Chapter 12

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I suck at fight scenes. This is a warning in advance. Warning, long chapter is ahead. +1,300 words. So enjoy.


I woke up the next morning at 4:30. I changed into the same kimono from yesterday and I did wash it. I slowly opened the door to Kakashi's room and he was still out. I tiptoed in and left a note on his nightstand. It was just telling him to get to the meet up before 10 please. That was about it.

I did eat breakfast and walked out. I made it to the spot. Naruto was leaning against a tree. Sakura was pulling at the grass. Sasuke was sitting and sharpening a kunai. They all looked up as I walked over. "You're late." "Is Kakashi-sensei here yet Sakura? No. I'm sorry but I know him better than you guys. He was still in bed when I left. And no Naruto, we aren't dating. He's not my type."

Sasuke got weird. "What is your type?" Sakura was looking between the both of us. Troll him. Say something that is the opposite of your old dates. Okay then. "I have to say redheads with tragic pasts. Maybe with tattoos. Older siblings that he doesn't trust. Someone like that." Sakura was giggling. "That's a little specific." I shrugged. "I like to know what I like. It doesn't mean I will ever find someone like that." Oh, you never know. What the heck are you talking about?

I know everyone in this world. I am the daughter of life. Oh shut up. We waited a bit longer until I got bored. I started to climb the tree. "What are you doing?!" I looked down at Sasuke. I had to look down cause I was already on the lowest branch. "Climbing a tree. I don't think ducks can climb."

"But you're in a dress!" I looked over at Sakura. "One, it's a battle kimono. It's made for tougher situations. Two, I have shorts on. Three, why does it matter?" Sakura shrugged. "Didn't want to see your underwear but if you're in shorts, it doesn't matter." Sasuke didn't answer but he was slightly red.

"Duckbutt, does it still matter?" He shook his head. "Glad we cleared that up." I continue climbing up the tree. I was nearly to the top when Kakashi showed. All I heard were two people yelling "You're late!" Naruto woke up and I guess him and Sakura had something in common.

"Where's Koya?" The three of them looked up at me where I could've been in the tree. I was actually hiding in some leaves on a different branch. Kakashi followed their gaze. I didn't know how Naruto knew I was in the tree because he was sleeping when I climbed the tree. Sakura shrugged. "He's in the tree." Kakashi sighed. "Koya, come down." If we were doing something where we had to hide from Kakashi, I want to be one step ahead. I made a clone and sent it to a tree farther away.

"Just get on with the details." They all looked over at the tree my clone was at. Sakura sighed. "He moved." Kakashi did a face. At least I think he did. "Koya, get down here." My clone sighed and jumped out of the tree. "Fine." "Good. Now let me begin."

He began to explain what we had to do. Get 3 bells by lunch. Come at him with the intent to kill. Easy peasy. Though it was usually easier said than done. Naruto ran at him with a kunai and then Kakashi stopped him. I wonder...

This test has something more to it. What does every ninja team have? I sat in my tree and thought. It soon started and my clone poofed away. I saw Kakashi mutter something. I couldn't hear him though. Sasuke and Sakura jumped away. Naruto was going to fight him head on. Idiot. You can't take a Jonin on by yourself.

I jumped away to find some help. I saw Sasuke first. I swung to a branch above him and scared him by hanging on my knees. "What do you want?" "We're going to have to work together." "You'll just get in my way." I sighed as he ran off.

Next will probably be Sakura. I found Naruto instead. He was hanging upside down. I cut him down as we both heard a scream. He got Sakura. "Wanna work together?" "If I'm going to be Hokage, I need to do this by myself." I sighed again as he ran off. Even the Hokage gets help from people.

Next up Sakura. I found her passed out on the ground. I'm wasting too much time. I made a few clones and sent them away. I wonder if they can do anything. I went to wake her up. She quickly sat up. "Where's Sasuke?" I shrugged. "Duckbutt left. Wanna work together?"

"That's a great idea! I'll go find Sasuke!" With that she ran off. I nearly screamed. Are you kidding me! One of my clone's memories flooded my head. He likes to lead with a right hook and then a left kick. (I don't know if that's true or not. It's just a reference, well the first part.) "What to do?"

I decided to try and find him. I walked around and another clone memory filled my head. Still the right hook and left kick. One clone left though. It wasn't long before the last one memories came to me. I knew he was coming to me. The only thing is, my clone got a bell and hid it. I must get to that.

It was near the stumps where we began. I started running. Halfway there, Kakashi stopped me. "Looking for this?" He held up the bell. "Dang. It's going to be hard to fight you without the others but they didn't even listen to me. I didn't have much other choice than to use tricks." He looked at me. "You went to all of them?" I nodded.

"You're a Jonin. I felt like if we attacked together, we would stand a chance. I guess we have to fight." I got into my favorite fighting stance. It was the classical back stance. "What are you doing?" I didn't answer. You never give away secrets to your enemy. Are you going full out? I will try. Good.

He started pulling something out of his pouch. I tensed until I saw an orange book. Did he think that little of me? Beat him. I doubt I can. Goal will probably be for him to put away his book. I sighed and ran at him. I think he was still expecting to have the first move. I tried a 540 roundhouse kick again. He dodged better than Neji but that is to be expected.

He started doing his right hook when I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. He landed with an oof. He quickly disappeared though while a log took his place. I heard the slight sound of movement behind me and dodged his kick. There was that left kick. He still had that book out though. Maybe I should start doing pressure points.

(It will work for this anime) I started to aim a few inches below his ear. He noticed what I was aiming for and jumped away. "No." I said nothing but ran at him again. He started doing some hand symbols and blew fire out of his mouth. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! You're a dragon?!" He facepalmed.

"I forgot that you don't know much jutsus. Stop the fight. You're skilled in hand to hand combat but what jutsus do you know." I smiled. Letting his guard down. Perfect. I quickly tackled him to the ground and threw the book. I held a kunai to his neck. "Finally no book." "I thought I said no more fighting."

"One knows that the enemy won't back down when told." He gave me a look. "I'm not your enemy though." "You told us to come at you with the intent to kill. In doing so will make you my enemy until this ends. I will not give my enemy the satisfaction of knowing he has me beat in jutsu skill." "You kinda just did." "Oh shut it." We heard the timer go off in the distance.

"I think I won." "Nope." I got off him and he disappeared with a poof. I chuckled as I threw three bells in the air.


Thank you for reading. I don't know much about fighting expect what I learn from anime. So sorry if I got anything wrong. Also, pressure points will work a lot better here than in real life. I read that if you use a pressure point in battle, they won't notice. I don't know if that's true or not.

Anyway, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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