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This will be the last chapter for this book. I never thought I would finish a book. Thank you for even getting me this far. This will be short. I do apologize.


I walked up the steps of the Hokage tower with a goal. I wouldn't let anyone take this away from me. I threw open the door and Tsunade looked up at me. "How are you feeling?" I shrugged. "I have to leave." She looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "I found where I lived! I have to leave." She made a face. "Why should I let you?" "You either let me leave or I'll pull a Sasuke but I won't ever come back?" She smirked. "Where would you go?" "Suna. Waves. I'll find out later." She laughed. "You win. You'll have three years."

"What about three years and 6 months." "Why that long?" "I have plans to fix my clan." "Okay. Get going then." I gave her a hug and ran towards her window. "What are you doing?!" I looked back at her as I hopped on the window sill. "Jumping." I leaned back as she walked away from her desk. "Thanks again." I fell out of the window. At the bottom, a bush came up to meet me. It slowly lowered me. I took off and ran into Sakura. "Koya! Guess what?" I laughed. "What?" "Tsunade has agreed to take me on as an apprentice!" "Nice job!" She smiled. "What are you going to do?" "She let me leave the village. I found out where my clan is." We both high fived. "Good luck." I nodded and we took off in separate directions. Before I ran into my apartment, I ran into Neji, Tenten, and Lee.

"Hey guys! Glad to see Lee's doing better! Can't talk much, got to pack." I raced around them as Lee waved goodbye. Neji scoffed and Tenten laughed. It didn't take me long to pack. With a few things, I ran back out. When I got to my door though, I looked back at my plants. "What am I going to do with you." A vine pushed me out of the door. It then closed the door. I guess they want me to leave. I smiled and ran towards the gate.

When I got to the gate, there were people waiting for me. Gai and his team, Sakura, Hinata and her team, and Ino and her team. I stopped at them. "Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" I laughed and pulled Sakura into a hug. "I said goodbye to you baka." "But not everyone else." I sighed. Tenten walked over and punched my arm. "You ran right by us!" I shrugged. "I wanted to leave fast." Sakura sighed. "I know. Just say goodbye."

I quickly hugged everyone. Ino and Hinata had a small amount of tears. "I'll be back soon." I turned towards Lee and Sakura with a mischievous smirk. "When I get back, are you two going to be a couple?" Everyone burst out laughing at their red faces. Sakura raised her fist. I quickly took off running. "Bye guys! I'll be back in about 3 ½ years!" I couldn't wait to see them again but I needed to do this. I looked forward to the future.


Thanks again for everything guys! I really had fun writing this. This has been an adventure. I'll see you guys in the next book. Don't know when that will be but I will see you there I hope. Thanks again for everything. This is the final goodbye! Stay safe out there in the real world! See ya later!

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