Chapter 14

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Thank you for reading. To that person who dm me about the Kakashi thing, I have to say no. I do not like that and please don't talk about that. That's all. Enjoy.


"Sakura point c."

"Sasuke point B."


Everyone pulled out the device. Ringing in their left ears was all they heard. Kakashi sighed as the other two started scolding him. "Koya, are you in position?" Nothing. "Koya!" Still nothing. "Koya answer." They all heard a sigh. "Koya point f."

"Point F?" Another sigh. "Look down Kakashi." Kakashi looked down to the tree trunk and there was Koya, petting the cat. Naruto came running over and grabbed the cat from his hands. Tora returned the gesture by scratching his face. "Stupid cat!" Sakura then tried to hold the cat. It squirmed and got out of her grasp.

Koya bent down and grabbed the cat again. "Shh. You're safe." Tora calmed down and started purring. Sakura was staring at him. "How did you do that?" "Animals, I think, can sense malenice. Naruto had some hatred towards the cat and she reacted." Sasuke was glaring at the cat. This would be our 7th mission to catch Tora. I could understand why they would hate the cat.

I wonder why the cat kept running away though. Kakashi sighed. "Come on. Let's turn her in." I sighed. I kinda wanted to keep the cat. "Hey Kakashi, can we..." "No. I'm a dog person." Well, that sucks. I sighed and gripped the cat. I didn't want to give her up. I've grown fond of her. "I'll keep her in..." "No. I don't like cats and we don't have room." "I can move." "Where? I have to keep an eye on you."

I shrugged. "Next door." "What?" "I'll move next door. That way, you could keep an eye on me and you get your guest bedroom back." "I doubt that would happen." "Think about it though. You get your silence. I get my cat and plants." "Wait, what plants?" "Don't worry about it." He sighed. "Privacy might be nice." "Great, I'll talk to the Hokage." I held up the cat to face me. "One day, you'll be coming home with me. Just wait a little longer, okay?" In response, she licked my face. "Cute."

The others were in shock. I sighed and started walking towards the Hokage's tower. Kakashi was ahead of me and the others have yet to snap out of it. They did when we were far ahead of them. "Hey, wait for us!" Naruto's so loud sometimes.

~Timeskip brought to you by Ninjas~

We all stared at the Hokage as he told us who owns Tora. When he finished, the lady burst through the doors. She didn't bother taking the cat from me and smothered us both. I turned towards my team. "" I reached a hand out to them. Naruto grabbed and pulled.

No budge. Sakura was pulling with him. Slight budge. They turn towards Sasuke. He sighed and joined in. I heard Kakashi chuckling. Bastard. The Hokage laughed at our antics. I looked at Naruto. "Going... dark." I pretended to pass out. I think they thought it was real because they started pulling harder.

Once the Hokage stopped laughing, he addressed the woman that was currently crushing my ribs. "I think Koya would like to breathe." She gasped and let go of me. I still held on to Tora though. I can't let that woman keep Tora. She'll kill her! I gasped for breath.

"I'm so sorry dear. May I have Tora." I held Tora closer to me and shook my head. I could feel the cat trembling. Poor thing. Kakashi sighed. "Koya, give her the cat." "No." "Now Koya." "She'll kill the poor thing." The woman gasped. "I would never." "You nearly killed me!" She looked down. "And what would you do with Tora?" "Keep her."

The Hokage looked at Kakashi. "You're letting him get a cat?" "No." I laughed. "I'm buying the apartment next to his so that way he gets his privacy." The Hokage chuckled. "And how are you going to buy it?" I walked up to him with the cat. I slammed a bag full of coins on the counter. "I worked quite a few jobs for these. I hope it will be enough."

Iruka, who I just noticed was in the room, gawked at me. "How much is in there?" "Enough for me to buy the apartment and a few needed items." The Hokage sighed and handed the money to Iruka. "Count the money needed." He handed me a key. "There you go." I smiled and turned towards Kakashi. "Told you. I'll pack later."

The lady who owned Tora sighed. "You can keep the cat." Both of us smiled. Tora even let out a happy meow. The lady left and the adults were talking about some D rank missions again. I knew someone would snap. 3...2...1... "No no no no! Give us a C rank!" So Naruto snapped first. Iruka went on yelling and then Naruto yelled.

The Hokage went on to say a lecture that no one pays attention to. "Are you even paying attention!" Kakashi scratched the back of his neck. I sighed. "No one listened because it was boring. No offense but we became ninjas to protect the village and do escort missions, not to do chores. It seems like we would gain zero experience in fighting and learn how to do chores instead."

Iruka was about to blow a fuse. The Hokage chuckled again. "Fine, I think it's time for a C rank. It will be an escort mission." Naruto was jumping on one foot to the other. "Who? Is it a princess? A lord?" I sighed. It's gonna be something stupid. The Hokage gave him a smile. "Send him in."

The door opened and I recoiled and Tora hissed. Alcohol was never my favorite thing, it brought back unwanted memories. In walked a drunk dude. "It's a bunch of snot nosed kids. Are you sure these runts can protect me? The small one doesn't look to be a ninja." Wait, who was the smallest? We lined up. It went Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, then me. Oh, he's gonna regret that. I gave him a wicked grin.

"I really hope you don't mean me because that would be strike two. Once you get to strike three, I won't save you. I'll laugh as the enemies kill you and I won't regret it. You forget that I'm one of the ones who are meant to keep you safe. Don't get me angry. So I'll ask, did you mean me?" He shook his head slightly as Kakashi karate chopped my head.

"Don't threaten the one we're supposed to protect." I huffed and Tora hissed at the dude again. "I meant the one in the orange." So he was poking fun at Naruto, nothing new than. He'll be surprised later when Naruto becomes Hokage. Naruto tried to attack him but got the same scolding as I did. "Mine is Tazuna. I'm a master bridge builder that comes from the valley of the waves. You'll get me there safely."

I sighed not trusting him. I turned towards Kakashi. "Met up in an hour?" He nodded. Fantastic. Maybe Ino can watch Tora for me? Maybe Tora will just follow? I don't know. I grabbed my coin pouch and walked out. Now to do some pet shopping.


Thank you for reading. Sorry if I screwed anything up. I hope you enjoyed because I loved writing this chapter.

Now on to the main question, should Zabuza and Haku live? I'm really torn about the idea. I have an idea to do if they live though.

Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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