Chapter 32

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Thank you for reading. I do hope you enjoy this chapter. I still haven't found a teacher for Koya. Should I just put him with Gai. Also, I just noticed I've been spelling Gai Guy. So I am terribly sorry. Fluffy chapter. Anyway, enjoy.


"Koya!" I looked over to see Sakura with some flowers. "Hey Saks. Are you going somewhere?" She nodded. "Lee is in the hospital still. You were able to stop his arm getting crushed but sadly not his leg." "O...oh." I hadn't known that. She smiled gently at me. "It's not your fault. You want to come?" I nodded. We started walking and she was smiling. "Hey, why are you doing this for Lee?" I was confused. I thought she met him while he confessed and the third exam. Did they have a bonding moment? When?

"He saved me from some sound ninjas. I owe him." I gave her a sly smile. "Did you get a good look at his muscles?" She went red. Oh~ "Well... I... um... no I didn't" Aw. "Well, he's quite talented." She nodded and went a little darker red. "Yes he is. Did you see him fight Gaara?! Wait, you did. That doesn't really matter though. He was so fast!" I laughed. "He was." We were getting close to the hospital. I looked at the flowers Sakura was bringing. Shoot, I didn't bring him anything.

"Um... Sakura, what kind of food does he like?" She placed a fist under her chin. "He likes Medium spicy curry and rice." I smirked at her. "What about his birthday?" "It's November 27th." I leaned near her. "So, do you have a tiny crush on him?" Bright red. " I Sasu... Sasuke." "Mhm. Except with Lee, he treats you right and doesn't ignore you. He's a gentleman. With Sasuke, it's kinda obvious." She sighed. "I know, it's just that I've been trying to get Sasuke to notice me for years. Lee shows up out of nowhere and asks me out. How am I supposed to feel when a boy likes me?!" I laughed.

"It's not funny!" "It's a little. Just calm down. Why were you so interested in Sasuke?" She sighed. "He was just so cool. He was the top of his class and at the beginning, he was so funny. After that night, he changed. I thought I could help him find a small amount of happiness. I guess I just drove him away." She gave a dry laugh. "It's funny. I hated you at first cause you managed to make Sasuke notice you. Now, I prefer you." She looked so sad that I decided to make her smile.

"Sorry but I don't swing that way." She laughed. "I know. By the way, I found cute clothes if you want to go shopping after we visit Lee." "That sounds like fun." "Where's Nee?" "He's been sad since Gaara left last week." She made an oh face. Then she smirked. "So Gaara's cute." I blushed a little. "I guess." "Oh you guess~" "Shut up." We both laughed. We walked into Lee's room and he was gone. "Lee?" Sakura looked worried. "Lee, where are you?!" Then we heard the counting. She looked angry. "Lee, I swear if you're not resting..."

Maybe I shouldn't have trained her. We looked outside the window to see Lee doing push ups. "123. 124. 125." I looked over at Sakura and gulped. Her face looked pissed. "Rock Lee!" The nurse that was trying to get him back inside backed away. Lee immediately stopped training. The look of panic on his face. "Sa...Sakura!" She jumped out the window. "Why aren't you resting?!" "I needed to train to get stronger." "That's no excuse if you're hurt!" "I'm fine Sakura." "No, you're not! You know you might not be able to walk with that leg again! Get your butt back in bed!"

He quickly tried to go through the window and jumped into the bed. Sakura came back in and placed the flowers in a vase. "If you were that bored, you could've been mediating to strengthen your mind." Lee nodded and noticed I was here. "Koya! Thank you!" I smiled sadly at him. "Sorry I couldn't save your leg." He waved his hand. "You're so youthful!" Sakura chuckled. She was sitting in a corner chair, reading another medical textbook.

Lee was mediteing. I felt like the third wheel. So much for shopping. A couple minutes later, Ino and Hinata walked in with Tenten. "Hey Sakura, Koya, you two ready to go?" I tilted my head. "What?" "We're having a slumber party. We were going to call it a girl's sleepover but you're not a girl so slumber party." I was confused. I looked at Ino who's smile dropped. "What's a slumber party?" I couldn't even remember a slumber party in my world. They all gasped. Lee looked at me with sadness. "Good luck Koya."

"What..." They dragged me out of the hospital. Ino looked towards the girls. "First things first, shopping." I gulped as they, even Hinata, looked at me with a glint in their eyes. "W...why?" Sakura smirked. "Cause you need other clothes than kimonos." "Is it...?" Tenten smiled. "You're gonna be our doll!" Oh no. Gaara, I won't last through the night. I'm sorry, we're never gonna see each other again.

~Timeskip brought to you by Koya in a dress~

"So, is your mom gonna be okay with me coming?" Sakura nodded. "It's my dad we have to worry about. Though when we'll tell him you're gay, he'll like ya." We walked into the house. I was carrying Hinata on my back because we ran into Naruto as we were leaving. Hinata fainted when Naruto gave her a goodbye hug. I smiled at the other three girls. "This might be goodbye girls. If Sakura's dad kills me, tell everyone I love them." They laughed and they walked in.

I stood there for a few seconds before following them in. "Mom, I'm home. I brought back a few friends." A blonde woman came out from the kitchen. She noticed me and smiled. "Hello, I'm Mebuki. You must be a new friend of Sakura." "Yes Mame." She smiled. "No worries dear. I like her Sakura." Tenten and Ino started laughing. "She called you a girl!" I blushed as Ino fell to the ground. "It's not that funny!" Tenten laughed harder. "You guys suck." Mebuki looked confused.

"You're a boy?" I nodded. "Oh, I'm so sorry." "It's fine Miss. It happens all the time." She smiled at me. "None of that, call me Mebuki." "Okay then." She led us to the living room. "I have snacks." Yay! Snacks! She brought out some crackers and cheese. Hinata was sleeping on the couch and Tenten was throwing snacks at Ino. Sakura looked at me and smirked. "Aren't we going to make you our doll?" I grew a face of panic. Mebuki looked confused.

"Doll?" Sakura nodded at her mother. "He likes crossdressing." "Not true." All three girls looked at me. "Then what are you wearing?" "A battle kimono?" The girls just stared. Mebuki started chuckling. "Your dad will be home by 5 okay? Try to make sure he has clothes on when he comes home?" I shot my head up. "What?!" I was bright red as Tenten and Ino were howling. Sakura was chuckling. Mebuki was confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" Sakura shook her head. "No mom. It's just the way you said it. You made him sound like he was into girls." Mebuki smiled at her daughter. "You make it seem like you're only into boys." Every head snapped towards her. She blushed. "So I'm bi." I laughed. "I kinda figured." She smiled as Ino and Tenten were laughing. "Okay business time." Oh no.

Another timeskip cause I can

We heard the door open again. "Honey, I'm home." We all froze. We were all in pjs and I was still being dressed up by the girls. He walked into the living room and froze. "Honey, there's a pest in the living room. Get the room." I quickly stood and bowed. "Sir, I'm gay." He looked down at me and stared at me for the longest time. "Honey, there's no pest. I've made a mistake."

We all sighed in relief. He held out his hand. "Call me Kazashi." "Yes sir." He gave me a stare. "I mean Kazashi." He nodded and went into the kitchen. We all looked at each other and laughed. I like slumber parties.


Thank you for reading. Also, his pjs are up above. If you don't boys wearing girl clothes than leave. I'm not trying to be rude but it's what I like to write about it. That's about all. Thanks again and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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