Chapter 11

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Thank you for reading. I will be saying this one more time. WARNING- LONGISH CHAPTER> +1,300 words. Have been warned.

Edit: The winner was Gaara long ago but it has changed to harem in the Book 2. The people in the harem will be explained and shown in Book 2 as well. However, Lee will still not be part of that harem because I'm having it where he's happy with Sakura because I like Sakura and she deserves a happy ending too. Any comments about how Sakura sucks or whatever is not allowed so please don't. I will not hesitate to end a bitch. 


When they returned, they were glaring at one another. It was quite funny. I wonder what happened though. "So what did I miss?" Sakura huffed and plopped herself next to me. "Nothing much." Sasuke was a little less informative. "Hn." Great. "Ducky, I don't speak hn and I don't speak duck. You must speak human for us to understand you."

Nothing but a glare. I looked towards Naruto. "Naruto, what happened?" "Where were you?" "In here. I thought this was supposed to be the time where we got to know each other as a team so I waited. I brought cookies and stuff like that for my teammates but they never showed." They all looked down. I lied about the cookies though.

"So, you guys know who our new sensei is?" I had a hunch but I could be wrong. They all shook their heads. I sighed. "Well, want to play a game?" Naruto perked up. "What kind of game?" "20 questions." Sakura looked interested. "How do you play?" "We all ask questions about each other for 20 rounds. You must answer truthfully. If you want to pass, you only get 1 so use it wisely." Sasuke looked annoyed. "That's a stupid game." "Not if we want to work together and get to know one another."
He sighed. "Hn." I slammed my head on the desk. I'm done with that duck. "Koya!? Are you okay?!" Sakura was hovering over me. "I can't seem to get him to speak human for more than a few sentences. Is his humanish just that bad?" That got Naruto to snicker. "Have you tried asking Sasuke-kun to speak human?" I perked up.

"I haven't thought of that." We both looked over at Sasuke. He was glaring at us. "I kinda don't want to ask him now. He looks like he's going to kill us." "Isn't that his normal face? I mean, has anyone seen him smile?" She seemed to think. "I don't think I've seen him smile since the um... nevermind."

"Since what?" Sasuke looked pissed. "Since my clan was slaughtered!" So he's like me. I sighed. "It's okay to smile after that." Silence. "And how would you know? You never went through the pain I went through." I giggled at that. "I'm here for a reason Ducky. I want to see how long before you figure it out." With that, I stood and walked towards the door. "He should be here any minute." I looked over at Naruto who was easering the board.

He then went over to the door and placed it up there. "What are you doing Naruto?" So I wasn't the one to notice. "He needs to be taught a lesson for keeping us waiting for so long." Sasuke did his hn thing. "He's not going to fall for it." What downers. "He could. He probably thinks that we're just going to be good kids." Naruto nodded at me. "Someone believes me!"

We all stopped talking when a hand reached through the door to open it. It honestly reminded me of the zombies. "ZOMBIE!" Psh, doesn't mean it's a zombie. She was laughing. I know but I doubt they know what a zombie is. I want to confuse them. How will you explain them? Flesh eating monsters that are dead. Wow, so original. I try.

It was Kakashi that the easer landed on. Naruto was laughing while Sakura was trying to stifle hers. Sasuke looked done with life. "My first impression of you is I hate you." I laughed. "I'm happy that this isn't your first time meeting me. Now I really want to know what you thought of me." He looked at me. "You're on my team?"

"Yep. I guess you didn't know." "The Hokage wouldn't tell me the last one. I should've guessed it would be you." I smiled. "I should've known it could've been you. I thought you knew after what you said this morning." We both sighed. "This is troublesome." "Agreed. Meet me on the roof." I quickly grabbed his arm before he could poof away. We both made it on the roof. "Wha?" "I grabbed your arm. I wasn't staying a moment longer with Duckbutt. He's been demoted to Duckbutt again."

"Do I want to know?" "Unlikely." He nodded. We didn't have to wait long until the others showed up. They were looking at the both of us. Naruto tried to put two and two together. "Are you two dating?" We both gagged. "Me, dating him?! NO! He's not my type." That got his attention.

"Wha?" "You're not even trying to deny we're dating. Guys, he's my guardian because I just came to the village. Security reasons." Sasuke facepalmed. I sighed and shook my head. We all took seats in front of him. "Okay, introduce ourselves." Sakura raised her hand. "How do we do that?" I tilted my head. Did she not know how?

"Um... name, likes, dislikes, and dreams I guess." Naruto glared at him. "Why don't you go first? You don't seem very trustworthy." He sighed. "Mine name's Kakashi. I like a lot of things. I also dislike things. I have lots of hobbies. My dream is for me to know." I could hear everyone's thoughts. All we learned was his name.

"Blondie, you go first." "My name's Naruto. I like ramen and jiji. I also like Ichiraku ramen, especially when Iruka-sensei buys it for me. What I don't like is the 3 minutes it takes for ramen to cook. My hobby is comparing different ramen flavors. My dream is to become Hokage so everyone will acknowledge me. I'll become Hokage, believe it!" I think I became deaf in one of my ears. I could see the gears turning for Kakashi.

"Pinky you next." "I'm Sakura. What I like... *looks at Sasuke and giggles* My hobby is *giggles more* My dream is *giggles intensely*" "What do you dislike?" "Naruto!" Naruto seemed to deflate after she said that. Girls these days seem more interested in boys. I sighed.

"Okay, emo." He glared at that. "My name's Sasuke. I don't have a lot of things I like. I dislike fangirls. My I will make it reality, is to kill the murder of my clan and to restore it." I looked at him. "What's your hobbies?" "What?" "You're hobbies." "Um... training?" I nodded. "Okay, so you're still a duck human hybrid." I heard a sigh.

"Greeny, you're next." "Hi, my name is Koya. I like baking, cooking, hiding bodies, reading, drawing, and giving out cookies. I dislike fangirls, liars, annoying people, those who would throw away their lives for nothing. My hobbies include cooking and baking. My dream is to find someone to teach me something and to find someone." Naruto looked nervous and so did the others. "What?"

"Can you recall what you like?" I looked back at Kakashi. "Baking, cooking, reading, drawing, and giving out cookies. If you don't like cookies then you could have told me." I heard some sighs in relief. Weirdos. "Okay, you all have different personalities. Tomorrow, we'll have a mission." Sakura raised her hand again. "What kind of mission?" "Survival training." We all tilted our heads.

"It's a way to see if you pass or not." Naruto quickly stood. "We already passed our tests. Believe it!" "Those were to see if you could become a ninja. Come tomorrow at 5. Don't eat unless you want to puke." With that, he poofed away. "I'm going to eat."

They looked over at me. "But Kakashi-sensei told us not to." "But my dear Sakura, he didn't. He suggested we not to. I want energy for tomorrow's test. I don't want to give him any strengths. If you want to pass, eat tomorrow. I can't control you though. See ya later." I didn't want them talking to me.

I walked away. I heard Naruto getting rejected and then Sakura getting rejected. I was surprised Duckbutt ran up to me. "Do you want to train?" "Na, I want to get to the library and then I have to find an old friend. He's super nice and strong so I hope that he'll give me the next part to the training plan. It only goes for a few weeks." With that, I left.


They're a team now. Yes yes, I know I screwed up what he says but I can't remember every last word he says. I also read to much fanfiction to trust anything. Anyway, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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