could think of." Lee and Tenten were confused. "What exactly happened?" Neji sighed. "He stole our scroll when he hugged us." Lee gasped. "How un-youthful." That felt like a blow. I sighed.

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