Chapter 10

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Thank you for reading. I have decided what to do for the ships. That's all. Enjoy.


The next day, I got up and stood in front of the kimono. I think Kakashi was worried. I was surprised he got up this morning but he said he had something to do. "What's wrong?" "I'm debating if I should wear this or no?" He looked at it. "Can you fight in it?" "Yea." "Is it comfortable?" I nodded. "Wear it then." I smiled. "Thanks." "Anytime kiddo."

I quickly got changed. It really did stop above my knees. I gave it a twirl. Nice. I looked at myself in the mirror. It would work better with brown hair but who cares. I walked towards the door when Kakashi stopped me. "You do realize what you are wearing, correct?" I grew nervous.

"Um... yes?" "You better have shorts underneath it. I sighed. "Yes sir, I always do. It's easier to fight that way." He nodded. "See you in a bit then." I nodded. "See you in a bit." I did a double take. "You mean I'll see you tonight?" He spent a lot of time out. "No." Dang it. "You'll see me sometime around after lunch." "You have a team?" "I dunno." I shrugged.

"I guess I'll see you later then." I walked out the door before he could answer. "Roofs or no?" Roofs. I nodded and hopped onto the roof. It was easy to travel from there. So, you chose to wear the kimono? I liked it enough. Makes sense. Are you ready for the comments?

They just be hating on this beauty. We both laughed at that. I never saw any of this so-called beauty. Have you been holding out on me? Yep. Check the trash. Should be there. It goes quiet for some time. It wasn't till I was nearly to the academy that she spoke.

I checked the dumpster and trash. It's not there. Trash day? Trash day. Again, laughter. I was calm when I reached the academy though. I didn't want anyone to think I'm crazy yet. When I walked in, there were a few people. My seat was taken though. I sighed. I didn't trust most other people.

I looked over at duckbutt. The few seats next to him were open. I sighed and walked over. He looked up and stared at me. "Can I sit here? My seat was stolen." He said nothing. "I forgot, sorry. Quack quack quack quack? Quack quack quack quack." He seemed to snap out of it.

"Hn." I tilted my head. "Is that a yes or no. If it's a no, I can find somewhere else." "Hn." I sighed. "I'll take that as a no." Before I could turn and walk away, he decided to speak. "Fine."

I was quaping at him. Honey, close your mouth. You'll get flies. He just spoke human though! After a few moments, he cleared his throat. "Are you gonna sit or not?" "You spoke." "What?" "You're speaking human. I thought you only spoke duck. I'm sorry for the lack of understanding." I quickly bowed in apology.

"What are you talking about? Stop bowing and sit down already." I was still in shock. I was about to speak again when I heard yelling. "See this?! This means I'm a ninja!" Naruto's here. I looked behind me to see him. He noticed me. "Are you wearing a dress?" I shook my head.

"It's a kimono. In my clan, short ones like this are meant for battle. It was to show great honor wearing these." Sasuke and Naruto were staring at me. "Why though?" I shrugged. "Why do you have 0 brain cells?" That caused laughter. I took a seat next to Sasuke and Naruto took a seat next to me.

"Why are we sitting here?" Both Sasuke and I sighed at Naruto's question. "Look over at our seats, they're taken. This is where the single people sit. Now shush. I prefer some silence before Ino and Sakura get here. I think they were planning on racing." Sasuke caught on to what kind of race it was and his color was slightly drained. Naruto on the other hand did not. He opened his mouth but closed it when we heard the thuds. Here they come.

Ino and Sakura both slammed the door open. "I won billboard brow!" "No way, my toe was first!" "That's not true!" I sighed. "Good luck Ducky." They both raced over. Sakura did her weird heart eyes. "Good morning Sasuke. Can I sit with you?" He said nothing.

Then her and Naruto were talking about something and next thing I know, she pushes Naruto out of the way. He then climbs on top of the desk to squat in front of Sasuke. "What do they see in you?" I sighed. "He's their type. Dark and mysterious. He lacks manners and doesn't speak. He has a tragic backstory. He's the character they would fall for."

I was ignored. I tapped the guy in front of them, shoulders. He leaned back and pushed Naruto right into Sasuke. They realized what was happening and began spitting and gagging. "Oh stop it you two. That's what you get." The fans were in silence. I turned towards them. "As you can see, me and Naruto are sitting here. Please find a different seat."

And that's how we came to our seating system. It went Naruto, me, Sakura and then Sasuke. How that worked out beats me. Iruka stepped in. "Congratulations on becoming ninjas. I will begin naming off teams. Team One..." I tuned him out. That was until Team 7.

"Team 7. Naruto, Sakura, *cheer from Naruto, groan from Sakura* Sasuke, *groan from Naruto, cheer from Sakura* and Koya. *groan from me.* Naruto stood on the desk. "Iruka-sensei, why does a great ninja like me have to be on a team with Sasuke?"

"You had the lowest grades and he had the second highest. Now get off that desk." Sakura now stood. "What do you mean second highest? Who beat my Sasuke-kun?" Iruka pointed to me. "Koya did." "Way to rat me out there." He shrugged and went on. My team was looking at me.

When he finished, he informed us that it was time for lunch and we would be meeting our teachers afterwards. I sighed as my team disappeared. We would need a whole lot of help with teamwork. You got the short end of the stick. I'm going to laugh if you have to be the mom friend. I don't want to be the mom friend again. Not with these kids. I know.

What am I to do? This will be hard. I feel bad for our sensei. I agree. We should just eat lunch here. Agreed. I pulled out some pork cutlet bowls that I made last night. Yuri on ice style? Yuri on ice style. With that, I began to eat, unaware of what my teammates were doing.


Sorry for making you read such a long chapter. Actually, nope. I hope you did enjoy it though. Thank you for reading. With that, I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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