Chapter 22

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Guys, guess what. We made it to a thousand views! A THOUSAND! How the heck did we do that?! Thank you! Anyway, enjoy.



I watched as the birds flew outside the window. It's been 3 days since I've lost contact with Shizun. I really hope that what happened isn't true. Slowly though, I've been beginning to believe it. I heard a knock on the door and I looked over to see Zabuza coming in. After I had saved Haku apparently, they have been more um... how do I explain it? Protective I guess.

I tried to get out of bed once when Haku raced in and told me I couldn't leave the bed. It would've been funny to see the emotionless boy so worried if it wasn't me. Oma and Opa try to visit everyday. I faced Zabuza. He glared. "Show emotion dammit! It's been three days and the only people who died were Gato and his goonies! There was no one else!"

I shrugged. When I first tried to explain, they thought I was just in shock. After the second day though, they said I needed to stop. I didn't argue it anymore. They would never understand. I mean, who would understand what most people call a voice in your head is actually the daughter of life and... I teared up. No. There's no way. Zabuza sighed. "Come on kid. Smile, yell, something." I faced the window again.

He closed the door with a huff. I waited until I heard his footsteps downstairs when I tried to stand again. My legs were wobbly and I nearly fell once again. A pain shot up from my stomach. I fell on my knees and clutched my stomach. It was nearly healed but it still hurt to move. Kakashi was shocked that I was healing so fast. I was slightly surprised too.

I heard footsteps racing up the stairs and I tried to get back into the bed. It didn't work out so well. It was Tsunami who came in. She gasped as she saw me. "You shouldn't be out of bed!" I nodded. "Sorry." She put a hand on her hip. "I'll have Kakashi come help you back to bed." I shook my head. "I'll do it myself. I'm not crippled." I tried to stand and shakily got to my feet.

I sat down slowly on the bed and she sighed. "You don't have to do everything by yourself." "Okay." She sighed and closed the door. I couldn't do this anymore. I was on the second floor. I couldn't jump out, I was too injured apparently. I opened that window and a breeze blew in. I sighed as it blew through my hair. It has gotten longer since I started living in Konoha. I should get it cut maybe.

I looked down and thought hard. "I wonder if I could just..." I reached out and focused. A few minutes later, I felt something wrapping around my hand. I opened my eyes to see a large vine. It wrapped around my wrist and a flower bloomed. It was so pretty. The petals started out a bright blue and went to an indigo. Picture above.

"That's very nice. Thank you." I picked the flower and it grew another one. I tilted my head and picked that one. It kept growing them until I had enough. Then it grew multiple vines and chopped it off itself. Is that like a sucide thing? I noticed something though. I had all my favorite supplies to make a flower crown. I didn't have anything else to do. Oh yeah, where was Tora? I lost her when Zabuza first showed.

I shrugged. She probably ran home. I got to work when I heard a "Nee." I looked over and saw a small green creature. It had a lilypad on it's head. It's eyes were petals. One yellow and one orange. It was about the size of my hand. It was adorable. It jumped onto my palm. He put his arms into the air. "Nee." "Is that your name?" It nodded. "Nee."

Cute. "I'm Koya." "Nee." I put on my flower crown when the vines started growing smaller flowers. I understood and it made smaller vines. I started making a smaller flower crown. It was faster to finish it because it was smaller. I placed it on his head. "Nee!" The vine wrapped around my wrist like a snake and my other hand held Nee. I smiled gently at them. Maybe Nee is supposed to be like a new friend? "Hey Nee, wanna be friends?" Nee nodded and yelled, "NEE!" "I'll take that as a yes."

I smiled as he started doing a little dance on my palm. "So freaking cute." He tripped and fell face first into my thumb. I laughed. "Be careful Nee. Don't want to get hurt now." The vine started to wrap around Nee and Nee started making weird noises. I was laughing. I heard footsteps and everything stopped. The vine hid underneath the window and Nee dove underneath the covers.

I turned towards the window as Kakashi came in. "I heard noises. Is everything okay?" I turned towards him and nodded. He sighed and closed the door. Nee came out and the vine came back. I laughed as they both seemed relieved. Man, this is really fun.

I laughed as Nee started doing another dance. I looked at the vine and saw my flower crown. It placed it back on my head. "Oh, thank you." The door opened again and Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura walked in. I had enough time to hide Nee. The flower crown and vine is a different story though. Naruto and Sasuke had a light red tint to their face. Sakura was a brighter red. Are they sick?

"What's wrong guys?" I tilted my head. Sasuke and Naruto turned a brighter red. I sighed and Nee came out. He stood on my bed in between me and the others. His arms spread out. "Nee!" I giggled as he seemed to be protecting me. The others looked shocked. I patted Nee on the head. "It's okay Nee. They're my friends." Nee looked up and me and grinned.

Naruto came closer. "What is that?" "His name is Nee. He's a new friend." Sasuke glared at him and I glared at him. "If you touch one even one finger on Nee, I will destroy you." Sakura looked scared. Naruto looked frightened. Sasuke looked normal. I grinned back down at Nee. The vine wrapped around my shoulders and I looked down at it. "I didn't forget about you either. I mean, you did help me with our crowns."

The group looked at me like I was crazy. "Why are you talking to a plant?" I looked at Naruto. "I don't know what's wrong with it. It seems to understand me. I seem to understand what it feels or something like that." I shrugged. "I don't really care though. I'm friends with the both of them." I grinned widely at them. Kakashi walked in and dropped his book.

"What's going on?" I grinned at him. "I made friends! There names are Nee and Verde!"


Thank you for reading. Nee is from Blue Exorcist. New friends! Anyway, thank you for reading and the thousand views. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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