Chapter 9

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Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you @dimplejean123 for helping me out. 1 week left to vote for the ship. Gaara is in the lead.


We didn't have to wait long until Iruka showed up. We quickly did our paper test. It wasn't that hard. Then it was on to the next test. "When I call your name, come to the other room. Once done, leave through the back entrance." We all nodded. He went on explaining what was on the test. Naruto was having a freak out.

I sighed. Of course he didn't study. I couldn't help him though. Sakura was pulling on my sleeve. "Yes?" "How about after we graduate, we go shopping?" "I thought we agreed on that earlier? I was okay with it. How did you feel you did?" "Passed. What about you?" "Not a clue. I wasn't here long enough so there might've been some things I missed." She nodded.

"Sakura Haruno." "My turn. Wish me luck." "Good luck." It was a while before I heard my name. There were still some kids in here considering my last name only went to M. I was before the Nara kid though. I was talking to a girl named Ino when they called my name. I think she was coming shopping afterwards with me and Sakura.

I walked in and hated the guy with the white hair. I could tell he was bad news. "Koya, this is Mizuki." I didn't say anything. "Can you perform the clone jutsu?" I nodded. I did the hand symbols and there were 3 clones around me. All of us were glaring at Mizuki. Iruka noticed.

"Why are you glaring at him?" "He's like a snake. I don't trust him." Iruka sighed. "Is that all?" "His smile's fake. As fake as where his loyalty lies." Mizuki's smile faltered. My clones poofed away and I still glared at him. Iruka sighed.

"You pass. Come choose a headband." I walked over to see black headbands. "Do you have a green one?" He shook his head. "Okay, I'll just dye it." I took a headband and looked at it. "What wrong now kid?" I glanced at Mizuki. "This is the first time that I got a headband. I don't know where to put it. I'll figure it out later though."

I started walking towards the door but stopped. "If you so much as lay a hand on any of these kids, I will find you. I will make it living hell for you." Iruka stood up. "Enough Koya." I gave him a smile. "Goodbye Iruka. Just remember what I said." With that I walked out.

I saw Sakura waiting for me. "Did you pass?" I nodded. "Is it okay if we wait for a girl named Ino? She wanted to come." She sighed. "Fine. What do you need to get?" "Green dye." "Why?" "I'm gonna be dying my headband." She made an oh face.

We only had to wait a little while longer. She came skipping out. I noticed how they were glaring at each other. "What's wrong?" They both looked at me. "What?" "You two don't get along and I could tell you two could be good friends." "We were." I tilted my head. "Ino and I went separate ways to win Sasuke's heart." I was twitching in slight anger. "You mean to tell me that you two stopped being friends because of a boy?!" They both nodded. "That's it! We're having bonding time. No buts, cuts, or coconuts. Do I make myself clear?" They both nodded.

I clapped my hands. "Let's get going then. There's a shop I know of that's great. They sell makeup and nice clothes for a cheap place." "Where?" I shrugged. "No clue the name but it's where I got my clothes." They both nodded and we walked off.

When we got there, it was the same cashier. I nodded to him and he nodded back. I was now thankful that Kakashi gave me money to spend on clothes. I know he knows I'm a boy but I don't think he knows how children work. He gave me a lot of money and I mean a lot of money. It was kinda scary.

We walked over to the makeup first. They kept asking my opinion and I gladly gave it. It was refreshing to have people asking me on what looked good. It was cool. After that, we went to the clothes. I think they forgot I was a boy. They kept holding dresses up to me.

I found one I really liked though. It was a kimono that was space themed. It had the black wraps and everything. It looked like one of the battle kimonos. It would probably come up to knees maybe. I was so getting it. "Ino. Sakura. What about this one?" They both gasped. "That wasn't there when we looked."

I laughed. "Sure Sakura." Ino shook her head. "We would've noticed. That wasn't there." I was confused. "It reminds me of a place that sells these where I was from. They were called the Darling Army. It was really cool." They both looked at me with a smirk on their face. "Do you think you can make these?" I shrugged.

"Maybe if I learned how to make those sleeves. That got me every time." They both shook their heads and looked at each other. "Sakura can help you with the sleeves. If you can make these, people will buy them." I nodded. "True, but we should worry about other things first. Come on, we have to pay for these. I got to get home."

They nodded. The cashier was surprised to see the kimono. "This isn't ours." "I found it in the racks." "It isn't ours though. I don't know how you got that. It doesn't even have a tag." I sighed. He wouldn't let me pay for it so we had to leave with us getting it for free. It bugged me.

I shook my head. "See you guys tomorrow." They both nodded and we ran off in opposite directions. Tomorrow will be fun. Maybe I'll wear that kimono.


Thank you for reading. I hope it was good. The kimono is really from Darling Army. They sell a bunch of things so I recommend it. I hope they don't mind me using the designs for this book. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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